Page:The Mystery of Central Park.djvu/99

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where, although Dick knew the police head-quarters were not far distant.

Quietly he walked beside the girl, who, too, had grown silent. He scorned to confess his fears, and he felt a determination to meet what there might be waiting for him, even if it be death, before he would weaken and retreat.

The girl entered the doorway of a dark, dilapidated house, the only doorway which had no lounger, a fact in itself suspicious to Dick. He, with many misgivings and a decided palpitation of the heart, stumbled on the step as he started to follow.

Had he done right and was he safe in trusting and following this clever girl?

Before he had time to decide she caught his hand and led him into the dark hall.

A little weak thought, that doubtless holding his hand was part of the plan to give him less chance for self-defense, flashed through his mind.