Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/356

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BKAMPTON-CHAPEL. 340 l'.l;NCEPETH. BRAMPTON-CHAPEL, a par. in the hund. of No- bottle-Grovo, in the co. of Northampton, 4 miles to the N. of Northampton, iUpost town. It is a station on tlm ford branch Ion and North- Western railway. There is irch. liKAMITON-CHURCH, a par. in the hund, of No- -Urovo, in the cp. of Northampton, close to Bramp- ton-Chapel. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of I borough, of the val. of 346, in the natron, of the President and Fellows of Corpus Chriati College, Oxford. The church, which is partly in the perpendicular and portly in the decorated style, is dedicated to St. Botolph. It contains a round font, and had formerly a rood-loft. The parochial charities are worth 6 a year. The chief residence is Brampton Lodge. BRAMITOX-I KoI-TS-END, a vil. in the par. of Long Marlon, East ward, in the co. of Westmoreland, 2 miles to the N. of AJ>J BRAMl'Tovr.N-I.K-M'ORTHEN, a tnshp. in the par. of Treeton, wap. of Straflbrth and Tickhill, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 6 miles to t ; N K i K' >t In rham. 1 ; I ; A M 1 TON, LITTLE, a tnshp. in the par. of Pres- teiim, hund. of Wigmorc, in the co. of Hereford, 2 miles to the 8. of Prestcign. It lies on the border of Radnor- shire, and is united to the tnshp. of Rodd. BRAMPTON, LITTLE, a tnshp. in the par. of Hopesay, and hund. of Purslow, in the co. of Salop, '> miles to the 8.E. of Bishop's Castle. BRAMSHALL, or BROMSHALL, a par. in the south div. of the hund. of Totmonslow, in the co. of Stafford, 2 miles to the W. of TTttoxeter, its post town, and 13 N.E. of Stafford. It is a station on the Crowe, Stoke, and Uttoxeter branch of the North Staffordshire railway. Dugdalo is a hmlt. of this par. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Lichfield, of the val. of 200, with 40 acres of glebe, in the patron, of the dowager Lady Willoughby do Broke, to whom also the manor belongs. The church, dedicated to St. Lawrence, is a neat structure, in the early English style, with low embattled tower. It stands on an eminence about half a mile south of the vil., and was rebuilt in 1835. There is a free school, supported by Lady Broke. The parochial charities, consisting of the produce of the church lands, are worth about 16 per annum. BBAMSHALL, LITTLE, a hmlt. in the par. of Uttoxeter, hund. of Totmonslow, in the co. of Stafford, about 2 miles from Uttoxeter. BRAM8HAW, a par. chiefly in the hund. of Red- bridge, in the co. of Southampton, but partly also in the hund. of Cawdcn and Cadworth, in the co. of Wilts, 6 miles to the N. of Lyndhurst, its post town. It includes the limits, of Brook and Fritham. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 161, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury. The eliiirrh is an ancient structure, dedicated to St. IVter. It is said to have been founded at the period of the Conquest, but its original character has been lost through modern alterations. Bramshaw House is one of the chief residences. BRA MS! 1 1 1.1,. <;i;i:.T, a tythg. in the par. of Everslcy, hund. of Hnldshutt, in the co. of Bonthan 6 miles to the N. of Odiham. Bramshill House, tlm seat of Kir J. Cope, Bart., is a stately mansion, well situated, and is said to have been erected by 1. Lord Zonch in 1G07, as a residence for Prince II eldest son of James I. It has long been the property of the Cope family. BKAMSIII1.I,,' LITTLE, a tythg. in the par. of Eversley, hund. of Holdshott, in the co. of Southampton, close to Great Bramshill. 1'. I ;. M8HOTT, a par. in the lower div. of the lnm.1. mrh-Dean, in the co. of Southampton, 4 miles to W. of Haslemere, 9 N.W. of Petersfield, and in S. iham railway station. It lies on the border inthi'iniil-: ivo heaths, and contains tip- hmlt. of Liphook, which is a considerable village, post town, and railway station on the Londnt ! Portsmouth direct line. The living i- the di' 'ho val. of Oxford. The church i 9f Min- is a small structure in the form of a cam, ! early English style of architecture, with a centnl ; I and shingled spire. It stands on high . an extensive prospect, and was ~m- enlarged in 1836 at tin rust of 1,600. Thati>: school, endowed by the liberality of it fonir portion of Woohner Forest, now cot. tary camp, is in this parish ; as also Bon: formerly a detached jart of Sussex, but inneu Hampshire in 1844. The parish ext< 6,676 acres, a largo proportion of which u wute i I Cattle fairs are held at Liphook (w) for Bible Christians) on the first Wednetd ( ith .luno. 1;|;.MVIT1I, KIKK. a par. in wap. of Osgoldcross, in the West Riding York, 6 miles to the N.E. of Donci It is a station on the South V waitc, Hawkhouse Green, n hmlU. included in this par. Ti canal passes tlirough it. The livin. dioc. of York, of the vu! Duchy of Lancaster. The d Mary. There are some email charitable axiom I worth 4 a year. 1 : 1 : A MWTTH, SAND, or So PI . hmlt. in the tnahp. of Stainl'ortli, and par wap. of Strafforth and Tirkh i-rtBida I the co. of York, close to Kirk Knimwith. BRANAR, a tnshp. in tin of I ' of Isaled, in the co. of Den) to the N.E. of Llanrwst. It is a joint M.nrll'll.1,1. BRANCASTER, a par the co. of Norfolk, 4 mill and 6 from Hunatanton, a wt*i railway station. Lynn is its post ton is situated on the coast of th< of its own name, and was the called Srannoduniim, of which For defence against the Saxons, a txx cavalry was stationed here, whose com title of Count of the Saxon SI. very largo malthouso, capable of wettini barley per week, but not now used lor I is above 300 feet in length 1 built of the remains of the ancii above six acres of ground above tl and stones are still visible. Th< the dioc. of Norwich, of the val. of ut' flu- Rev. 0. Sadler, in. uii cated to St. Mary, and was tl, tains an a: . and a reeui I.MS. Tli- charitable endownn n; per annum; which sir free school, rebuilt in 1861, widows, founded about 1600 l>y ! dowod by his sister. There is also :i in 1861. "ut tin- rust oft! ni-d at Brancastcr consisting of coins, urns, knives, A iKjen discovered on th> .ast of the village. T Jew's Way, passed through the put ion at Caistor, near YrB BEANOASTER-8TRAITB par., consisting ( ilciai-hed houses, the church. BRANCKl'KTH, a par. it, the ward of ]>:n!; lie <x I miles to the S.W. 254 from London. It lies to the N and is a station on the Durham and B