Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/592

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CLANAWLEY. 581 ( LANXVILI.IAM. CLAXA WLE Y, or ( i I . I : N A W 1 . 1 . V , a bar. in the co. of Fermanagh, prov. of Ulster, Iroliind ; contains the par. of Killesher, and partsot Holm, (']. . nish, Kinawlcy, and Itossory, comprise i LANDOKAGTH, bur. inUut'en'sco., prov. of Lein- st< T. Ireland. It is bounded on the N. by L'pperwoods, ..n the I'.. by ( larmallugh, on the S. by the co. of Kil- ki'iiiiy, ami on tin: V. by that of Tippeiary. It is the middle of the- three div.-,. of th.- iniondum bar. of l."|>|u-r i y, and contains the pars, of Skirk, Kyle, liath- sarnin, and parts of Krke, Coolkerry, Aghaboo, and Bordwell, with the towns of Donaghmore and Itath- downey, and the vil. of Borris-in-Ossory. It* length in !( miles, breailth C, and area about 43,733 acres. The inhabitants are mosth in agriculture. ( I, A NI)i i., EAST, a par. in the second div. of the lniml. of Woking, and union of Uuildford, in the co. of y, 8 miles from Dorking, and 4 E. of the Uuild- ford station on the South-Western railway. It is situ- ated near the Clandon Downs, and comprises a large tract of common. The living is a rect. in the archdeac. of Surrey, and dioc. of Winchester, val. 152, in the n. of the Earl of Lovelace. In the vicinity is llatchland 1'ark, late the residence of Admiral Bos- ii. who died here in 17C1. CLAM" iN, VKST, a par. in the co. of Surrey, as above, 1 mile to the W. of East Clandon. The living is a rect. in the archdeac. of Surrey, and dioc. of Win- chester, vat 136, in the patron, of the Earl of Onslow. The charities produce 8 per annum. The tithe.- w, re commuted in 1839. In the vicinity is Clandon 1'ark, a lino mansion, with a hall 40 feet square, and two manllc- pieces carved by Bysbrach. i I. ANK, a bar. "in the co. of Kildare, prov. of Lein- stcr, Ireland. It is bounded on the N.W. and W. by Carbery; on the X.E. by Iki-athy and Oughterany ; on the S.E. by Naas ; and on the S.W. by Connell. It contains the pars, of Downings, Clane, Killybegs, C'ur- ragh, Ballynafagh, Brideschurch, and Timaboe, with thr towns of Prosperous and Clane. Its length is 8 miles, Uh 7, and area about 18,736 acres, a third of which is bog. CLANE, a par. and post town, in the co. of Kil- dare, prov. of Lcinstor, Ireland. It lies along the E. boundary of the bar. of Clane. The soil is generally prolific, with some limestone. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Dublin, Gleudalagh, and Kildare, val. with Clonshanbo, Maiuham, and Killybegs, 382, in the patron, of the crown. The town, which formerly hada market, is situated on the laflcy. It was destroyed by fire in 1798. Here stands the parish church, a very ancient structure, and several schools, one of which is endowed. In the neighbourhood are Clongowe'a Jesuit College, and two Roman Catholic chapels. Petty sessions are held in this town, which has a police station and a dis- pensary. Hero are the ruins of a castle, whose date of foundation is unknown, a Danish earthwork, and the remains of a monastery founded in 1272 by Lord Ophaley. The neighbouring residences are Shcrlockstown, lilack- hall, Millicent, and Firmouut. Fairs are held on the 28th March, 28th April, 25th July, and 15th Octob. r. CLANEBOY, a territory comprising parts of the cos. of Down and Antrim, in Ireland. It was formerly the country of the Hugh-boy O'Xeills, and from them was .tiled Clanhugh-boy. It is divided into North and Smth. or Upper and Lower. CLANFIELD, a par. in the bund, of Bampton, in the co. of Oxford, 2 miles W. of 13nmpton, its post town, and 18 W. of Oxford. It is situated on th Little Clanfield, to which it is united, stands halt a mile t the village. The living is a vie. in the .line. ,.i id, val. 90, in the patron, of J. 11. Elliott, and II. 11. nn,. tt, Ksqrs. The church, dedicated to .St. Stephen, is an anrieiit oditi. -. in the IJo man style. The annual val. of tl,. , 5. The Wealoyans and 1'iimi- th.