Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/60

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AI.I.I'UTON CHAl'i:!.. fiO


ALLKUTON ( i!.ri:i., a chplry. in the par. in the West of York, 9 i cds. The limits, of Allcrton Glcdhow, Moor All. i! n, und Mean- wood wen it, 1ml they have now churches of their own. Tim living is a i'rpet. cur. in Iho il. u, vnl. 301, in : of Leeds. It has a hospital Iowa, estab- lished and endowed by Robert Parker. I.IIKTuN. i..>T AM) Vi 8T, vils. in the co. of Northumbcrlan J, lying 4 miles to the 8.W. of Berwick- on-Twoed. ALLERTON MAULKYKIiKR, a par. in the upper div. of tin- vap. of rlajo, in the West Hiding of the co. of York, 4 miles to the N.K. of Knaresborough. It contains tin tn.-hji. a .is situated on a branch of the rivrr N n the York iiinl Ilarrogutc branch of the North Eastern railv. .iy. IU name is taken from an ancient proprietor, l;i Maulcveror, who founded here, in the reign of J li nry II., a priory of the Benedictine order, as a cell to the abbey of Marmoustier, in France. On the abolition of alien priories, its revenue was given by Henry VI. to King's .i 1 , Cambridge. The living is a porpet. cur. i dioc. of Ripon, vol. 65, in the patron, of Lord Stourton. The church is dedicated 1" St. Martin. Maule- verer House, near Claro Hill, is the seat of Lord Stourton. AI.I.i:i;T"N. Yorkshire. See NOHTIIAL- Ai.i.r.KToNsiiiUK WAPEMTAKE, one of the 1 1 wape. or subdivisions of the North Hiding of York- shire, is bounded on the ' > Firs and Durham, on tin- K. by Langbaurgh liberty, on the E. and 8. by Birdfurfh wiquntake, and on the W. by East G tiling wapentakc. It contains the pars, of Birklcy, llnttou Conyers, North Al- Irrton, Osmotherh y, ~i ^. Runcton, Scssay, Sigston Kirby, and Thoniton-lc-Slrcet, nnil parts of Leak, i Ottcrington, Great Smcaton, Sockburn, and Weath. AT.LF.SLEY, a par. in the Kirby div. of the himtl. of Knightlow, in tho co. of Warwick, 2 miles to the N.W. of Coventry. At Allcduy Gate is a station on tho London and North Western railway. Tho parochial charities amount to 114. Of this sum, 46 is the revenue of the free school, which was endowed in 1706, ":*. Flint, with land and a house for the master. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Worcester, val. 749, in tho patron, of tho Rev. W. T. Breo, the rector. The church is dedicated to All Saint*. There are traces of an old castle, which belonged to tho Hastings. Allesley 1'ark was one* a seat < i <!<n family. AI. Y, a par. in the hund. of Morleston and Litchuroh, in the co. of Derby, 2 miles to the N. M near tho Midland railway and the river Derwent. The living is a prrpct. (in.* in the dioc. of LichBeld, val. 51. Tho ch and has n tains some monm of the Miin.Iys nf Allsclcy Hall and Markeaton, I Andrew. The Weslcyan Methodists

