Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/397

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BROADWAED. 387 BROADWINSOR. co. of Wilts, 3 miles to the S.E. of Woottoii railway station. It is situated on the Downs. The living is a perpct. cur. ia the dioc. of Salisbury, of the val. of 100, in the alternate patron, of the vicars of CluU'-Pypard and Broad-Hinton. BBOADWARD, a tnshp. in the par. and horough of Leominster, liund. of Wolphy, in the co. of Hereford, 1 mile to the 8. of Leominster. BROAD WARD, a tnshp. in the par. of Clungunford, hund. of Clun, in the co. of Salop, 7 miles to the W. of Ludlow. It is situated near the river Clun. In the vicinity is Broadward Hall. BROAD WAS, a par. in the lower div. of the hund. of Oswaldslow, in the co. of Worcester, 6 miles to the W. of Worcester. It lies on the hanks of the river Teme, near the Malvern and Hereford branch of the West Midland railway, and contains the limit, of Broadgreen. The parish has some rich meadow-lands, hop-grounds, and orchards. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of WMI-I i-ster, val. 253, in the patron, of the dean and chapter. The church is dedicated to St. Mary Magda- The parochial charities produce 7 a year. BROAD WATER HUNDRED, one of the eight hunds. or subdivisions of the co. of Hertford, bounded on the N. by part of the hund. of Cashio, on the N.E. by the hund. of Odscy, on the E. by the hund. of Braughin, on the S.E. by the hund. of Hertford, on the S. by parts of the hunds. of Cashio and Dacorum, and on the W. by the hunds. of Cashio and Hitchin. It contains the pars. of Aston, Ayott St. Lawrence, Ayott St. Peter, Baldock, Bennington, Datchworth, Digswell, Graveley, Hatfield, Knebworth, Letchworth, Great Munden, Little Munden, Sacomb, Stevenage, Totteridge, Walkern, Watton, Wel- wyn, Weston, Willian, Great Wymondley, and Little Wymoudley. The hund. comprises an area of about 60,600 acres. BROAD WATER, a par. in the hund. of Brightford, rape of Bramber, in the oo. of Sussex, 11 miles to the W. of Brighton, and 61 miles to the S. of London by the South Coast railway, which crosses the parish. It is pleasantly situated on the coast of the English Channel, under the South Downs, and contains the seaport and market town of Worthing, which has a station on the above-named railway. Broadwater was formerly a market town and the site of a castle belonging to the lords Camois, who held the barony. The living is a rect. * in the dioc. of Chichester, commuted at 800, in the patron, of the Rev. E. K. Elliot, incumbent. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. It is in the form of a cross, with a central tower, and partly in the Norman style. It contains a fine monument of one of the lords Delawarr, who died in 1524, and three brasses, theearliest being of a priest, who died in 1432. Besides the parish church there is a chapel of ease at Worthing, and a dis- trict church, called Christ Church, the livings of which are pfrpet. curs., the former worth 150, and the latter 300, both in the gift of the rector. The charitable en- dowments are worth 25 per annum. Offington, in this parish, was the seat of the Delawarrs. _ BROADWAY, a par. in the hund. of Culliford-Tree, in the Dorchester div. of the co. of Dorset, 3 miles to the N. of Weymouth, and 6 miles to the S. of Dorches- ter. It is situated on the banks of the river Wey, near the Great Western railway, and contains the limits, of Nottington and Little Moor. Stone is quarried here. The living is a rect., united with that of Bincombe, in the dioc. of Salisbury. The church, dedicated to St. Nicholas, was rebuilt in 1836. It is a small neat fabric. There are charitable endowments worth 9 a year. In this p: irish the celebrated mineral spring known as the Nottington Spa takes its rise, the waters of which are hepatic, and extremely efficacious in constitutional and cutaneous complaints. A spacious pump-room has re- cently been erected, with warm, cold, shower, and vapour baths. BROADWAY, a pur. in the hund. of Abdick and Bulstone, in the co. of Somerset, 2 miles to the N. of Bminster. It occupies part of the site of the ancient forsst of Roche, or Nerochc, and includes the tythgs. of Caplaud and Rapps. The forest was of great extent, and took its name from an ancient entrenchment called Roche Castle, situated on the brow of Blackdown Hill, which commands a wide and beautiful prospect. The forest was here intersected by a broad way, whence the village derived its name. The woollen cloth manufac- ture was at one time carried on at this place. