Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 3 (Celtic and Slavic).djvu/26

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Gaulish Coins

1. Coin of the Nervii, with horse and wheel-symbol (cf. Plates III, 4, IV, XV).
2. Gaulish coin, with horse, conjoined circles, and S-symbol (cf. Plates III, 3, IV, XIX, 2-5).
3. Coin of the Cenomani, with man-headed horse (cf. Plate III, 2) and wheel. 4. Coin of the Remi (?), with bull (cf. Plates III, 5, IX, B, XIX, I, 6, XX, B, XXI), and S-symbol.
4. Coin of the Turones, with bull.
5. Armorican coin, showing sword and warrior dancing before it (exemplifying the cult of weapons; cf. pp. 33-34)
7. 8. Gaulish coins, with swastika composed of two S-symbols (?).
9, 10. Gaulish coin, showing bull's head and two S-symbols; reverse, bear (cf. Plate XXIII) eating a serpent. 1
11. Coin of the Carnutes, showing wolf (cf. Plate III, 1) and S-symbols.