Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/258

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BER.M<>M>sriT HTM': 248 BEUKY POMEROY. and at the point of junction ia a 5 J feet barrel sewer. Here is a new pier !ur tlir rivrr steamboat*. BERMoNDsn I III Mil.! I), one of the 48 hunds. or subdivisions ..1 (ho co. of Southampton, situated in the north parliamentary div., and bounded by the hund. <ii Stoke ou the N. ; by the hunds. of Odiham, Crondall, and Alton on the K. ; by the hunds. of Alt u and Kawley on the 8. ; and by the hund. of Mains- borough on the W. It is divided into two parts, upper and lower. The upper div. contains the put.- 1 !' ..;- worth, Bradley, Kllistield, Herriard, Ltisham, Upton Gray, Wcston Corbet, and Weston Patrick, and has au area of about 16,000 acres. The lower div. contains the para, of Cundover, Drummer, Farleigh, Wallop, Nut- Icigh, and 1'opham, and has an area of about 10,200 acres. BERNE, a quarter in tin- p;ir. of Vhitchurch Canoni- corum, hund. of the same name, in the co. of Dorset, 4 miles to the N.W. of Bridport. BERNERA, one of the islands composing the par. of Barra, Invernc.s .aland. The lofty chfls on the easten. side of this island are frequented by great numbers of sea-fowl, which furnish an abundant supply of food to the inhabitants. On Barra Head, on this island, stands a lighthouse, the light of which is 680 feet above the sea. It was erected in 1833, and displays an inter- mittent li-ht. BERN I :i: A, un island in the par. of Harris, Inverness- ihire, Scotland. It is situated 1 mile N. of Noith 1'ist. 1U length is 3J miles, by 2 in breadth. The minister of the church here has charge of all the islands in the Sound of Harris. BERNERA, BIG and LITTLE, two islands in the par. of Uig, Ross-shire, Scotland. The former is 5 miles long by 2 broad, and is situated on the W. of Lewis. There are several remarkable Druidical circles. BERNERS, ROOTJIIN<.. .SV ROOTHIXO-BIHNEKS, Essex. BERRACH, a hmlt. in the par. of Llanfihangcl Aber- bythych, hund. of Iskennen, in the co. of Carmarthen, South Wales, 2 miles from LJandilofawr.

