Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/123

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ASKERN. 113 ASLACTOX. patron, of Sir M. Blackiston, Bart. , to whom the manor belongs. The church, which is in decay, was part of an establishment of the Knights Templars, founded here at the close of the 13th century. Not far from the church, westward, are the ruins of the ancient castle occupying the summit of a rock in tho river, and near them the large and graceful bauqucting-house, in a state of nearly perfect preservation. The extensive and beautiful re- mains of the abbey, which was built of the grey marble of the district, arc on the east side of the Dcel, close to the river. The cloisters surround a quadrangle, and arc well preserved. A thorn-tree of venerable ago grows in the quadrangle. Coins, bracelets, chalices, and other relics have been found in tho neighbourhood. There are many scats of the gentry near Askeaton ; among them are Inchirourk More, Shannon View, Castle Hew- son, &c. The market day is Tuesday. Fairs are held on the 30th July and the 9th October, for the sale of . &c. ASKERN, a tnshp. in the par. of Campsall, and wap. of Osgolduross, in the AVest Riding of the co. of York, 7 miles to the N. of Doncaster, its post town. It is a station on tho Great Northern, and the Lancashire and Yorkshire railways. There is a sulphureous spring near Askeru Pool. This place is said to have been the scene of a conflict between the Britons and Saxons, in which Hengist was defeated and slain by Ambrosius. The living is a perpct. cur.* united with that of Fenwick, val. '.'100, in the patron, of the Archbishop of York. ASKKRSAVELL, a par. in tho hund. of Eggerton, liridport div. of tho co. of Dorset, 4 miles to the E. of Bridport, its post town. It is pleasantly situated in a . valley, through which flows Asker Brook, a branch of the river Brit. Tho living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 160, in the patron, of the Rev. Dr. J. Cox. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, was entirely I rebuilt in 1858, with the exception of the tower. The charitable endowments amount to 6. ASKERTON, a tnshp. in tho par. of Lanercost, Esk-

dale ward, in the co. of Cumberland, 6 miles to the N.E.

