Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/630

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620 OODDINGTON. Court. Tlio living is a n-t.* in the dioc. of F.Iy, val. . in tin- ]Kitniii. df St. ,loh:i ridge. church, dedicated to St. I'ctcr, is an old flint structure in tin- JILT]" .nsisting of nave,

ind tower, ana contains a beautiful

monument to the Hurvrj s. Tin charities amount to 9 muni. Hero is a chapel fur the Independents and

i National nhooL 'I'hc .Messrs. M.miasiL,' are lords ol

. Hall was the seat of tho Brookes. COCK ! I limit, in tho par. of Chipping Bann Kdmonton, in the Co. of Middlesex, ij K HILL, ahmlt. in tho tnshp. of Moor Monkton, in the Ainsty of tho city of York, in the co. of York, 6 miles H.W. of York. COCK HILL, a hmlt. in the par. of Castle Cary, in the co. of Somerset, 21 miles K. of lirid- COCKING, a par. in the hund. of Kasebourne, rape of Chichestor, in the co. of Sussex, 3 miles S. of Mid- hurst, its post town. It is situated on tho Chichcstcr road, and before the Conquest formed part of the domains of the crown. It was anciently a market town, and having passed through various hands is now tho property of the earls of Kgmont. The living ia a vie. in the dioc. of Chichcster, val. 250, in the jMitron. of the Bishop of Oxford. The church is a small building in the early KnglUh style. The register dates from 1558. This place ia celebrated for its pippins. COCKIXGTON, a par. in the hund. of llaytor, in tho co. of Devon, 2 miles from Torquay, its post town. It was anciently a market town, and is situated near Tor Bay. The living is a perpet. cur. annexed to that of Tor Mohun, in tho dioc. of Exeter, joint val. about 400, in the patron, of C. II. Mallock, Esq. Tho church possesses a curious octagonal font, and several tombs of the Carys of Tor Abbey. The charities are worth about 4 1 6. per annum, chiefly for almshouscs. Cockington Court is the seat of C. H. Mallock, Esq. COCK LAKE, a small lake in tho co. of Somerset, 3 miles S. of Axminster. COCKLAW, a tnshp. in the par. of St. John Lee, in the southern div. of tho ward of Tindale, in the co. of Northumberland, 4 miles N. of Hexham, its post town. Cocklaw Tower, now in ruins, was formerly the fortified seat of the Eningtons. Rowland Errington, Esq., is chief landowner. COCK IJ-: ( ; AT, the N. passage to Yarmouth Eoads, near the entrance of which is a lighthouse, 36 foot in height, erected in 1844, visible above GO miles. ( IICKLK 1'AHK.atnshp. in tho par. of Hebburn, in the western div. of tho ward of Morpeth, in the co. of Northumberland, 3 miles N. of Morpeth, its post town. It was part of Bothal barony. Cockle Park Tower, now a farmhouse, was formerly a stronghold of the Ber- trams. The Duko of Portland is the chief landowner. OOGKUCT CLKY, a par. in the hund. of South Groenhoe, in the co. of Norfolk, 3J miles N. of Swaff- ham railway station. The village is small, and the inhabi- tant* solely engaged in agriculture. The living is a in tho dioc. of Norwich, val. 153, in the patron, of T. K. Bu< kworth, Esq. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is an old edifice in tho early English style of architecture, >ting of nave, chancel, and low round tower. Tho parsonage was formerly St. Mary's Chapel. The charities amount to 16 per annum. T. R. Buckworth, Esq., is lord of tho manor. OOOEKAN. & Oouuv, Hppeary. COCKl'F.N", a par. in the district and co. of Edin- burgh, Scotland, 7 miles S.E. of Edinburgh. Its length in a northerly direction is 3 miles, nnd its breadth 2J miles. It is bounded by the pars, of Lasswadc, Ncw- battlo, and Carrington, and is traversed for about a mile by tho Smitli Ksk. The surface, which is for the most part flat, is highly cultivated, and coal and freestone wnd Th" Marquis of Dalhonsio is the principal landowi: r. I iilhousio Castle and the ncmsn.n of i to the noble family of UaiiKay. '1 ls " ' ry and a paper-mill a! Tho Hftwfib branch of tho North British railway passes through the E. part of the parish, and has a station ut i 1 lalhou^ie. This par. is in the presb. of Dalkcith, and in tho Pjtron. of tho Marquis of Dalhousi< tl.)7. Tin ie is a Fie,' church in the vil. of I!.,m. COCKS] I( IT. a spot near Ke,wi, k, in tin berland, from which there is a fine i> v. ,,i I>. i water. KSIII IT, a tnshp. with < par. of Ellesincro, in tho co. of Salop, l.t miles S. 1 r. in the di< field, val. '. Q. of the Vicar o! < '>rKTI[UI;lT.,a ],ar. in tho hund. in the co. of Norfolk, 4 miles S.K. of Wells, and I '.. of Walsinghum. The village, which i small, is situated near the coast. Tin living is t annex, d to tin r et. of Blakeiiey, in ; wicli, in the jiatron. of Lord Calthorpe, who is of the manor. The chinch, dedicated (.. All Sail, partly in the early Knglish style of ;i us a font, beautifully sculptured. This wif^^B birthplace of Sir John Narbormigh, Sir Christ. My nnes, and Sir < - ..t th" 17th century . OOCKTHOBPE, a chplry. in the par. of l>u, ', ton, in the co. of Oxford, 2 miles S of 'i; I on the river Windrush. Cockthorpe Park U t I'.erks hounds. M KWOOD, a hmlt. in the par. of Duwlish, i co. of Devon, 6 miles E. of Chudlcigh. CODDENHAM, a par. in the hund. of 1. the co. of Suffolk, 2J miles S.E. of Ncedh:. station, and 6 S.W. of Debenham. In t)ie villagv isa savings-bank, and part of tho parish is in com living is a vie.* in tho dioc. of Norwich, val. wit-. cur. of Crowfield annexed, 1,006, in the pat Rev. Robert Long. The church, . i is a fine specimen of Gothic architecture, with a : containing a peal of eight bells. Tho intci i. .1 i- i i h in monuments, and there is a stained-glass considerable merit. The charities amount t annum. The Independents have a chapel. a free school for the education of boys an endowment of 80 per annum. Gardeman. Sir F. F. Middleton, Hart., ; manor, who resides at Shrubland reti- dence in tho midst of a fine grove of ch held on the 2nd October. ' oDDINGTON, a par. in the hund. of tho co. of Hereford, 3^ miles N.E. of 1.. dim: town and railway station, on the West Midh of the Groat Western line. The living is a the dioc. of Hereford, val. 170, in t! : the bishop. Tho church, dedicated t . is an an- i cicnt structure, with a wooden tower contains a curious font. Tin annum. CODDINGTON, a par. in the southern div. wap. of Newark, in tho co. of Nottingham, '1 milei 1 liost town and railway stat parish contains a considerable tract of iving is a perpet. cur.* in the dioc. of patron, of the bishop. The church, di Saints, is an ancient structure, with charities amount to about 80 per annum. The Vftt- leyans -.i OODDINGTON, a par. in the higher d; of Broxton, in tho co. of Chest' Tattenhall railway station on th North- Wi md In , post town. It comprises _f v tnshps. of Aldersey, ( howley, and ('..ddini- living is a reel.* in tho dioc. . dean and chapter. Tin Mary, is an edifice of r. 1633. Here is a Sunday school. Tin ( h ibout 2 10*. per ininum. Kichai . (., islo: if the manor '1 i it scat of the Holders, Coddi- I Massil i H a tumulus of sandstone near 1 1 yards in circumference.