BERRICK-PIUOR, a lib. in the par. of Newington,

and hund. of Ewelme, in the co. of Oxford, near Berrick- Salomo. BEREICK-SALOME, a par. in the hund. of Ewelme, in the co. of Oxford, 4 miles to the N.E. of Wallingford, its post town. It is near the river Thames. The living is a perpet. cur. attached to the vie. of Chalgrove, in the dioc. of Oxford. The church is dedicated to St. Helen. The charitable endowments, including the income of a small free school, amount to 12 per annum. BERRIEDALE, BERRINDALE, or BARRYDALE, a vil. and quoad utrra par. in the par. of Latheron, in the co. of Caithness, Scotland, 5 miles to the SAY. >: Dunbeath. It is seated on the sea-coast, at the mouth of Berriedale Water, which, after a course of about 15 miles from the confines of Sutheriandshire, where it takes its rise, falls into the North Sea at this place. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the fisheries. The living, of the val. of 120, is in the presb. of Caith- new, and in the patron, of the crown. Here also is a Free church . Berriedale Castle, the ruins of which stand on a rugged rock near the village, was formerly the seat of the Sutherland*, to whom the district belonged. It gives the title of baron to the Sinclair family. BERRIEU and MURRAH, a tnshp. in the par. of Greystoke, Lesth ward, in the co. of Cumberland, 7 miles to the W. of Penrith. There is a small school for girls, erected in 1828, and endowed by Mary Jackson with 5 "BERIIIKW, PC Al(|-|;-l;mw, n par. chiefly in the hund. of Kewtown, but partly also in the hunds. of Ciiwrso and Pool, in the co. 'of .M..ntir..mery. N'..rth Wale*, 3 miles to the N.W. of M .rews- bury is its post town. It is situated on the banks of the river Rhiw, at its confluence with tains the tnshps. of Allt, Brincamisir, Brithdir, Flrydd, Garthmill, Keel, Keclcochwyn, Llandinir, IJivior, Ponthryn, Trwstywclin, and Vaynor Issa, and I The Rhiw is crossed by an aqueduct of four arches, p,r along which is carried the Montgomery canal. 'J manufacture of flannel is carried on by some of inhabitants, but not to any considerable ext. is a vie.* in the dioc. of St. Asuph, of the val. 3.30, in thu patron, of th- n edifice, is dedi. pendents and Ctilvinistii; ana chapels here. T! !' H. .:.,:!: 'imefr endow; nm. Th< the benefit of M produce about .'; Park, pleasantly on l.iuh ground, and wooded. Other i Fine landscapes, river, valley, villages, wocc and mountains liu within view from the high grounds this parish. Thoie ai- remains of two ancient encam menU, and o-. it works. Petty session* are ht at the village onee a month. BKl(l;l.(;Ti 'N. < tnshp. in the par. of Kyloe, Urn shire, in the co. of Northumberland, 5 mile* w^Hj of l'ierwick-on-Twe< d. r.l'.RRINGTON, a hmlt. in the par. of Chippr Cam]>deii, hund. of Kiftsgate, in the ro. of GlouoMte close to i 'ii den. BERK1M.TOX, a par. in the hund. of I the co. of Salop, 5 miles to the S.E. of post town. It is situated on the banks of ttjflHI Severn. The living is a rect. in the dioe. of Uchficlc of the val. of 393, in the patron, of Lord . church is dedicated to All S..: l!i:i;l;lN'i;Ti i.V, a hmlt. in the , ay, ini hund. of Doddingtree, in the co. of V to theW. of T>i. : mi;.. It is seated on the border o Shropshire, on the south bank of t'n .<, and i a station on the Shropshire and Hertford raiiv BERRON, a tnshp. in the jar id, of Isaled, in the co. of Denbiu Wales, 6 i from Denbigh. BERROW, a par. in the hund. of Brent with ' ton, in the co. of Somerset, 9 mile* t Bridgwater is it* post town. It is pleasantly on the east coast of the Bristol Channel, a south of Borrow Head. It has a fine candy ba a mile in breadth, and dry at low water. The 1 a vie.* in the dioc. of Bath and Wells. 186, in the patron, of the Archdeacon 01 church is dedicated to St. Mary. I'.l UROW, a par. in the lower div. of Oswaldslow, in the co. of Worcester, 7 i Ledbury, its post town, and 8 miles to Upton. It li-> in a detached part of the hu living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Worceste val. of l(i. in the patron, of the Dean

' i'-estr. The church, dedicated to ."-' 

tower, and was con. There ia a National school. Th amount to 13 per annum. In Berry now a fum-houM', there arc some t can-ing. The village is a meet f..r th- i BEJiliY GEE Va hmlt. in the hi] in th- en. ot II. itford, near Bisho] BEKKYX-AlilloK, a par. in the hui in the co. of liev.m. s mills to ; Ilfraeombc is its p. >t town. It is situated on t" coast of the Bristol ( hanncl, near Die pleasant i mho. The living is a reel, in the < . of the vol. of 715, in the | and others. The church is dedicated to > village was the liirth-plai <, in 1522, of Bishop K Y l'( i.M F.KOY, a par. in the hund. of '. in tli- eo. of Devon. '2 miles to the E. of Totne*, i town. It is pleasantly situated on the rier I'.ut, not far from the coast of includes the tnshp. of Bridgetown. This the name Pomeroy from a Norman family, 1 whom, Ralph Pomeroy, numerous manors in thi* c ^ranted by William the Conqueror 'Ine I of Berry was the principal one and was the head oft