Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/316

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BOLDRON. 306 BOLSOVKU. Forest, wh ' b ionees of Londondcny roiMcd f'.r a timu ; it is now made a keeper's lodge. BoLDKoN, u tn>hp. in the )r. of tStartlbrth, wap. of Wust Uilhng, in the Ninth Killing of the co. of York, l">l.l . I i -U-. i.i the North Clay div. of the w. BasKctlaw, in the co. ot N-ltin-ii to tho 8. of Qainsborough. It is situated on tho confines of Lincoln- shire, on the west bank "1 ' ; The Man- chesl' 10 railway runs l> i I .m coin meets it. About a mile fro _< is Bole ! The living is a vie. in : tin; val. of 100, in tho patron, ot the bishop. The church is dedi- cated to St. Martin. The parochial charities, which include a small bequest for education, amount to per annum. BOLEHILL, a tnshp. united with Glascote, in the par. of Tamworth, and bund, of Hcmlingford, in the co. of Warwick, close to Tamworth. The Midland West Branch railway runs through it. BOLESKINE AND ABKUTAK1 F, a united tho co. of Inverness, Scotland, 12 miles to the S. of iie-is. It is .situated in a district partly moun- tainous and partly flat, on both the east and WC.M of Loch Neas, and is watered by the rivers Oich, Tarff, and Foyers. There are also many small lochs. The par. inelu ugustns, and is crossed by the military road from Inverness. Good granite and lime- stone are obtained in the hills. In this parish is the fine waterfall of Foyers. Tho living, of tho val. of 238, is in tho presb. of Abertarff, and in the patron, of Fraser of Lovat. Fort Augustus is the seat of a mission, worth 80 a year. There is also a Free church, and a Roman lie chapel. The par. is about 20 miles long and 10 broad. BOLFRACKS, a portion of the par. of Fortingall, in the co. of Perth, Scotland. BOLINALKA. .S' BALLINALEA, Wicklow. BOLTNQBEOKE SOKE, one of tho 17 subdi- visions of the parts of Liudscr, in tho co. of Lincoln, situated in the northern div. of the co., and bounded on tho N. by tho hund. of Hill, on the E. by the wap. of Candleshoe, on the 8. by the wap. of Skirbeck, and part of that of Kirton, and on the W. by the soko of Horncastle. This soko is in two divs., oast and west. Ilia cast div. contains the pars, of Carrington, East Villo, Halton-Holegute, Huudlcby, East Real, Lusby, Mavis-Enderby, 51i<lvillc, Railhby, Spilsby, Little Steeping, St. I', :'. i Thorpe, Toynton All Saints, and Toyni i-r's. The west div. contains the paw. of Asgarby, Bolingbroke, Frithville, Hngnaby, Hareby, West Real, East Kirkby, M innini.'.shy, Revesby, y, Stickford, Stickncy, and West Ville. The soko i<ls over an area of about 56,980 acres. BOLDJGBEOKE, a par. and small town in the west div. of the soke of Bolingbroke, parts of Lindsey, in the co. of Lineoln, 8 miles to the N. of Boston. Bpilsby is its post town. The Great Northern railway passes near it The par. is situatl i u tin In ail of a rivulet, which falls into the river Witham, and includes the vil. of New Bolingb'rokc. It was tho site of a fortress erected in the reign of Stephen, by William de Romara, Earl of Lincoln, which was an imp military station. The castle was enlarged in On of Queen Elizabeth, and was tho scene of several conflicts in the civil war of the 17th century. I dismantled by order of the parliament, and 1 fall into decay. This castle was the birthplace of "proud Bolingbroke," afterwards Henry IV., son of "old John of Uaunt. urcd Lancaster." living is a rect. in tho dioc. of Lincoln, of the val. with that of Hareby, of 560 gross, in the patron, of Sir John J. Smith, Bart. The church is dedicated to 88. Peter and I'aul. It is an ancient edifice of largo dimensions, wer and a large port of tho church were destroyed during the Civil War. Besides tho parish church there is a district church, lately erected at tin Tillage of Now Bolingbrokc, the living of which is a . ur.,* val. 100, in the patron, oi tr_ is a chapel belonging to the Wvnl' a small free school, with an annum. There are i- about 11 a year. Tho mark- annual fair . llul.LAIT. a vil. in .ill, 4 miles 1

is situated near the Land's ]

tains the Druidical stones c . i ipen." tin in is 1C, tho otli'T -1 . ! ' t in hi it;!.!.

<ls distant ' tin r.

i l.l.Ni. 11. 1., a tnslip. in the par. of and hund. of Mm >. paUiine of '. miles to the N.V. situated on the banks of the UolUii, of the Mersey, into which it falls near Wub a course of about 20 mil < - iu rue near Macclestinld. The Wilmslow hi. and North- Western railway, is in tltis Uiihp. the workpeople are employ, d in tin BOLL1NGTON, a tnshp. in tl hund. of Buoklow, in tin to the N. of Knutrfliii'd. T: the river Bollin pass through this Irish] Tin have a chapi '. BOLLl.M.Ti'N, a chplry. in th hund. of JIacclcsfn miles to theN. of Maccloli. .,[. Itisacatcdfc] district, on the small river Ifollin, n tho Marclesfield canal. The silk and cottOi tures are carried on here, und man;. are employed in the coal-works, quarries, which arc of considerable e.v also a water-mill for grinding bark. The li '. . cur. in tho dioc. of ( the L in the patron, of the Vicar of Pmtbury. The dedicated to St. John. Th hare here. BOLLOM, or BOLIIAM. borough, wap. of Bassetlaw, in tl near East Retford. The Great Northern ml by it. BOLNEY, a hmlt. in the of Binfield, in tho co. of O.v .* to tl Henley. It U close to the 11 h of lie Western railway. Bolney was formerly > parish. The living is now a per] it t. cur., I roct. of Harpsden, in li church. IJolney Court is the seat BOLNEY, a par. in the hund. of Bu' Lewes, in the co. of Sussex, us post town. Th. li hoster, of tl. bishop. BOLNIiriJST, a par. in 1 co. of Bedford, C miles to ti lfe*J> town. The living is a red. * i

il. of l.V.i. in the patron, of tli

The church is dedii at"i -tan. endowments of the parish, iin the iw - school founded in 1 7 Ul, produce about / annum. BOLSOVER, a par. in tho hund. of Scandale, CO. Of I'eil is its post town. It eoini'ii (Jekley, Oxcroft, > house, and Woodside. In Saxon times Boliotl to a thane of the name ' ! ' After th it was one of the many lordships bestowM i|uerm upon William l'i eril, wl. in the reign of William Rufus or Henry I. baron, William Poveril, was a partizan of 1 and was attainted by King Henry 11 . w "' ships, including Bolsover, were confiscated Tho Norman castle of Bolsover now beoa iin nt fortress, and sustained many *>%'* civil wars of the reigns of John and I for many centuries it continued to be one of U