Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/372

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BRETBY. 302 v<X)D. had their scat here. The living is a rcct.* in the dioc, of annual val. "I 1 1. ">.">, in the |>:itron. of The church, whirl' was for lie built in l-J-7, is dedicated to St. John the Baptist It is an old building with lofty tower, uiul has a bcauti- f ul ly carved oak ceiling and painted window. Ti a marble mon mm nt to the mem ,ry of Martin, the anti- 2 nary. Here i-, a free school with an income from en- owment oi' ',!:;. and some otli.i ehaiiti'S worth about 20 a BRETBY, or BRADBY, a ,-hplry. in the par. of ]{.].- ton, hund. of Kopton nd Gresloy, in tho co. of Derby, 3 miles to tli. ]'. n! Burton-upon-Trent, its post town. A castle formerly existed hero, which belonged i Mowbrays as early as the reign of Richard II Th. manor subsequently passed to the Berkeley family. A fine mansion, erected by the first Earl of ' ..1, was fortified and held for C i but was captured by tho parliamentary for., >, ami taken down almnt 17SO. The living is a don. cur. in the dioc. of Lichfield, val. 80, in the patron. .Id. Bradby Park, which contain- the sites of tho ancient castle ana tho form. i- the seat of the Earl of Chesterfield. The present hall was built about 1814. BBETFOKD, a hmlt. in the par. of Wolston, and hund. of Knightlow, in the co. of Warwick, 6 miles to the V. of liugly. It is situated on tho banks of the river Avon, over which was a broad ford, and near the London and North- Western railway. It had once a mark manor was held by the Verdon family. I'.lil-.Tl uKTON.a par. in the upper div. of the hund. of Blackenhurst, in tho co. of Worcester, I miles to the E of Eveaham, its post town. It is situated on the border of (.loiicestershire, and the village stands in one of th -ant spots in the Vale of Eveuham. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Worcester, of the 1 18'J, in the patron, of Admiral Morris. Tho church is dedicated to St. Leonard. There are some of small value. The parish has an area of 1,683 acres. HKl.THKRDALE, a tnshp. in the par. of Orton, East ward, in the co. of Westmoreland, 5 miles to the S.W. of Orton. BRETHERTON, formerly a tnshp. in the par. of Croston, but now a par. of itself, in the hund. of Lcyland, in tho co. palatine of Lancaster, 7 miles to the V. t Chorley. It is seated on the banks of the river Douglas, near the Lancashire and Yorkshire railway, which has a station at Croston. The living is a perpet. cur. in tho dioc. of Manchester, of the val. of 150, in the, patron. of the Rector of Croston. The church is a new building in tho early F.ngliah style, dedicated to St. , th. Baptist. There are chapels belonging to the Wesleyan M, :';,,,, ii-ts and Independents. BRETTK I.I. -LANK, a limit, in tho par. of I. Swinford, and hund. of North Scisdon. in the co. of Stafford. It forms a suburb of the market town of <Vy Hill, and is about 3 miles S.W. ot l> Glass is extensively ? re, and tin several potteries. Th W Midland railway passes near it, / V -tfi, tli. i .e by branch line. BR1. 1 I I.N1IAM, a par. in the hund. of Shiopham, in the co. of Norfolk, 4 miles to the E. of '1 post town. It in situated on the banks of th- Thet, a branch of tho Little Ouse, not ilir from the Great Eastern and Norfolk railway. The livin. in the di> ' >ieh, of the val. of '_><m, in the patron, of the Bishop of Ely. The ehureh, which was rebuilt soon after 1693, when it was burnt down, is Andrew. I'.l.l.ll I.MIA.M, a par. in the hund. of Cosford, in to the S llilde-i.-n is its ],.-( town. It is situated on the .-mall river I'.n-t. a of the Stour, and i-^ i onsid' be ll.. The living . ' " rat] in t!. ;,ir. The el: are some church some charities of trifling amount. I'.ietteuham the pi ii P.l.'l.'l H iN. i tnshp. in the par. of Hwri hund. of Jlolrl, in th, , to the E. of Hawnrd, the liver I t fiu Chester and llolyhead rail'.'. [tKKTTONMbNK.or Hl'l;'!' vstone, wa] th, oo. ot York, -' mile- to the post town. It is -i'u il, il ii, -i ill, Noi! ; way, and inelu.b s several limit-. A; 1 is th . uniae priory, founded about 1 Adam Fitx-Svain, whi.ii had a ! tion of 323. The living is u j,. : of York, of the . -. -toll,-. The eh lli:.l! including the icvcnuc of an alm.-houM^^H founded about lii.'i I, amoiml tmun; p.i.T.rri'N, wi <r. a : Silkstone, and w.i of Sa nditll, and wap. of Agl , the co. of York, 6 miles t Bret ton Hall, ; juzi" erected in 17'20 by Sii Wil: is pleasantly situat.d on high ground, in i pt manding pictures Dcarne. BKKWAKD, ST., or SIMoN'WAUD, a po bund, of Trim/, in 11" of Bodmin, il ,cllep Tor (or Rowtor) and P.rown Willy, wli county, and as far us 1 1 are in this par. Brown Wi 1 is said to 1,, ii, and slate ;. in the dioc. of E, of the Dcun ami Chapter of Kxett-r. ancient liuilding. ],aitlv in 1' have been founded by villiam about the middle of the nth to St. liruard. Tie ein-les .,], Knigh Tor. BREWHAM. NI ilM'H.:. |par.inl in the co. of Somerset, 'i in; its post town. It lies on th. or Brue. The ruins of 1 1 as a barn. I'.KKWHAM. Si IT Til. a , in the co. of Somerset, li 1 on tho river Brew, llaidway. The 1'r.i: ' ""^ '1'he li-ing is a i val. of 1111'. in I --. The chinch i Baptist. In the churchyard W P.P.KW1IAM I.IUH.K, an ,,f Norton I'Yrris, in tl N 1-. of Bruton. ' ily, <ho h; n,, weajKms, and and. The distri, *n< WHul'SK-Y A HD.anext. par. lib.inth- ni. Ill; I'. Will 1 1). a i the hund. ol to the S. ot Stal: Wolp ihampton. i I'enk.' 1 N'orth-V est

A-hp-s 1 '

town. Th. i.i- ii S ha- a station about 4 miles t" tl" 8. W.I