Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/222

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KoKf.M. 212 r,L AT II VAITL (1KKKN. now a dioc. of Salisbury, of the val. of 220, in the patron, of the bishop. The church, which stands on a hul on the south side of the town, is a largo and stately structure in the perpendicular style of an hit. c- ture, with a handsome tower, 100 feet in height. It is now (1862) undergoing a complete restoration, and will rank as one of the finest churches in Dorset. It is dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin. The west front of the tower is enriched with much beautiful sculpture mid many niched figures. On the south side is an ancient and interesting building called the Mort- house, which has recently been added to tin- church. The chancel contains several monuments of the Strode family, of Parnhain. There is a chapel of ease, in the early English st- "1 a picturesque age-house, built in 1861. There are also meeting- houses belonging to tho Weslcyans and Independent*. The charitable, endowments are numerous, and pro- duce 272 per annum. There is a free school, founded and endowed by Mrs. Frances Tucker about the year 1684, for 20 boys. Its revenue has increased to 160, and 100 boys are now instructed in it. In 1713 the mastership was held by the Eev. Samuel Hood, father of Lords Hood and Bridport. An almshouso for six women was erected and endowed about 1630, by Sir John Strode, of Parnham, and there are some other small chanties, of the annual value of 50. Tho market is held on Thursday, and a fair for tho sale of cattle on the 19th September. The par. of Beaminstcr comprises an area of 8,116 acres, watered by the two rivers Axe and Birt, which take their rise at East Axe Knoll, one of the highest hills in the county. Tho principal residence is Parnham House, the seat of Sir Henry Oglander, Bart. KEAMINSTER FORTTM and REDHONE HUN- DRED, one of tho 34 hunds. or subdivisions of Uie co. of Dorset, situated in the Bridport div., and surrounded by tho hunds. of Tollerford, Eggerton, and "Vhitchurch, the libs, of Broadwinsor and HalstocV, and the co. of Somerset. A portion of it lies detached. It contains the following pars.: Beaminater, Bradpolo, Chard- stock, Cheddington, Corscombe, Mappcrton, Mobtertone, Netherbury, South Perrot, North Poorton, Stoke Abbas, and Wambrooke, with part of Toller-Poroorum. Tho bund, extends over an area of 34,490 acres. BEAMISH, a tnshp. in the par. of Chest. . Chester ward, in the co. palatine of Durham, 6 miles to the S.W. of Gatcshcad. It is situated on the banks of the Urpeth Bum, which rises under Pontop 1'ike, ami falls into the Tyno near Bed Heugh. The township contains abundance of coal and some iron. The work- people are chiefly employed in the collieries. BEAMOHE, or BEYMORE, a vil. in the par. of Colp, and bar. of Lower Dulcek, in the co. of Meath, prov. of Leii 'i, not far from Drogheda. BKA.Msl.l'.Y, a tnshp. in tho pars, of Skipton ami Addingham, wap. of Claro, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 6 miles to the E. of Skiplon. In thi town- ship is a hospital, founded in tho reign of Queen ! beth, by Margaret, Countess of Cumberland, for th.- maintenance of 13 poor women. There is a .1. .p. 1 in the hospital. The present revenue amounts to 374 per annum. BEAN ACRE, n tythg. in the par. andhund. of Melk sham, in tho co. of Wilts, close to Melksham. BEANLKY, a tnshp. in the par. of Eglingham, ward of ( Northumberland, 8 in Hi. N. V. of Alnwick. It was the head of a barony hold by tho Earls of Dunbar, who had tho pov inlli. i |,iuii.-liiiieiit. On II. dio 1. y Moorstands tOM, a monument to Sir l;.-il|.h 1'erey, tilain in . ikists, in M'i I. There are remains of [ ntation, supposed to be liritiali. The Duke of Noithnmlx rlan.l is the sole

I'.AICi i.NV, one of the 2:j or subdivision* 

of tho co. of Cork, prov. of JIunM> in the S.W. part of the co., and bound. 1 l.y the eo. ..11 the N., the l,;, r . of Iljall. I OB I E., and : y ami the . M tht in.l V. It contains the par conenagh, Kilnamanagh, and part of t! cascan, with the town < ir. ot prises an area of 1 ' acres, and was ancicn the country of the O'Sullivans. BEARD, a limit, in the iir. of (jlossop, hund. c High IVak, in the co. of Derby, 4 miles t- !h. N V. . Chapel-en-lo-Frith. It is situated in the disti High 1'oak, not far from the river Kile row. i railway passes near it. BEABDON, a vil. in tho hund. of Strati.: co. of Cornwall, 6 miles from Launccstou. BKAKIiS II ILL, a limit, in the par. hund. of Ringslow, and lathe of St. Aii- e... of I - from Ramsgate. 11KAUL, a tnshp. in the pur. of I Tindale ward, in the co. of Northumberland, 8 milei t. i the E. of Hexham. BEARLKY, n par. in the Snitterficld div. of thel of iiarlichway, in the co. of Warwick, 3 milei ti N.W. of Stratford-on-Avon. Tho Birmingham < and the river Abac pan near it. The living is a ] cur. in tho dioc. of Worcester, val. 62, in the j of the Provost and Fellows of K bridge. The church is dedicated to St. X BEARSE, a hmlt. in tho par. and hun veil's, in the co. of Gloucester, 7 mil of Chtp. stow. It is situated near the river V BEA1IST1 li. a the hund. of I of Aylesford, in the co. of Kent, 2 m Maidstone, its post town. The ]>;ui- hop-grounds. The living is a vie.* in : i y, of the val. of 191, in th and Chapter of Rochester. The . heated t tie- Holy Cross. A fair is held in the 1 tth September. JII-;AI;ST<J.M:, a].. in tho par. of Mad hund. of North Bradford, in the co. of F tho N.E. of Drayton. BEAKSWOOb-GREEN, a hmlt. in the par. i field, wap. of Straflbrth and Tiekhill. in t ..i th. co. of York, 2 miles to thi s.S of Tho ARWARDCOTE, a tnsl.p. in the )r. . hund. of Applctroe, in tho co. of Derby, 6 i S.W. of Derby. It lies near tho old was 1 Hand V. .-.t Bnneh within a f-hort distance. l;l.Al;-Vi MID. a il. in the hund. ..f s ks, 2 miles to th. x ..f 'okim,-luun. living is a pcrpet. cur. in the dioc. of Oxford, vL 1 in tho patron, of .1. Walt, i, L-'.sq., .M.I'. Bcar-Wooi the seat of the Wa BEATH, a jar. in tho Dunfermline co. of Fife, Scotland, 4 mil. to the X.K. of 1 It is situated in a hilly district midway b. I., von and tlie Forth, and contain Beath, Kelly, and I lakli. -1.1. Coal i- there are extensive works at llall.aih. Here I bleach-gr. niandi I view over the l-'rith of Forth. The liviiu 184, is in the presb. of Dunfermline, and in the p of the Earl of Moray, chief heritor. Tho chi. on the shore of a small lake. The ]>ar. conipriiM < in (..(iiaie miles. I!KATHVA1TK (.Kl.I.N, a vil. in lh. I/JVC ' of HeV. l.^hani. Ki l co. of Westmoreland, 3 miles fnjm Milnthorpe ifl' . and "> S.W. from Kondal. It i r Ken, over which is a bridi a picturesque v , and a petrifying spring. I^evens chur stands in this township, is a modci i and sjure. There is a Weslcyan cli . schools supported by Lady Howard, of *