I ' ": .. Inding the inooou

from church lands, amount to 32. This parish is part ALI.1IAI l.ov ; ti,,. v . berlan.l, 7 miles t,, th s ' ! Wigton Tli. imr F.ll.-n Carlisle railway paves near it Coal : T good quality ; and tin iv nrn quarries of limestone and freestone. Thi- living i.s a jT]K-t. i-ur. in the di. ' . in tin- ].:itn.n. of tho . ini'lmlcil in itrin. AI.I.IIAI.I.i > >. ,-i par. in t): bund, of IT..... ami lathe of Aylosford, in t N I i .'n !!,. riv.rTliain.-.. is Mtablul liestcr, vul. L'I7, in t 1 Dean and Chapter of Rochester. The church is dedicated t-,St. Mary. ALLIHIES, or I'.KAiiHAVKX, a vil. in the bar. of Boar, in tho co. of Coik, pmv. of M land, miles W. of Castlctown . It is sit n on tho bay of Ballydoi : has one of t and most product i in the country. Six thousand tons have been obtained in one year, and .uds have boen employed in working it. ALLIMU1AM, a hmlt. in the hund. of Kyi. of Aylcsford, in I Knit, ;> miles to the 1 N.E. of Maidstono. The living is a vie. united wit'.. rect. of Thomham, in the dioc. of Canterbury. ALLINGTON, a tnshp. in the par. of '< hund. of Bromfield, in theco. of Denbigh, North Wales, , 3 miles to tho N. of Wrexham. ALLINGTON, a par. in the hund. of Goddorth- in tho co. of Dorset, less than a mile to tho N.V, Bridport. It is situated on the river Brit. Tin- li is a perpet. cur.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 103, in I pin. of the Rev. II Fox. The church has rubuilt, and is dedicated to St. Swithin. This place wa I formerly a chapelry to Bridport, to which pla. are now taken for burial. Flux and hemp are grown ! and there is a flax-mill, which gives employment to i of the inhabitants. There was formerly a hospital for ilidicated to St. Mary Magdii! b was valued, at the Dissolution in 1553, at 7. A t on the 22nd July, for the solo of cheese and pe.ll. r . A LLINGTON.a tythg. inthcp tund. "i .M..i'i-:u idgi . in thi co. of Hants, 5 mil to the N.K. of Southampton. It is not far fp-:u the Itching and the Gosport railway. ALLINGTON, a par. in tho" hund. of Lai lathoof Ayk-slurd, in the OO.of K, nt, 1 i N V. of Maidstone. It is on the river ' i is its eastern boundary, opposite tho town of Aylc '.ear Allington Knoll, a hill which rises to tho height of 326 fcot. It was formerly a market t The living is a rect. * in the dioc. of Cant . i in the patron, of the Earl of Koniney, lord of the n whose seat is The Mote. The church St. Lawrence. A fair is held on St. Lawn Allington Castle, which was founded by Sti-pln l'i m-hestcr, has fallen to decay, and i; serve as a farm-house. Thi t the birth- of the elder Sir Thomas Wyatt, a poet of the i of Henry VIII. ALLINGTON, a par. in the bund. jr, in tho CO. of Wilts, 3 mi: 6 K. "f AiiH'shiiry. It lies on a branch of the river Avon, ami way, Ickii'- It was formerly a possession of tho Jjriory of Karl. i<jh. The living is a net. in thi- ef Salisbury, val. 236, in the patron, of the Furl of Craven. It ha . a small endowed free fohooL ALI.I M .'K >N,a in the j hund. of Sv tho > The WK-

pasKes near it.

ALLINGTON, a tythg. in the par. and bund, of ( hip]K'iiham, in the co. of Wilts, lying 2 miles to the N.W. of rhij.|,inham. ALI.INi. I"N. . T Al. VIM. TdX. I' A >T. a limit, in tho par. of Chivi I*II>M<-, hund. of < 'oleridue, in th "I 1 1, '< mil. . to tin of K AI.UMiTuN, EAST, a par. in the bund, of . . ,. , ! Den t" ill*' N i . It i- a . n~id' rahle village and parish, -- .ill. n d, <-oiitainin: : ; irlc- - I 'r.'p, Venn, and Weare I he Ihiimis a i, , t in thr ili V. 1!. Fortesrue. |-:-.|. 'I in -church is dediiat-d t" si. Andrew, and contains a wood and a pulpit, both rich: : M-- and of tho Fortoscues'. The parish is a m< ALI.INi .Ti iV l-!AsT. a ],.ir. in tin- wap. of Winni- ', of Lincoln, I miles to the H.W.ofGl lib-mi. It isa cur. united with Sedgebrook.