Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/172

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n.U.LYMACART. 162 BALLYMANNY. in tho bar. of Upper Castlereagh, in the co. of Down, i A. It stands on the east bank of the rirer 1, separates it from Belfast, and is crossed by t <>nd a handsome modern on- The principal manuf.i' 1 mi in the town are those of calico and muslin, glass and pottery, steam-engines and other machinery, 1 ami other eh nii.'al products, rope and sail-cloth. Tho living i a l>crpet. cur. in the dioc. of Down, Con- nor, and Dromore, val. 84, in the patron, of the Rector of Knockbride. Beside* the church, which was built in i her.- is a Roman Catholic chapel, and chapels for it-liana (of twosections), the Covenanters, and A police, station is established, and there in the town. BAM - VM A < -VUT, a par. in the bar. of Docies-within- Drum, in tho co. of Waterford, prov. of Minister, 1 1 G miles ! tin- 8. of Dungarvan. It is situated on th" coast of St. George's Channel, near Ballymacart Head, in Ardmoro Hay. Tho living is a vie. united with that of Ardmoro, in the dioc. of Cashel, Emly, Waterford, and Lismoro. BALLYMACARTHY, a vil. in tho par. of Kilmaloda, and bar. of East Carbory, in tho co. of Cork, and prov. of Munstcr, Ireland, 3 miles from Clonakilty. Near the village are some extensive flour-mills. BALLYSLACELLIOOTT, a par. in the bar. of Tru- ghanacmy, in the co. of Kerry, prov. of Munstor, Ireland,

