Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/639

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COLLAGE. 629 COLLINGHAM. cab. of Mull and synod of Argyle, and iatlie patron, of .e Duke of Argyle. The minister has a stipend of )47. There are two Independent and two Baptist lapels in Tyree, with accommodation for 800 persons, hey are under a pastoral charge. There are two irochial and five non-parochial schools. The parishes ere united in 1818. They contain many remains of old uirchcs or chapels. COLLAGE, a par. and vil. in the co. of Perth, Scot- nd. The vil. of Collace is 8 miles N.E. of Perth. The .r. ia bounded by Forfarshire on the N.E., and on the her sides by the pars, of CargUl, St. Martin's, Kin- ird, and Abemyte, and is 2 miles in length by the me in breadth. The northern div. is flat and highly Itivated, while the southern div. includes part of the dlaw hills, which, with the exception of Dunsinnan, are vi-rc d with heath. The latter hill, rising 800 feet from base in a conical form, is verdant, and commands a le'view of Blairgowrie, Strathmore, and the Carse of >wrio. On its summit there was formerly a stronghold, ices of which still exist. It is attributed to Macbeth, lose supposed grave is still pointed out, and known the name of the " Long Man's Grave." Two quarries sandstone are worked. Some of the inhabitants are

iploycd in weaving linen, but the greater part in

[{cultural pursuits. The road from Perth to Cupar- igus crosses the parish, and the Woodside station of n Scottish Midland Junction railway is within an easy ttance. This par. is in the presb. of Perth, and in the if the crown. The minister has a stipend of .56. There is also a Free church. Dunsinnan House ia B seat of J. M. Nairne, Esq., sole heritor of the parish. COLLATON, a hmlt. in the par. of Broadhembury, i the co. of Devon, 6 miles E. of Collumpton. COLLATON, a hmlt. in the par. of Malborough, in f Devon, 3 miles S.W. of Kingsbridge. COLLAVEN, a hmlt. in the par. of Sourton, in the i of Devon, 4 miles S.W. of Okehampton. COLLEGE, a par. in the district of Glasgow city, in 13 co. of Lanark, Scotland. See GLASGOW. JOLLEGE MILL, an ext. par. place in the Win- ester Soke lib. of the co. of Hants. 30LLEGE OF ROSEISLE, a hmlt. in the par. of liSus, in the co. of Elgin, Scotland, 4 miles N."W. of Irin. It is situated near the coast of Burghead Bay. JOLLEGE PRECINCTS, an ext. par. place in the (v of Worcester, in the co. of Worcester. COLLEGE PRECINCTS, an ext. par. place in the i v of Gloucester, in the co. of Gloucester. ,'OLLEGE WHARF, an ext. par. place in the Win- ster Soke lib. of the co. of Hants.

OLLESSIE, a par. in the district of Cupar, in the co.

> Fife, Scotland. It extends in a south-easterly direc- tu 7 miles from the town of Auchtermuchty, which linds it on the W. The river Eden forms part of 1< southern boundary, and was straightened in 1787. ' north-western districts slope upwards towards the .ndary, and are very fertile ; the central division is ml has several square miles of iir plantations. low and pasture lands occupy the site of the Rossie i h, which was drained in 1740. Whinstone, sand- s' no, and shell with clay marl are foxmd, whinstone being i jrly used for building. The climate is very salu- 1 uis. The principal mansions are Rankeilour, Pitlair, I doth, Lochie Head, and Rossie. The road from j'chtermuchty to Cupar traverses the parish in an t- terly direction, and the Perth section of the Edinburgh . Northern railway traverses it to the N.W., and has ions at Ladybank and Collessie. Sir James Melville, 'inn-tier, in the time of Queen Mary, had an estate parish, and Dr. Hugh Blair commenced his