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, val. 167, in the patron, of the Misses Palmer. The church, dedicated to St. Aldelme, is a cruciform edifice, and the churchyard has part of a fine old cross. Evely's alms- houses, for 7 poor people, are endowed with 21 per annum ; and there are some other charities of trifling value. BROADWAY, a vil. in the par. of St. Iberius, bar. of Forth, in the co. of Wexford, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 3 miles to the S.E. of Killinick. It is seated on the banks of Lady's Island Lake. There are in the village a chapel for Wesleyans and a dispensary. Fairs take place on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday and the 18th October. BROADWAY, a par. in the upper div. of the hund. of Pershore, in the co. of Worcester, 5 miles to the S.E. of Evesham. It is situated in a hilly country on the edge of Gloucestershire, near the West Midland railway. The hills command extensive prospects over the Vale of Evesham and the surrounding country, and are inter- sected by picturesque winding valleys. Freestone is quarried in the neighbourhood. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Worcester, of the val. of 240, in the patron, of trustees. The old church, dedicated to St. Eadburgh, contains a monument to one of the Sheldon family, but is no longer used. The new church, dedicated to St. Michael, was built twenty years ago. In the village are chapels belonging to the Independents, Wesleyans, and Roman Catholics, and a free school for boys, founded in 1686 by Thomas Hodges, and endowed with about 75 per annum. There are some other charities, the annual value of which is about 25 a yeur. In the vicinity are Farncombe, on the top of Broadway Hill ; Middle Hill, the seat of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., who has a very large and valuable collection of MSS., and many thou- sand documents of great historic and antiquarian inte- rest ; and Spring Hill, the property of Earl Beauehamp. BROAD WELL, or BRADLE, a par. in the upper div. of the hund. of Slaughter, in the co. of Gloucester, a mile to the N. of Stow-on-the- Wold. It is situated in a hilly district near the border of Oxfordshire, on the banks of a small stream which falls into the Evenlode, and is intersected by the old Fosse Way. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Gloucester and Bristol, of the val. with that of Addlestrop united, of 643, in the patron, of Lord Leigh. The church is dedicated to St. Paul. There are charitable endowments which produce 16 a year. Broadwell House is the seat of Lord Leigh. BROADWELL, a par. in the hund. of Bampton, in the co. of Oxford, 4 miles to the W. of Bampton. It is situated in a pleasant country, and contains the chplry. of Holwell and the hmlts. of Filkins and Kelmseott. The old British way, Akeman Street, crosses the parish. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Oxford, of the val. with the perpet. curs, of Holwell and Kelmscott annexed, of 270, in the patron, of the Rev. T. W. Goodlake. The church, a cruciform edifice, is dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, and contains monuments of the Colston family. In the village are an ancient chapel and cross. The parochial charities are worth 8 a year. The chief resi- dence is Broadwell Grove House, situated in the midst of fine woodland scenery. The mansion stands on the site of an older one, the seat of the Thomouds. Filkins Hall is the residence of the Colstons, who are descended from Edward Colston, the distinguished merchant and philanthropist of Bristol. BROADWELL, a limit, in the par. of Leamington Hastings, hund. of Knightlow, in the co. of Warwick, 3 miles to the N.E. of Southam. BROADWINSOR, a lib. and par. in the Bridport div. of the co. of Dorset, 3 miles to the N.W. of Bea- minster, and 9 miles N.E. of Axminster. It is near the border of Somersetshire, and contains the tythgs.