Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 3 (Celtic and Slavic).djvu/16

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  2. XIGauls and Romans in Combat106
  3. XIIThree-Headed God112
  4. XIIISucellos116
  5. XIVDispater and Aeracura (?)120
  6. XVEpona124
  7. XVICernunnos128
  8. XVIIIncised Stones from Scotland134
  9. 1. The "Crichie Stone"
  10. 2. An Incised Scottish Stone
  11. XVIIIMenhir of Kernuz140
  12. XIXBulls and S-Symbols152
  13. 1, 6. Carvings of Bulls from Burghhead
  14. 2-5. S-Symbols
  15. XXA. Altar from Notre Dame. Esus158
  16. B. Altar from Notre Dame. Tarvos Trigaranos158
  17. XXIAltar from Trèves166
  18. XXIIPage of an Irish Manuscript176
  19. XXIIIArtio186
  20. XXIVBoars188
  21. XXVHorned God204
  22. XXVISucellos208
  23. XXVIIZadusnica237
  24. XXVIIIDjadek244
  25. XXIXSetek244
  26. XXXLesni Zenka261
  27. XXXISvantovit279
  28. XXXIIFestival of Svantovit281
  29. XXXIIIRadigast286
  30. XXXIVIdealizations of Slavic Divinities288
  31.  1. Svantovit 
  32.  2. Ziva 
  33.  3. Cernobog and Tribog 
  34. XXXVVeles300
  35. XXXVIAncient Slavic Sacrifice305
  36. XXXVIIThe Sacred Oak of Romowe305