- Methodists ha-.e. places of worship, and there is a liool. CLANFIELD, a par. in the hun.l. of Fim-h ' (upper half), in the I'ctorsfii-ld div. of the co. of 1 i 7i miles from the Havant station of the London uul Brighton railway, 2J mil. s X. of Horn 1). .in, and ,5 from Petcrsflcld, its post town. The living is. a rod annexed to the rect.* of Chelton, i . in the patron, of King's ' ' :i.l. reh, dcdua; .1 imes, is an The WenloyanB have a place of worship. Tl the manor is Sir S < irt. CLANGEBS-HEKMITAUE, a hmlt. in tl. White Lacking, .11, in the to. ,.1 S ,m. -i>. t, 1 < of llminster. CLAXKEE,or ('I.' >N KKK, a bar. in the co.of C^K in the prov. of Ulster, Ireland. It is i 4 bar. of Tullaghgni N., by th ghan on the E., the co. of Meath on 'tin S., and LqX tree on the W. Its length is 11 mil. .-. by uettj^B broad, with an area of 64,378 acres of hill;. The northern portion is drained by th. i . Amulw the southern by Lough Swillan and Virginia- wj^^H ing into the Boyne. It contains the pars, of UH bnde and Shercock, and parts of Dnungoon, ^^H borough, or Moybolgue, and Enni.ske. n. LNKELLY, or CLOXKELLY, a bar. in td| of Fermanagh, in the pruv. of UiM>r. h.lai situated in the E. part of the co., and is bounded <^E X. by Ma^herastephana, on th.- K. by Jlona. on the S.W. by Coole bar. It eomprises an^^H 36,923 acres, and contains the pars, of Qallo^^H Clones. The principal vil. is Rosslce. CLANMAHON, a bar. in the co. of (V...n, Irelud It contains the pars, of BaDintanplc, ! Drumlumman, and parts of Crosserlom bride, and Kilmore, comprising 54,349 acree. ('!.. .N.MACKI' o. oi K.rry.proT.o Minister, Ireland. The co. of Limerick dew riU it eastern boundary', the At! mi ;....: |^H| Trughenackmy is on th. S .1 Ii.iL i i>ti."nnor^^H N. It is 17 miles long by 12 broa.I a *^B fieial extent of 120,766 acres, comprising ; tomoy, O'Dorney, Killury, Kilshei flyn, Killahan, Kilcaragh, Kilfeighny, Hallyh. Finugo, and parts of Ardfert , sert, or Desert. The interior is mountainous and boggr This barony is believed to ha colony of the Luceiii, and was eal le. I can still bo traced in many local names. It- pmm| name is derived from Maurie. , moad 1 1 Gros, from whom are <1 Kerrys. CLANMOEE, a hmlt. in the bar. of Ida, in the c of Kilkenny, prov. of Lcinstcr, Ir- on the road from New Ross to Waterford. CLANSIORKIS, a bar. in the . Counaught, Ireland, bounded by < tcllo on the E., (Jalway on the S., and Ca main on the W. It is over 18 n and covers an extent of ( intersected by the rivers It. i i ho para, of Crossboyne, Kilviu- , l Tagheon, the town of Clare ili n i>, an-l ]..irt- aml May... '1 "In re is some mountain COM: is iieh, with limestone bottom. C'lanmomi givu tl i baron to a descendant of the Bingluun, eirlt l.uran. i I.ANVII.I.K, uhmlt. in the par. of V CO. of Hunts, 1 miles V. of Ami ( I. AN VI 1. 1. K, a hmlt. in th. ] the ro. of Somerset. ]t i.- situat. 4 in a beautiful coaittr In ar tli < I.ANNVII.I.IAM, a bar. in th ^V* tr . lii-ov. of Minister, h. lan.l. It is boim.l. ii:tnna, on tin Iv by Mi.1.11. ti and I tlii, and on the V. by Limerick. Its length i i.y 1'.'.! wiile. Th. ns the |ii> Ballygriflin, C'orroge, Cull, n, bulloge.Clonb. z. l-'.mh ,( '}> -:i ..inckli Killardry, I. - 'Uogho more, Solloghodtiog, Shronell, Tippi-niry, T nii-ry and a part of Clonoulty, Donohfll, ft