Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/452

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r.YI.AND ABIil.V. 442 BYWORTH. BY1.ANI) AI'.I'.KY, a tnshp. in the par. (.1 ( '.jxwold, wap. 'i. in the North Hiding of the co. of tin- X. i.l' Ka-ingwold. It ill near tin and DritliiM 1' of the North- Eastern rn a station. Thu tnshp. i.s the site of an :r l.-d by Koger de Mowbray, in tin- year 1177, I'm- monks of th order, which flourished till the Dissolution, when it had a revenue of 295. The ruins of the abbey church stand in a secluded spot .-it i hill. Thy con- sist of the west front, with its three fine doorways, lancet and circular window*, the south transept, and parts of the aisles. It was a noble structure, of large dimen- sions, in the early English stylo of architecture, and, according to traditioi burial-place of the founder, whose remains wore said to be contained in a stone coffin dug up among the ruins in 1818. BYLAND, OLD, a par. in the wap. of Birdforth, in the North Hiding of the co. of York, 6 miles to the N . V . of Helmaley, its post town. The living is a don. cur. in the dioc. of York, val. 55, in the patron, of O. Womb- well, Esq. BYLAUGH, a par. in the hund. of Eynsford, in the co. of Norfolk, 5 miles to the N.E. of East Dereham, its post town. It is watered by the river Wensum. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 75 , in the patron, of C. Lombe, Esq. The church, an ancient building, is dedicated to St. Mary, and was entirely repaired by Sir John Lombe, Bart., in 1810. It contains several old family monuments. There has lately been erected, in accordance with the will of the late Sir John Lombe, Bart., a handsome mansion, from the designs of Messrs. Banks and Barry. BYLEY-CUM-YAT1 :IH MSK, a tnn'hp. in the par. of Middlewich, hnnd. of Northwieh, in the co. palatine of Chester, 1 mile from Middlewich. The Trent and Mersey canal passes near it The living is a perpet cur. in the dioc. of Chester, val. 40, in the patron, of the Vicar of Middlewich. BYNWE8TON, a tnshp. in the par. of Worthen, hand, of Chirbury, in the co. of Salop, 7 miles to the N.E. of Montgomery. BYRNESS, BURNESS, or BEREXESS, a chplry. in the par. of Elsdon, ward of Coquetdale, in the co. of Northumberland, 12 miles to the N. of Bollingham. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Durham, val. 75, in the patron, of the Rector of Elsdon. The church was rebuilt in 1793. BYROME, a tnshp. united with Poole, in the par. of Brotherton, wap. of Barkstonc Ash, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 4 miles to the N.E. of Pontefract. It is situated on the banks of the river Aire, not far from the Great Northern railway. The chief residence ii Bymmc Hall, the seat of Sir J. W. Ramsdcn, Bart. BY8HOTTLE8, a hmlt. in the par. of Branccpeth, ward of Darlington, in the co. palatine of Durham, 3 miles to the 8. W. of Durham. It is a joint tnshp. with Brandon and Ixingley, and was formerly a very insigni- ficant place, but has lately much increased in popula- tion, owing to the extensive collieries, and the large paper-mill at Langley. There is a National school at Brandon, in which Divine service is performed on Sundays. BY8ICH, a parcel of the par. 