Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/265

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TTUS, or BETTWS- Y-CRWYN, a par. in the

H . of Chin, or Purslow, in the co. of Salop, 10 miles e S.W. of Bishop's Castle. It lies on the borders adnorshirc, not far from the river Teme, and con- the tnshps. of Kevencalanog, Rugantine, and Tre- rc er. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of It ford, val. 57, in the patron, of Earl Powis. The

h is dedicated to St. Mary.
TTWS, a par. in the upper div. of the hund. of

tllooRe, in the co. of Monmouth, 3 miles to tho . of Newport, its post and union town. Its name, aon to several parishes in Wales, signifies a plea- s' n. place among the hills. The living is a perpet. c Annexed to the vie. of Woollas, in the dioc. of J latl'. The church is dedicated to St. David. ETTWS, a hmlt. in the par. of Bettws Evan, and kid! of Troedyrawr, in the co. of Cardigan, South A^ia, 8 miles to the E. of Cardigan. . 1TYS, a par. in the hund. of Iskennen, in the co. irtheu, South Wales, 7 miles to the S. of Llan- d liwr. Carmarthen is its post town. It is situated ii. mountainous district. The living is a perpet. cur. fci fe dioc. of St. David's, val. 98, in the patron, of the ft sjp. The church is dedicated to St. David. The I .t<'7ids about 5 miles in length and 1 in breadth.

TTVS,a par. in the hund. of Newcastle, in the co.

lamorgan, South Wales, 4 miles to the N. of Bridg- it* post and union town. It is situated in a pleasant a the banks of tho river Ogmore, a branch of rii, with which it unites near the village. Coal

I .nd here, and the neighbouring mines give employ-

to many of the workpeople. The living is a perpet. i .annexed to the vie. of Newcastle, in the dioc. of i The Unitarians have a chapel here. There 16 small charities. The principal residence is me, the seat of the Trehemes, standing on a above tho Ogmore, with beautiful wooded and fine prospects. This village was the birth- , in 1723, of Dr. Richard Price, the Nonconformist r and political writer during the American War he French Revolution. i yj'TWS, a tnshp. in the par. of Llanfawr, hund. of , in ihe co. of Merioneth, North Wales, 1 mile Bala.

VS,or BETTWS-CAEDEWEN.a par. in the

. of Newtown, in tho co. of Montgomery, North ' . s, 4 miles from Newton, its post and union town. .Ii ion the banks of the river Bechan, a feeder of the " '. r n, and contains the tnshps. of Dilforwyn, Garth-

., Llanitheon, and Ucheldre. The Newtowu branch

i ;e Montgomery canal passes through the parish. iving is a vie.* in the dioc. of St. Asaph, of the val. 250, in the patron, of the lord chancellor. The cLuh is dedicated to St. Beuno, and belonged to a C:-vcian nunnery, founded in the 13th century. In

