Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/231

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Penelope did her utmost to be cordial and considerate.

The warm, frank feeling that had heretofore existed between Dido and Dick was gone. Dick endeavored to be friendly and pleasant, but Dido maintained a stiff silence that made him have a sense of relief when he and Penelope finally took their departure.

"Ah, Penelope, it's true, as Tolman Bike said, happiness is not so plentiful in life that we can afford to let it slip by when near our grasp," Richard said, sadly, as he and Penelope drove homeward. Penelope merely sighed in response.

"I did not solve the mystery as you expected and wished," he continued, taking her hand in his, "still I object to being cheated of my happiness. When are you going to marry me?"

"Oh!" Penelope tried to say in playful surprise, but her hand trembled.