Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/572

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( llil.DKIi T1IOKNTON. .502 Clill.u-sFoKi). coat of the Cults family. It has recently been rebuilt on tin 1 siti' of tin: ol'l is ahandson, tin: I . in which 1 MllUiKi: THORNTON, or THORNTON cilll.- lil-.l;, a tn.-hp. in the I'.-ir. in KaMham. in : div. of tin' liuiiil. of Wirrall, i.' miles S. of Birkenhead, 8 N.W. of Cluster, ami i the Houton ami Sutt'in :<tal: cashire, ami ( 'In -lib ' railway. CH1LD1IAY, a tythg. in the co. of ] i nster. < 1 1 ILD-OKEFORD, a par. in the hand. . Stunninstcr div. of the co. of Dorset, :> minster, and 4 S.E. of Blandford. The Dorset ( branch of the London and South- Western railway passes near the village, and has a station at Stum shall. The living is a rect.* in ; val. 316, in the patron, of th- Kev. C. K N.u-ih. The church, dedicated to St. Nicholas, is a plain edifice with a tower. Here is a National school. The charities pror duce 13 per annum. CHILDKEY, a par. in the hund. of Wantage, in the co. of Berks, '2 miles W. of Wantage, its post town, and 6 S.E. of the Wantage Road station of the Great V, line. It is Icnicld Street and the Wilts and Berks canal. In this parish is an aneient building formerly occupied by the Fettiplaces, and said to have been the place where Charles I. slept on his march from Oxford to Maryborough. The living is a rect. * in the dioc. of Oxford, val. 604, in the j.a Christi College, Oxford. The church, dedicated Mary, is an ancient edifice, with embattled tower and beautiful stained-glass windows. It contains a piscina, brasses from 1430, and a very curious leaden font, which ia circular in shape and bears figures of abbots. Hero are a school for boys and some almshouses. CHILD'S- 1 :i;< AI.Ii.apar.inthoDraytondiv. of the hund. of North Bradford, in the co. of Salop, 6 miles S. of Market Drayton, and 7i N.W. of the Newport rail- way station. It is situated near the river Tern. The living is a perpet. cur.* in the dioc. of Lichfield, val. 66, in the patron, of Hit 'hard (.'orbct, Esq., who is lord of the manor. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, is an ancient stone Gothic edifice. There is a school for both sexes. The tithes were commuted in 1839. Child's- 1 Hall is now a farmhouse. (Ill LD'S-WICKHAM, a par. in the lower div. of the hund. of Kiftsgate, in the co. of Gloucester, S miles from the Evesham railway station on the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton line, an /is post town. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Gloucester and Bristol, val. 246, in the patron, of the representa- tives of the Rev. J. H. Tucker. The church is a stone structure with a spire. The tithes were commuted in 1763. CHILD WALL, a par. in the hund. of West Derby, in the co. of Lancaster, 5 miles from Liverpool, and 4 from Proscot. It includes the tnshps. of Allerton, Child- wall, Hale wood, Speke, Little Wool ton, Woolton, and the chplrios. of Garston, Hale, and Wavertree. The living is a vie. * in the dioc. of Ches- ter, val. 4.36, in the patron, of the bishop. There are also eight district churches in this parish, the livings of which are perpet. curs., viz. : that at Waveitreu, val. 117; atVv n, which, with that at Hale- wood, is in tin, the vicar; at Garston, val. 138, in the' Hi. hard Watt. Esq. ; at Ha! 105, in the patron, of J.I. Blackburn, Esq. ; St. M val. lod, in the patron, of the I r; St. Anno, Aigburth, and M the .. At a M -illage ildwall Hall, a .-eat ni' the .Marquis of Salisbury. ( H 1 I.I < II; I), a hund. in the S. K. portion of them, of Cambridge, contains the purs, of ( MleAl, ing- don, Babraham, Great l.artlow, Ii, Liiiti.n, I'ainpi-tLi.l, Mi inly- Camps, mid West Wickhain, comprising 21, 430 acres. CHILFROOM K, a I'ii. in the hund. of Dorchester div. of the co. . Dole i 1 i'r. .in .Maiden Newt. Loii'l a railway, the river Froonie. The living i and W. 1 Holy Trinity, is a .-mall i dilice, with'nn a toy i'iii- ji.-ni-'i in the chin n T. CHII.<;KI> i:. : tyti the hund. of ('111 I.HA.M, a par. ill the hund. i it 1', 1 lay, in ti' , mile, X. and 7 m. It is a lailv London an , line, and is siti <tnur. This village, whirl: town, is the Chilleliam of Domesday Book, and e along the roa rbiiry and . i 'ensantly situated, having thcrhn to the K., and the castle and nark just opposite to v.hieh there is a delightful V the  :.!. This place was in the scene of man elation or cn-i,-'i,,i l.y the Roman;-, as '. many relics in t ulim.,!. In the!-'. Kiiig Withred, "f century, resided here, and great. a fortifications. The living is a vie.* in the dioc terbury, val. with the cur. of Molash annexed, the patron, of Charles 1 cated to St. .Mary, is a n : a >tnM^ the early English style, with an imbat; ipels, wlli. lied to it. It e monument to Sir Dudley Digges; I - exiifa for near a century a mausoleum of t family, sadly out of keeping with I pearance of the fine old church. Thi.- tho kindness of the present owner. now (1863) in course of removal, a i church is being thoroughly and 1 the solo cost of 0. Hardy, ] schools for both sexes, besides an in! .: Castle was built by Sir D. Digges, in 1- venerably mantled with ivy, are to UjH thick, surrounded by a fine park. .N park is a barrow 180 feet long, known as j^^^H Grave, and supposed to be tin j Julius Laberius, a Roman general. At ( i Lees annual foot races form two young men and two maiden i I.e ages sixteen and twenty-four, ran a lye; the i man and woman Sir Dudley Digges, in 1638. The - .WSJKI in prizes for the scholars of the Nat i . Qp Hardy, Esq., is lord of the manor, and i 1 i is held i m the 8th N. ' IIILHAMPTOX, a tythg. in the par. of Soul Xewton, in the co. of Wilt-, 1 mile N. "i V i CI1II.1.AM), a tythg. in : ] in the co. of llai of W.. ( IIII, I. i:IIKN". a )iar. in the 1, tine, in the oo. of Kent, oi'D<* - '. nf Sandw ich. Wingl, nig is a it ct.* in the i d to All Saint.-, is a The principal n-.Mdenc. of Sir It. V. 1'., Knowhon I'ark. '1 r held i,n Whit-" cllll.IJ-:i;T(iX, a tytlig. in the pars, of ".ike. I.-le of Wight, in the 8, i.f New pnl-t. C]llI.I,i:Sl-'(ll;I>. a par. ill the hund. of in the co. of Sull'olk, ^ miles N.W. of Oi: .N.i;. .'t Woi.dhii.ige. Wickham Maiket is iU town. It is situated on an estuary of the i i near Orford Haven. The living is a rect. in the dioc.