i of Brampton. The Cambock, a branch of tho river I Irthing, runs through the tnshp. A small castle was i erected hero for protection against the borderers, at which Lord Dacre, Warden of the Marches in tho reign of Henry VIII., resided. It is still in existence as a farmhouse. There was also a church, named after the stream Kirk Cambec, but it was destroyed by the Scots. ASKETT, a hmlt. in the par. of Monks' Risborough, and hund. of Aylesbury, in the co. of Buckingham, 1 mile from Prince's Risborough. ASKEW, Yorkshire. See AISKEW. ASKHAM, a par. in the hund. of Bassetlay, in the co. of Nottingham, 2 miles from Tuxford, its post town, and a station on the Great Northern railway. It contains the hmlt. of Rockley. Part of tho land is laid out in hop grounds. The living is a perpct. cur. annexed to the vie. of East Drayton, in the dioc. of Lincoln. Here are almshouses for six poor widows, with an endowment of 22 per annum. ASKHAJI, a par., tnshp., and pleasant vil. in West ward, in the co. of Westmoreland, 5 miles to the S. of Penrith, its post town. It is situated on the river Low- ther, and contains the tnshp. of Helton. The Preston and Carlisle railway passes near it, and has a station at Clif- ton, 2 miles W. of the village. Limestone is obtained in this parish. The living is a vie. * in tho dioc. of Carlisle, val. 180, in the patron, of the Earl of Lonsdale. The church, which has several old monuments, and a stone [coffin bearing the date 1340, is dedicated to St. Peter; it (was rebuilt in 1832, by the late Earl of Lonsdale. Here is an endowed school, with an income of 12, and some other charities. Askham Hall, an oblong turreted man- sion with a tower, was formerly the seat of the Earls of Lonsdale, to whom the manor of Askham belongs. It was built in 1574, and is at present the rectory-house for Lowther, occupied by the Von. Dr. William Jackson, archdeacon of Carlisle and rector of Lowther. ASKHAM-BRYAN, a par. in the ainsty of the city of York, in the East Riding of the co. of York, 4 miles VOL. i. to the W. of York, its post town. 1 railway passes near it. The living i The North Midland is a perpet. cur. * in the dioc." of York, val. 120, in the patron, of H. Croft, Esq. The church, part of which was built in the llth century, is dedicated to St. Nicholas. There are cha- ritable endowments amounting to 34, of which 10 is for the support of a free school. This village is a meet for the Ainsty hounds. ASKHAM-RICHARD, a par. in the ainsty of tho city of York, in tho East Riding of the co. of York, 1 mile from Askham-Bryan. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of York, val. 200, in the gift of the Rev. C. J. Denton. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. There are charities amounting to 17. Askham Hall is the principal residence. ASKRIGG, a market town and chplry. in the par. of Aysgarth, western div. of the wap. of Hang, in the North Riding of the co. of York, 60 miles to the N.W. of York, and 246 miles from London by road, or 284 by railway. It occupies a liill on tho north bank of the river Ure, near the head of Wesley Dale. The surrounding moor- land district abounds in fine scenery and picturesque waterfalls. Mill Gill Force, half a mile from the town, has a fall of 60 feet, and Whitfield Force, a little higher up, has a fall of 100 feet. Newbiggin, Nappa, and Wood- hall, are hmlts. included in this par. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Ripon, val. 100, in the patron, of the Vicar of Aysgarth. The ancient church, which is dedicated to St. Oswald, has been recently restored. There is a chapel belonging to the Wesleyau Methodists. Tho free grammar school of Yorebridge was founded and endowed in the latter part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Anthony Besson. It has a revenue of 65 a year. There are almshouses for six poor widows of this tnshp. and Low Abbotside, each of whom receives 10 per annum. This charity was founded by Christopher Alderson, in 1807. Thursday is the market day, and fairs are held, principally for the sale of cattle, on tho llth May, the first Thursday in June, the llth and 12th July, and the 28th October. ASKWITH, or ASQUITH, a tnshp. in the par. of Weston, and wap. of Claro, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 3 miles to the N.W. of Otley. The village is in a pleasant situation on the river Wharfc. Snowden is a hmlt. of this tnshp. ASLACKBY, or ASLABY, a par. in the wap. of Ave- land, parts of Kesteven, in the co. of Lincoln, 2 miles to the S. of Falkingham, its post town. Graby and Mil- thorpe are hmlts. of this par. Tho living is a vie. * in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. 453, in the patron, of R. F. Barstow, Esq. The church is dedicated to St. James. In the reign of Richard I., a preceptory of the Knights Templars was founded here, which subsequently passed to the Knights Hospitallers. Of the building there still remains an embattled square tower, which adjoins the farmhouse called Temple Farm. A castle also once existed in this parish, but no traces are left of it except the earthworks on the west side. Not far from the vil- lage is Aslackby High Park. ASLACKOE, or ASLACOE, WAPENTAKE, one of tho twelve waps. comprised in the parts of Lindsey, or north div. of the co. of Lincoln, bounded on the N. by tho wap. of Manley, on the E. by the wap. of Walshcroft, on the S.E. and S. by the wap. of Lawress, and on the W. by the waps. of Well and Corringham. It is divided into East Aslacoe and West Aslacoe, and contains the following pars. : in the eastern division, Caenby, East and West Firsby, Glentham, Hackthorn, Cold Hanworth, Nonnanby, Bishop's Norton, Owmby, Saxby, Snittcrby, and Spridlington ; and in the western division, Bly- borough, Cammeringham, Coates, Fillingham, Glent- worth, Harpswell, Hemswell, Ingham, and Willoughton. The wap. comprises an area of 46,240 acres. ASLACTON, a par. in the hund. of Depwade, in the co. of Norfolk, 7 miles to the S.E. of Attleborough, and 2 N.W. of Tivetshall railway station. Long Stratton is its post town. It is situated on a branch of the river Yare, and many of the inhabitants are engaged in the manufacture of bombazines. The living is a perpet. cur.