Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/151

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AYSGARTH. 141 BABINGLEY. British word signifying clear ; and at the present day,

he water of the river, which flows along a gravelly

jed, is remarkable for its clearness. AYSGARTH, a par. andvil. in the western div. of the ivap. of Hang, in the North Riding of the eo. of York, 3 niles to the S.E. of Askrigg. It is situated in Wensley Dale, on the banks of the river Ure, or Yore. The district ibounds in striking scenery, rugged hills, chasms, tor-

ents, and waterfalls, iiot without intermixture of fine

jasture lands. The parish is probably the largest in England, being about 25 miles in length, and comprises ie chplries. of Askrigg, Hardrow, with Lunds, Hawes, md Stalling-Busk, all of which have churches of their iwn, and the tnshps. of Abbotside (High and Low), iainbridgc, Bishopdale, West Burton, with several 'thers. Coal and lead occur here in small quantities. Vysgarth Force is the finest waterfall in Yorkshire. The river Ure precipitates itself over a lofty ridge of ock, not far from the church. A single arch 70 feet

i span crosses the river above the fall. From this

Bridge the view is very impressive, embracing several ills gleaming among the rocks and trees, and the pic- 'uresque tower of the church rising quietly above a rood. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Ripon, val. J137, in the patron, of the Master and Fellows of L'rinity College, Cambridge. The church is in the arly English style, possesses a beautiful screen, and s dedicated to St. Andrew. There is a free grammar chool at Yorebridge, founded in 1601, by Anthony ieeson, with an income from endowment of 100. The arish enjoys several other charitable endowments, mounting to above 100 per annum. AYSTUN, a par. in the hund. of Martinsley, in the D. of Rutland, 1 mile to the N. W. of Uppingham. The ving is a rect.* in the dioc. of Peterborough, of the al. of 183, in the patron, of G Fludyer, Esq. The hurch is dedicated to All Saints. The principal man- Jon is Ayston House. 1 AYTON, a par. and postal vil. in the co. of Berwick, icotland, 9 miles to the N.E. of Dunse. It is situated a the coast, near the eastern extremities of the Lam- lermoor hills, and is watered by the small river Eye. 'he parish contains the fishing village of Burnmouth. he population are chiefly employed in agriculture and ie fisheries. A paper-mill has been established here, he living, which is of the val. of 235, is in the presb. f Chirnside, and in the patron, of the crown. Ayton '.ouse is the chief residence. There are remains of ficient encampments. The par. comprises an area of bout 12 square miles, and is intersected by the North ritish railway, of which there is a station for passen- r-rs at Cocklaw, and for goods at Burnmonth. AYTON BANK, a vil. in Chester ward, in the co. of 'iirham, 3 miles to the S. of Gateshead. It is about 5 .iles from the sea-coast, and the North Eastern railway nsses near it. AYTON, EAST, a tnshp. in the par. of Seamer, irkuring lythe, in the North Riding of the co. of York, miles to the S.W. of Scarborough. It is seated in a -asant valley on the banks of the river Derwent, and ie York and Scarborough railway passes by it, with a ution at Seamer. The district yields ironstone, and onworks are established here. AYTON, GREAT, a par. in the western div. of tie lib. of Langbaurgh, in the North Riding of the co. f York, 3 miles to the N.E. of Stokesley. Northaller- <n is its post town. It is situated in the picturesque i strict of Cleveland, at the foot of Roseberry Topping. tiis hill has an elevation of more than 1,000 feet. The ur. comprises the tnshp. of Little Ayton, and the chplry. Xunthorpe. The houses are mostly built of the free- i mo which is quarried in abundance from the hills on . e east side of the parish. The summit of these hills a thick bed of freestone ; below that is a bed of shale, jm which alum may be extracted ; below that again, e seams of jet and ironstone. The railway which