-try here in 1742. The village of Collessie is half a

S. of the northern boundary of the parish, and 5 -itu the W. of Cupar. This par. is in the presb. of 1 ar, and in the patron, of Johnston of Lathrisk. The liter has a stipend of 250. The parish church is nfern, and seated for 600. There is also a Free church. i salary of the parochial schoolmaster is 60, with i. more from fees. COLLEYWESTON, a par. in the hund. of Willy- brook, in the co. of Northampton, 4 miles S.W. of Stamford, its post town, and 6^ from Wansford. It is situated near the river Welland. The living is a rect. * in the dioc. of Peterborough, val. 252, in the patron, of the lord chancellor. The church, dedicated to St. Andrew, was built in the 1 4th century of barnack stone, and is in good repair. Here are several slate-quarries. The Marquis of Exeter is lord of the manor. COLLFRYN, a tnshp. in the par. of Llansaintflraid, in the hund. of Deythur, in the co. of Montgomery, 7 miles E. of Llanfyllin. COLLIER LAW, a collier vil. in Darlington ward, in the western div. of the co. of Durham, about 4 miles N.W. of Wolsingham. It is situated on a bleak com- mon, which lies about 1,700 feet above the sea. COLLIERLEY, a tnshp. in the par. of Lanchester, in the western div. of Chester ward, in the co. of Dur- ham, 10 miles S.W. of Newcastle, and 11 N.W. of Durham. Gateshead is its post town. It is situated near the Stanhope and Tyne railway, and includes the hmlts. of Pontop and Dipton. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the collieries. Pontop Pike lies nearly 1,000 feet above the sea. ' COLLIER'S END, a hmlt. in the par. of Standon, in the co. of Herts, 4 miles N. of Ware. COLLIGAN, a par. in the bar. of Decies-without- Drum, in the co. of Waterford, prov. of Munster, Ire- land, 4 miles N.W. of Dungarvan. The parish extends along the Colligan rivulet, and is traversed by the road from Dungarvan to Clonmel. Limestone exists in some parts. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Lismore, val. 33, in the patron, of the Duke of Devonshire. The Roman Catholic chapel is united to those of Clonea and Kilgobinet. There is no church. COLLIN, a mountain situated at the extremity of the co. of Antrim, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 3 miles N. of Lisburn. On its summit, which is 1,419 feet above the sea, is a very large cairn, built of small stones, entirely overgrown with verdure. COLLIN, a vil. in the par. of Torthorwald, in the co. of Dumfries, Scotland, 3J miles E. of Dumfries. It is situated on the road from that town to Annan. COLLINGBOURNE DUCIS, a par. in the hund. of Elstub, in the co. of Wilts, 2 miles N.W. of Ludgershall. It has acquired the suffix "Ducis" from its having at one period belonged to the duchy of Lancaster, before it came to the Seymours. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 716, in the patron, of the Mar- quis of Aylesbury. The church, dedicated to St. An- drew, is an ancient stone structure, with tower, for the repair of which the late rector left 100. The chief residence is Collingbourne Lodge, situated 2 miles E. of the village. COLLINGBOURNE KINGSTON, a par. in the hund. of Kinwardstone, in the co. of Wilts, 4 miles N. of Ludgershall, and 11 S.E. of Marlborough, its post town. It is situated on the river Bourne, and contains the hmlls. of Southton, Brunton, Kingston, and Augton. At one time it belonged to the Collingbournes. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 261, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Winchester. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, ia a brick and stone building, with tower. It contains monuments to the Pile family. The Wesleyans have a chapel, and there are National schools for both sexes. Here is a meet for Mr. A. Smith's hounds. John Norris, the divine, was born in the rectory -house, the living at that time being held by his father. COLLINGBOURNE SUTTON, a hmlt. 1 mile S. of the above. COLLINGHAM, a par. in the lower div. of the wap. of Skyrack, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 2 miles S.W. of Wetherby, its post town and railway sta- tion. It is situated on the S. bank of the river Wharfe. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Ripon, val. 414, in the patron, of the Rev. C. Wheler. The church, dedi- cated to St. Oswald, is an ancient stone edifice ; it was restored in 1841. The Wesleyans have a chapel in the