'of Llanbedr, in the hnnd. of Crickhowoll, and co. of Brecon, South Wales, 2 miles to the N.E. of Crickhowell. It YST< i( K, a hmlt. in the par. of Colyton-Rawleigh, hund. of East Budleigh, in the co. of Devon, 2 miles to the W. of Si.limmth. It is seated on the sea-coast. Bystock House is the principal residence. BYTE, M.V. i ,,, ioad laera par. in the par. of King Edward, Turrifl n the co. of Aberdeen, Scot- land. 8 miles to tip N.K. ol'Turrill'. The living is in the presb. of Turrifl', and in the patron, of the S li^tian Knowledge, and of the con- gregation. Byth House is the scat of B. C. Urquhart, Esq. Annnal fain are held here in April, May, June, October, and Novoml 1JYTHAM. i AS l I.K, a par. in the wnp. of Beltiiloc, parts of Kestevi n, in the co. of Lincoln, a miles to the 8. of Corby. Stamford U iU post town. It is situated on the river (ili n, i .them railway, and comprises the limit, of C'ounthorpe and the chplry. of Holywull with Aunby. It was the site of a cost] was given alter the Norman Conquest to od. Albcmarle, and which, after being destroy d 1" III., was rebuilt and long held by the 1 of the Colvilles. The living is a vie. in the dioc. ol Lincoln. The church is dedicated to St. Jan Wesleyans have a chapel in the village. Tin endowed free school, with an annual income ol some other charities worth about 5 a year. BYTHAM, PAKVA, a par. in the wap. of I^^H parts of Kostev. n, in the co. of Lincoln, 1 milt of Castle Bytham. It is situated on the ri and is a station on the Great Northern railway. Tin living is a rect* in the dioc. of Lincoln, in the patamL of the bishop. The church u dedicated to St Medar- dus. The parochial charities consist of the church estate, producing about 16 per annum. BYTHORN, a par. in the hund. of Leighton-: >ne, in the co. of Huntingdon, 6 miles to the N. of Kit Thrapstone is its post town. The living is a perpaki cur. annexed to the rect. of Brington, in the ^^H Ely. The church is dedicated to St. Lawrei. charitable endowments amount to 16 per annum. BYTON, a par. in the hand, of Wigmorc, in ij^H of Hereford, 4 miles to the E. of Presteign, in RaibH shire, its post town. The living is a rect in the of Hereford, val. 105, in the patron, of the lord < cellor. The church is dedicated to St. Mary, are charitable endowments for the poor, pr a year. '11Y WELL, ST. AXDliKW, a par. in the easten div. of Tindale ward, in the co. of Northumborlaii^H miles to the W. of Newcastle, its post town. It i pleasantly situated in a wooded distriit. on I of the river Tyne, and is crossed by the NewoaMM^ Carlisle railway, on which Stocksfield, one of its tn8h_ is a station. The par. comprises the tnahps. of llearl Broomhaugh, Riding, Stocksiield Hall, and Bywcll was the head of an ancient barony, which w held soon "after the Conquest by < subsequently by the Nevilles, by whom it was falftfl in 1 ."il. It then passed into the posscsci wicks. Remains of the castle and a chapel near the river. The village of Bywcll is part pariah and partly in that . l St. Peter. The manuiactar of saddlers' ironmongery was once cam. considerable extent. The living is a vie. in tl Durham, val. 169, in the patron, of W. U. li Eoq. The church, which has a lofty tower, is dedicate to St. Andrew. The church ol St. Peter stand The Tyne is here crossed by a ha erected at a cost of 1.5,000. Bywell Hall, the seat c orth B. Beaumont, Esq., M.P., is an elegu mansion, built by the Fenwicks, and stands in a pleads spot near the river. There is a waterfall nea luge, and a corn-mill. HYWKLL, ST. PETER, a par. in the .astern div. . Tindalo ward, in the co. of Noriln. the N.W. of St. Andrew Bywcll. banks of the Tyne, and comprises an area of 17,784 acre and Stellini;. pll. "I Vliittotlslall. of the tush]), of St. Andrew Bywell. 'I vie. in the dioc. of Durham, val. 119, in the j.atro> of the Dean and Chapter of Durham. There is al> a district church at Vhittmi-tal], the living of which a ]H-r]n't. cur.,* val. ';"). in th" patron, of the trnit* a The Vi-l. yaiiH, (Quakers, and .]ls in the village. The parochial charities a: worth ill a year. BTWORTH,a hmlt. in the par. of Petworth, hun 'lerhridge, rajx' of Anmdel, in the co. of Susse 1 mile to the E. of Pctwortli.