Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 3 (Celtic and Slavic).djvu/521

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  1. Nestor, xxi, xxxvi (tr. Leger, pp. 24, 59).
  2. Cf. the passages collected by Krek, Einleitung, p. 384, note i.
  3. Žitiye blaženago Volodimera, ed. Makarii, Istoriya russkoi cerkvi, i., 3rd ed., 257-61, Petrograd, 1889.
  4. Povyěst vodvorenii Christianstva v Rostově, ed. G. Kushelef-Bezborodko, Pamyatniki starinnoi russkoi literatury, i. 221–22, Petrograd, 1860.
  5. Tr. Boltz, p. 8.
  6. Cf. the passages quoted by Krek, Einleitung, p. 454, and Leger, Mythologie, p. 114.
  7. Cf. J. Bolland, in Acta Sanctorum, Feb. I, pp. 357–58; J. Martinov, Annus ecclesiasticus Græco-Slavicus, Brussels, 1863, p. 61; Leger, Mythologie, pp. 112–16; Krek, Einleitung, pp. 468–69, where the theory maintained by the present writer is disputed.
  8. Cf. Leger, Mythologie, p. 116.
  9. Nestor, xxxviii (tr. Leger, p. 64).
  10. Tr. Boltz, p. 13.
  11. i. II.
  12. See A. Brückner, in ASP xiv. 170 ff. (1892). Długosz, followed by Guagnini, f. 9 b, identifies Yesza with Jupiter, Lyada with Mars, Dzydzilelya with Venus, Nyja with Pluto, Dzewana with Diana, and Marzyana with Ceres; he also knows of an air-god, Podoga, and a deity of life, Żywie.

Part IV

  1. Helmold, i. 23, 52, 83, ii. 12; Adam of Bremen, iii. 50; Saxo Grammaticus, pp. 565 ff.; Procopius, De bello Gothico, iii. 14; Cosmas, i. 4, iii. i; Nestor, xxxviii, xxxix, xliii (tr. Leger, pp. 64, 67–68, 98).
  2. Helmold, i. 6, 52, 69, ii. 12.
  3. Thietmar, vi. 17; Helmold, i. 83, ii. 12; Adam of Bremen, ii. 18; Herbord, ii. 31; Ebbo, ii. 13, iii. i; al-Mas'ūdī, Les Prairies d'or, iv. 58–60; Saxo Grammaticus, p. 577; Knytlingasaga, cxxii; Zitiye blaženago Volodimera, ed. Makarii, Istoriya russkoi cerkvi, i., 3rd ed., 259, Petrograd, 1889; Povŷest vodvorenii Christianstva v Rostově, ed. G. Kushelef-Bezborodko, Pamyatniki starinnoi russkoi literatury, i. 221–22, Petrograd, 1860; Leger, Mythologie, pp. 34, 98–104.
  4. Thietmar, vi. 17–18; Helmold, i. 52, 83, ii. 12; Adam of Bremen, ii. 18; Herbord, ii. 32, iii. 6; Saxo Grammaticus, pp. 564 ff.; al-Mas'ūdī, Les Prairies d'or, iv. 58–60.
  5. Helmold, i. 83; Herbord, ii. 31; Constantinus Porphyrogenitus, De administrando imperio, ix; Cosmas, i. 4, iii. i; Homiliar, pp. 4, 79.
  6. Thietmar, vi. 26.