j mi 1 . ' nileo. The parish is very extensive,

embracing an area of 14,018 acres, and is situated in a mountainous district, containing abundance of limestone, which has been quarried since 1811. By the passage of a subterraneous stream some curious caverns have been .ved out in the rocks. One has been likened to a cathedral, the stalactites mimicking the forms of pulpit and worshippers. It was in a wild glen in this parish that the Earl of Desmond concealed himself in 1583, whore ho was discovered and slain. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Limerick, Ardfort, and Aghodoe, of tho val., with . of 430, in the patron, of the Crosbios. There are chapels belonging to the Roman Catholics, and the Wcsleyan and Primitive Methodists. lULIA'MACHUGH, n par. in the bar. of Clonmahpn, in tho co. of Cavan, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 10 miles t< > the 8. of Cavan. It lies near the border of Longford, on tho s)< u'h Sheelin. Tho living is a vie. iniiU-d with that of Urnnard, in tho dioc. of Kilmorc, Ardagh, and Elphin. There is a dispensary. Arloy Cottage, the seat of Lord Farnham, and Fortland are tho principal r> I'.AI.I.Y.M.V KKAN, a vil. in Courcey's bar., in the co. of Cork, prov. of Munstcr, Ireland, 6 miles to the 8. -ili 1 . 1 1 is a coastguard station. BALLY MACKE Y, a par. in tho bar. of Upper Ormond, in tho co. of Tipperary, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 6 miles to tho E. of Nenagh. A large part of 1ln- land is bog, and there is much limestone. The living is in the dioc. of Killaloo, Kilfcnora, Clonfort, and Kil- maoduagh, of the val. with three others of 632, in tin' patron, of thr hiahop. There are - veial pleasant seats inthcparinh; theprii i*tle WUlmgton,'V7ood- rille, and Bcsbonuigh. . d here. y, in the co. of . of Ulster, Ireland, :; from Carrickmacroes. BALLYMACODA.a vil. in tho par. of Eilmacdonough, and bar. of Imokilly, in tin- co. of Cork, prov. of Mini- ster, Ireland, 4 mil* . t i !,, 8. of Youghal. It is seated on an inlet of Youghal I '.ay. BALI AM A < 1 1 KM < K,i ir. in tho liars, of Moydow and Ardagh, in tin >. of I.< n^ford, prov. of Leinsti r, Ireland, 2 miles to tho 8. of Longfad. It in situated on the Royal canal. whieh rnmicrts it with Dublin. A large porti"ii "f the p,,ri-.h '..n-i.ilsof bog and waste land. LiiiLi-ston ... t.mnd in atmndanco. Tho tin- union of TcmplemichMl, in t: ] Uphill. The prin- cipal residence is 1 _ House. iiAI.LVMACXVAl :]'. . i ,r in the bars, of Kilconnell and Tyaqnin, in tho co. of Galway, proT. of C'r.nnan In land, 6 miles to the W. of Ahascragh. The j is very large, f.v r an area of 17. Tho living is a rect. in the dioc. of Kill Clonfert, and Kilmacduagh, of the val. with that Clonkeon of l!ir., in the. jiatron. of the bishop. Tl church is situated in this parish. The princip the gentry are Mount Hazle, Mount Bernard, Ham] stead, &o. BALLYMACTNVILLIAM, a par. in 11, rcnstown, in King's County, prov. of Leinster, Irola: 7 miles to the N.E. of Philipstown. It is a fertile i well-cultivated di ming a large extent of | pasture land. The living is a net. in the <li<> lin, Glrndalagh, imd Kildarc, of tho val. of 'J47, in t tfift of tho archbishop. There i.; a sclnxil i stahlishodl Lord Trimlcston. Tin nil soaU. BALLYMADUN, a par. in tho bar. of NVc st then-, in the co. of Dublin, prov. of It 2 miles to the N. of Ashboume. Tho living is a | cur. annexed to tho rect. of ( 1< ma' llian, in the ( Dublin, Glcndolagh, and Kildarc. Tho chief i Borronstown and Nutstown. BALLYMAGAHVEY, a ]ur. in llir bar. Duleok, in the co. of Meath, prov. of J. 7 miles to the 8. of Slane. It lies in a i well-cultivated country, on the south bank of the 1 The living is a vie., part of tho in town, in the dioc. of Heath. At some dislai .0 common, adjoining the bog of Gani>tov,-n. The seats are Ballymngarvcy, Balrath, &c. BALLYMAGAUKA^I, a hmlt. ii f '?<*Mt port and bar. of Tulliigha, in tho co. ol Caan, Ulster, Ireland, not far from Ballinam BALLYMAGLA6SON, a par. in tl in the co. of Meath, prov. of Leinster, Inland, 5 i to the 8. of Dunshaughlin. The . dioo.of Meath, val. 180, in the pair There is a church in this parish. BALLYMAGOOLY, a vil. in the par. of Rahan,! bar. of Fermoy, in the co. of Cork, prov. of .Miuut Ireland, near Mallow. It is pleasantly sea: river Blackwator. Near it is Ball a fins overlooking the river, and occupying the r ancient castle. BALLYMAGOHRY, a vil. in t n<l Ur. Stmbaiie, in the co. of Tyrone, pr 3 mil, -. fi in Strabane. It is situa: BALLYMAHON, a small market t,.n in the pr.d Shrulo, and bar. of Hittlnliiir, in tin prov. of IA-UI 1 . 1 1 mili.-s tu tho S. < f Lungfcrf, and 08 miles W. by N. from Dublin. A M town is in tho bar. of Noughaval. It is s< pleasant country on the banks of tin rivi-r Inny re crossed by a bridge of fi '! fi . h Reiitt little lower down. The 1 within a mile on the north-west ni'lr of tip- t thriving trade is carried on in ,-oni and oi with the neighbouring towns. Thin i whirh contains a court-room, in which the aa h, M, a 1" . and a i sary. The places of worship aiv the parish ( l,'iih is in tho town, and tin Roman Catholic Tho town is tin ]i]i'|"Tty of the Shuldham ilth, who was liom in a neigh! > I'd here in his childhood. Tln^ market i- ilay. Fairs are held on the Thursday before ., the Ilth May, the 1 1th August, and the 21

l.l ?'.

r.AU.YMAKKNNV, a par. in tho bars, of 1 and Kermril. in the co. of Louth. prov. of Lein land, 3 miles from Drogheda. The living is a i tho dioc. of Armagh and ('lowlier, it the val. of i the patron, of tho archbishop. There is a church, | house, and glebe. 1 1 A 1 . 1 . V M A N X V . a par. in the bars, of East Ofl ( '"inn 1, in tho co. of Kildare, prov. of LcinsUr, In the K. of Kildaro. The river Lifley nms t the, parish. The living is a rect. united with thato