Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 3 (Celtic and Slavic).djvu/546

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Jullian, C, [a] Recherches sur la religion gauloise. Bordeaux, 1903.
———[b] Histoire de la Gaule. 4 vols. Paris, 1908–13.
———[c] "Keltic Heathenism in Gaul," in Cambridge Medieval History, ii. 459–71. Cambridge, 1913.
Keating, G. See Section V (b), ITS iii.
Kempe, D., The Legend of the Holy Grail, Its Sources, Character, etc. Part 5 of Grail, [a]. See Section VII.
Kennedy, P., Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts. London, 1866.
Kittredge, G. L., A Study of Gawain and the Green Knight. Oxford, 1916.
Kirk, R., The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies. London, 1691. New ed., with a commentary by A. Lang. London, 1893.
Larminie, W., West Irish Folk-Tales and Romances. London, 1893.
Leahy, A. H. See Section V (b), Heroic Romances of Ireland.
LeBraz, A., [a] La Legende de la mort en Basse-Bretagne'. Paris, 1892. (Introd. by L. Marillier.) 2nd ed., La Legende de la mort chez les Bretons armoricains. 2 vols. Paris, 1902. (With notes by G. Dottin.)
———[b] Le Théâtre celtique. Paris, 1905.
Lefevre, A., Les Gaulois, origines et croyances. Paris, 1900.
Leflocq, J., Études de mythologie celtique. Paris, 1869.
Lot, F., [a] "Glastonbury et Avalon," in Romania, xxvii. 529–73 (1898).
———[b] "Études sur la provenance du cycle arthurien," in Romania', xxiv. 497–528, XXV. 1–32, xxviii. 1–48, 321–47, xxx, 1–21 (1895–1901).
Loth, J., [a] "Nouvelles théories sur I'origine des romans arthuriens," in RCel 475–503 (1892).
———[b] "Contributions à l'étude des romans de la Table Ronde," in RCel xxxiii. 258–310 (1912).
See also Section II, D'Arbois de Jubainville, and Section VI, Mabinogion, [b], [c].
MacBain, A., [a] "Celtic Mythology," in CM ix. 36–44, 65–71, 124–31, 167–72, 210–16, 275–82, 323–29, 427–34, 460–62 (1884).
———[b] "Hero Tales of the Gaels," in CM xiii. 1–19, 69–77, 129–38, 185–89, 280–87, 319–26, 351–59, 424–30, 512–16, 563–66 (1888).
———[c] Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language. Inverness, 1896. 2nd ed. Stirling, 1911.