osses this parish and connects the Stokesley and Guis- .rough lines, was finished in!862. The li ving is a perpet. r. in the dioc. of York, val. 82, in the patron, of G. Marwood, Esq. The church is dedicated to All Saints, and has a monument to William Wilson, of Ayton Hall, commodore in the service of the East India Company, who died in 1795. There is also a church at Nunthorpe, the living of which is a perpet. cur., val. 50, in the patron, of Isaac Wilson, Esq., and John Richardson, Esq. Among the charitable endowments of Great Ayton, which together amount to 27 a year, is 10, the rents received from the old school-house, originally given by Michael Postgate, in 1704, and now let as tenements. The 1 are divided between the school built by the patron in 1851, and the British school, built in 1843. To Post- gate school belongs more than common interest, for among its pupils, about the close of the year 1736, was James Cook, afterwards Captain Cook, the circumnavigator of the globe. Cleveland Lodge, Ayton Hall, Langbaurgh Hall, and Nunthorpe Hall are the principal seats. AYTON, LITTLE, a tnshp. in the par. of Great Aytou, lib. of Langbaurgh, in the North Riding of the co. of York, 2 miles from Great Ayton. Tunstall, on the banks of the small river Tame, is a hmlt. of this tnshp. AYTON, LOW, a vil. in Chester ward, in the co. of Durham, 4 miles from Gateshead. AYTON, WEST, a tnshp. in the par. of Hutton Bushel, lythe of Pickering, in the North Riding of the co. of York, 3 miles to the S.W. of Scarborough. It is situated on the river Derwent, opposite to East Ayton. The river, which, after leaving a narrow valley, becomes broader here, is crossed by a bridge of four arches. There are some remains of the old seat of the Evers, to whom this place belonged. Ayton Castle, the seat of the Aytons at an early period, subsequently came to the Cliffords. AZENBY, Yorkshire. See ASENBY. AZERLEY, a tnshp. in the par. of Kirkby-Malzeard, wap. of Claro, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 4 miles to the N.W. of Ripon. It lies to the W. of the river Ouse, and contains the limits, of Galphay and' Mickley. Azerley House is the principal residence. B BABBICOMBE, a hmlt, in the par. of St. Mary Church, hund. of Haytor, in the co. of Devon, 1 mile from Torquay. It is built in a rock on the coast of a beautiful bay named after the hamlet, and amidst scenery of unrivalled beauty. It is sheltered by a chain of hold hills on the northern side, and has charming prospects over hill, valley, and sea. A coastguard station is fixed here, and the bay affords good anchorage. BABCARY, a par. in the hund. of Catsash, in the co. of Somerset, 4 miles to the N.E. of Ilchester. Somerton is its post town. It is watered by the small river Cary, a feeder of the Parret, and contains the hmlts. of Far- ringdon and Stert. The stream gives name to this and several other villages. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, of the val. of 450, in the patron, of the Rev. W. H. Twemlow, rector. The church is dedi- cated to the Holy Cross. BABERGH HUNDRED, one of the 21 hunds. or subdivisions of the co. of Suffolk, situated in the western div., and bounded on the N. by the hunds. of Thin- goe and Thedwestry ; on the E. by the hund. of Cos- ford; on the S. by the co. of Essex; and on the W. by the hund. of Risbridge. It contains the borough of Sudbury and the following pars. : Acton, Alpheton, Assington, Boxted, Brent-Eleigh, Cavendish, Chilton, Cockfield, Great Cornard, Little Cornard, Edwardstone, Glemsford, Groton, Hartest, Lavenham, Lawshall, Long Melford, Milden, Monks -Eleigh, Nayland, Newton, Polstead, Preston, Shimpling, feomerton, Stanstead, Stoke-by-Nayland, Great Waldingfield, Little Walding- field, and Wiston ; with portions of Boxford and Bure. The hund. comprises an area of about 68,380 acres. BABINGLEY, a par. in the hund. of Freebridgo Lynn, in the co. of Norfolk, 5 miles to the N. of Lynn Regis. Castle Rising is its post town. It is separated by a small stream from Castle Rising. According to