el is a monumental brass to John ap Meredith,

nln erected the tower in 1531. The Methodists and K.i.sts have chapels here. The charitable founda- ti< i. including some almshouscs founded in 1709 by liirlrd Weaver, produce about24 per annum. There i everal ancient camps in this parish, the principal o! iich is Pen-y-Gaer, north-west of the village. The r'-nais of the ancient castle of Dolforwyn stand on tli', 1 op of a lofty hill, from which there are fine views I the Severn. Its name signifies " Castle of the Vir- adow." Not far from Bettws is the old mansion of ^-igynog, in tho par. of Tregynon, formerly the .1 toe Blayney family, one of whom, Arthur Blay- atly distinguished himself by his hospitality and jr. Ileus beneficence. He died in 1795. The mansion I is ow in possession of his heir, Lord Sudeley, whose to juired it through his wife, Lady Tracy. HTTWS - A BERGELE. See BETTWS - TO - RHOS, [P'-ijighshire. C HTTWS-BLEDDRWS, a par. in the upper div. of th'und. of Moyddyn, in the co. of Cardigan, South [Was, 3 miles to the N. of Lampeter. The river Teifi n nriear it. The living is a rect. * in the dioc. of St. D i- L's, of the val. of 143, in the patron, of the bishop. The church, a neat building with a tower and spire, is dedicated to St. Bleddrws. The Baptists and Calvinistic Methodists have chapels in the village. Dery Ormond, the seat of J. Jones, Esq., is a fine mansion, standing at the foot of a wooded hill, in the midst of beautiful grounds. Not far from it is the old entrenchment called Castel Goedtref. BETTWS-CLYRO, or CAPEL-BETTWS, a chplry. in the par. of Clyro, hund. of Painscastle, in the co. of Radnor, South Wales, 3 miles from Hay. It is situated in a beautiful district on the river Wye. BETTWS-DISSERTH, a par. in the hund. of Colwyn, in the co. of liadnor, South Wales, 7 miles to the W. of New Radnor, its post town. It lies near the head of the river Edwy. The living is a cur., consolidated with that of Disserth, in the dioc. of St. David's. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. There are several small endowments for the benefit of the poor. BETTWS-EVAN, or JENVAN, a. par. in the lower div. of the hund. of Troedyrawr, in the co. of Cardigan, South Wales, 8 miles to the E. of Cardigan. It con- tains the hmlts. of Bettws and Llynnchel, and is com- prised within the Poor-law Union of Newcastle-in- Emlyn. The living is a perpet. cur. attached to the vie. of Penbryn, in the dioc. of St. David's. The church is dedicated to St. John. BETTWS-GARMON.a par. in the hund. of Isgorfai, in the co. of Carnarvon, North Wales, 5 miles to the S.E. of Carnarvon, its post and union town. It is situated at the foot of Snowdon, the base of which extends into the parish. The river Gwrfai takes its rise here, and the neighbourhood comprises some of the grandest moun- tain and lake scenery in Wales. The church stands be- tween MoelAelian, 2,370 feet in height, and the Mynydd Mawr hills of rather lower elevation. Remains of towers exist on both these hills. Nant Mill, which is near a beautiful waterfall, is in this parish. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Bangor, val. 63, in the patron, of the Bishop of Llandaff. The church, of small dimensions, is dedicated to St. Gannon. Fairs are held here on the 17th August, and the 22nd and 26th September. BETTWS-GWERFYL-GOCH, a par. in the hund. of Edernion, in the co. of Merioneth, North Wales, 5 miles to the N.W. of Corwen, its post and union town. It is situated on the river Alwen, which is crossed by a bridge of three arches. There is some good scenery in the valley of the Alwen. The inhabitants of the district are extensively employed in the knitting of hosiery. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of St. Asaph, of tho val. of 124, in the patron, of the bishop. The church, an early English structure, is dedicated to St. Mary. Fairs for the sale of cattle, horses, sheep, &c., are held on the 22nd June, the 12th August (a large lamb fair), the 16th September, and the 12th December. The par. has an area of about 6 square miles. BETTWS-LEIKI, a parochial chplry. in tho par. of Llandewy-Brevi, hund. of Moyddyn, in the co. of Car- digan, South Wales, 7 miles to the N. of Lampeter, its post town. It is pleasantly situated on the river Aeron, and forms a distinct parish for ecclesiastical purposes. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of St. David's, of the val. of 50, in tho patron, of the Incumbent of Llandewy-Brevi. BETTWYS-NEWYDD, a par. in the lower div. of the hund. of Ragland, in the co. of Monmouth, 5 miles to the N.W. of Usk, its post town. The living is a perpet. cur. attached to the vie. of Llanarth, in the dioc. of Llandaff. The parochial charities amount to 5 per annum. Bettws Lodge is the chief residence. BETTWS PEN-PONT, a chplry. in the par. of Llanspythid, in the co. of Brecknock. Brecon is its post town. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of St. David's, val. 120, in the patron, of the landholders. BETTWS- Y-COED, a par. in the hund. of Nantcon- way, in the co. of Carnarvon, North Wales, 3 miles to the S. of Llanrwst. It is situated in a charming valley, protected by mountains, at the junction of the river Llugwy with the Conway. The latter is crossed by