Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/226

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I',!.' HI MIAM. 210 l;i:< KIM, IIA.M. railway, which has a station at Shiffnall. The living is a in tho di' id, of the val. of 350, in the patron, of the lord chancellor. Tho church, deducted t'< St. Milburgh, was built in tin- n-i^n of William and Mary, and contains a curious monument to the C'aynton family, besides several bras.--- church was repaired, a new aisle was addi-ii. There is a National school. In tin: vii-inity Nl'aynton House, the seat of the Hon. !/'_"' J I is an elegant modern mansion in the Italian style, surrounded oy tastefully laid out grounds. J!K< K K.N i! AM, a ]<ar. in the hiind. of Bromley, lathe of Sutton-at-Ilone, in the >. of K- nt. '1 miles to tho N". W. of Bromley, ami !i miles to the 8. of London. It is a station on the Mid Kent branch of tho South-Eastern railway. Tho Croydon lino crosses Penge Common a short distance from tin villap'. and is connected by a branch lino with the West of London railway, and also with the Norwood junction. The village is pleasantly situated near the river Havcnsbourne, a small branch of tthich runs through it. It is within the Union and County Court district of Bromley, and has a police station of its own. The old manor-house was the resiil' Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, who received as his guest there King Henry VIII.. on occasion of his going to visit Anne of Cloves. Tho living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Canter- bury, of the vol. of 900, in the patron, of Albcmarle Cator, Esq. The church, dedicated to St. George, is a plain edifice with tower and spire. It is approached by an avenue of yew trees, and contains throe monumental brasses tho earliest being one of a priest, in 1468 and several family monuments. Among these is one to Mrs. Clarke, with the epitaph composed by Gray. In the churchyard is a very picturesque old lichgate. There are parochial schools for boys, girls, and infants. The parochial charities amount to 110 per annum, of which sum 42 is the revenue of the free school endowed by Mary Watson, now combined with the National schools ; and the interest of 1,100, bequeathed by the chioness of Exeter in 1837, to be laid out in tho pur- chase of coals for tho poor of the parish. There are almshonses, established in 1691 by Anthony liawlins, which have no endowment. In the vicinity of Becken- ham are many handsome villas and residences of the gentry. The principal are Beckenham Place, Sii .it- lands, Langley Farm, Langley Park, Eden Farm, Clay Hill, &c. A fair is held on tho Monday before St. Bartholomew's Day. BECKERMET ST. BRIDGET'S, a par. in tho ward of Allerdale-nbovo-Derwent, in the co. of Cumberland, 4 miles to tho S. of Egremont, and 9 from Whitchaven. It is situated on tho sea-coast, on the banks of the small river (.'older, and is separated from tho parish of Becker- met St. John's by tho Kirkbeek rivulet. Tho land near the sea is extremely fertile, but towards the east, nearer the fells, it is cold and barren. Freestone is quarried in this parish, and there is a small spade manul'actoi -y in the village. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Carlisle, val. 87, in tho patron, of Captain Irwin church, which is an ancient structure dedii Bridget, is situated about half a mile distant from tho village of Beckermct, in a lonely spot, and is now only used for marriages and burials, the inhabitants attend- ing sen-ice at the new church of St. Bridget, at ( Bridge, near to which pretty village are the beautiful ruins of Caldcr Abbey, within the grounds of Captain Irwin. The new schools belonging to the adjoining parish of St. John's, are erected on ^reen, and greatly add to the appearance of tho village. The parish, from east to west, is nearly 8 miles long ; its breadth in no port exceeding 1 A mile. 1: 1. 1 M ">HN"S,apar.,tnshp.,andlarge vil., in the ward of Allerdale-above-Derwent, in the co. of Cumburl : ekermet St. Bridget's, and 1 J mile the station at Braystono, on the Whit, haven and ': line of railwuv. It is situated ut the junction of the Black'- >:irkl,e,k- ii ,- M carried on hero to a largo extent. Tin living i per-pet. .-ur. in the dioc. of Carlisle, val. 87. ron. of William (iaitskell, ! is a ] Itron church, dedicated to St. John, was rebuilt in There i^ nothing in it worthy of note ' ],t which is part of t bank," u hill and , a this paii took t! iishei illage, which i a mei : .itehan I harriers, presents a remarkably clean and m at apptt it!i its whitewashed houses anil Mit.slantj residences. I! l-li K KT, a tythf?. in the par. and hund. or ham, in the co. of Berks, 6 miles to tin- S.V, ringdon. Becket House was the neat of YIMOU i Jon. IlKi KB KIT, a hmlt. in the rhjilry. . par. of Kirkby Lonsdale, Lonsdale ward, in Westmoreland, 2 miles to tn. N. i Kn I'.KCKFOOT, a hmlt. in the tnh] Biugley, wap. of Upper Skynick, in the V the co. of York, close to Bindley. , II M IT, a hmlt. in the par. of Holme S^HI bcrt, in the co. of Cumberland, 6 miles W. from Abbe ! Holme. It is situated close to the sea, and U tnppote I to have I..', n loin. < of more import. i the many foundations met with in its Society of Friends have BECKFOKD, a par. in tin bond oi Tiba the co. of Gloucester, 6 mil its post town. It lies on tho conln - ; W-i not far from Bredon Hill, and inelud. Bangrove, Didcote, and Grafton. A monks was founded here in tin vth century, i founded in the reign of 1 1< m 1 1 i at the Dissolution was 53. Ihe d hilly, and contains abundance of limestone, is a vic. in tho dioc. of Gloucext val. with tho perpet. cur. of Ash is annexed to it, of 31", in the ] Timbrill. The church, a Normal to St. John the Baptist. Tho parochial to 47 per annum. The principal i Hall, surrounded with fine wood- scape. BECKHAM, EAST, a ]>ar. in the noil ' hund. of Erpingham, in tho co. of Norfolk, i tho W. of C'romer. There is no is annexed to the reet. of Ayliu< dedicated to St. Hi-len, is a' < i y pictii covered with ivy. The only parts now rt the t-" ich, and the walls of tho BECKHAM. WEST, a par. in the the hund. of Eq>inghain, in tin- co. o! ' East Beckham, and 3 miles E. from II In this parish is situated tho Krpingh. house. Tho living is a perpet. cur. in t : wich, val. 61, in tho patron, ot the, di a in-Ii, an old building in tin is dedicated to All Saints. It h nl t'..'i ; tower with an octangular lanteni, but i 1 KlIAMlToN, a tythg. in the par. o! hund. o| s. Ik. l.-y, in tho co. of Wilts, miles to W. of Marlborough. It lies near 1!. ekhampton Dow and contains some ruins of an an . with liniss of a knight. BEC'KIMillAM. a par. in the ,va; parts < .. in the co. of 1. ilaitot i-k, its post town. It is situated on tin " of Nottinghamshire, ,.n the and contains the hamlet of Sutton. Tl

. in the dioc. of Lincoln, of the v.-J. with

perpet. curs, of Fenton and StragglesthorjM.', which i I to it, of G97, in tho patron, of Mr Manland nrch, whii.-h is partly in the Nomian style, i in tin- parpenoicnlai Myli-. is Jedic:r kinu;ham Hall is the prinrijal re>i HI i KIM, HAM a par. in the North Clay dir. tiful ', The