Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/672

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. OUTLINGSTOi K. 661 the surfii' ' "' past,. is in many places beautifully i.nlv l.iiel"" n. r, ami hai lii A thi"ULrh ' he presb. <'t nd in the patin. of the Karl of Airlie. The stipend of the minister is . The church < . built in IH'J'.I, is un elegant structure, seated for 660 persons. The church of Clova i "ii tlin royal bounty at a stipend of sl. CORTLINGSTOCK, or COSTOCK, a par. in i div. of the wap. i liushdillc, in the co. of Nottingham, 5 miles N.E. of Loughborough. It is sin branch of the ri n two hills. 1'urt of the inhabitants ore engaged in agriculture, the rest in stocking weaving and lime-burning. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. 395, in the ]. of the Rev. C. Millard. The church, dedicated to St. Oiles, has been graphically described as having a " steeple like a barn, and a roof like a dovecote." There are some small chari: GORTON, a par. in the hund. of Mutford, in the co. of Suffolk, 2 miles N. of Lowestoft, and 6 S. of Yar- mouth. The village commands a fine view of the sea, is a coastguard station. The sea is gradually encroaching upon the cliQ's, and has swept away an entire parish, called Newton. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Norwich, v;il. lll'J,in the patron, of tile lord chancellor. The church, dedicated to St. Bartholomew, was once a spacious structure, but only the chancel and tower are now remaining, besides a part of the nave restored by the present vicar. The charities amount to 18 per annum. Bones of tho mammoth, and other geological specimens, have been found here. Sir Francis Croasley, Hart., is lord of tho manor. CORTON, 01 < ni; TINUTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Boyton, hund. of Heytesbury, in the oo. of Wilts, 1 mile 8. of Heytesbury, and 1 N.W. of Boyton. It belongs to the Lambert family. COliTON, a tythg. and chplry. in the par. of Hill- marton, in the co. of Wilta, 4 miles N.E. of Calne. The church is in ruins. CORTOX DENHAM, a par. in the hund. of Hore- thorne, in the co. of Somerset, 3 miles S.E. of Spark- ford station, and 4 from Sherborne, its post town. A considerable part of the par. is comprised in Gorton Ridge, which forms a valuable sheep-walk. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, val. 320, in the patron, of Lord Portman. The church, dedicated to St. Andrew, is an old Norman structure, consisting of nave, c! north aisle, porch, and tower, and contains an ancient font. The charities amount to 3 per annum. The Wesleyans have a chapel, and there is a parochial school for both sexes. Roman remains and coins have been found here. Lord Portman is lord of the manor. CORTOWX, a vil. in the par. of Ewenny, in the co. of Glamorgan, South Wales, 3 miles S.E. of Bridgend. CORTWOOD, a limit, in the par. of Brampton- Bierlow, in tho West Riding of the co. of York, 6 miles N. of Rothe CORUISK, a loch in the Isle of Skye, in tho co. of Inverness, Scotland. 1 KWEN, a par. and market town partly in thr hund. of Edernion, in the co. of Merioneth, partly u hund. of Isaltil, in the co. of Denliiu-h, North 10 miles N.E. of Bala, and the same distance from Llangollen. It is situated under I'.erwyn .Mountain, on ,er Dee, and includes the seaport of Barmouth, and theext. par. lib. of (.w, ru-IIvi 11, besides 12tnshps. Tho town of Corwen, which in said to signify " white choir," is a pretty little ; : lining lesR than 1,000 illlc' MOM "II the S. IT Deo. It is the seat of a 1'oor-law < unity Court ami i' .' in tin A-aph. val. 37:1, in ii i.ishop. The church, n ill tile i<-acurious monu- ment t Ovain Qlyndwr*! SWM and tin re is an alnishoiisc f. ol the ( hurch of England. 'I i have a chapel, and there is a partly endowed - ia the Union poorhous>-, and 'aUo a bridewell. Thin . ice to which the celebrated Owain Glyndwr i.tin.l ' n the approach of Henry IV. The English king, as the chioie.. infuriated at not meeting his enemy, scoured all Kevor could find Glyndwr; he consequently con- cluded, agreeably to the common opinion, thin .1.-U prince was a necromancii; and, e.,mi foiled, he iiniti'd Walei, to thl fftvut triumph . , who acknowledged Owain to be the true de- t ot Llewellyn. Owain is believed to h encouraged this belief, to secure the enthusiasm of tt^l people; and very probably, while endeavouring to per- suade others, he worked himself into a I" li'-i "i thereauj^^l This hero and patriot died in freedom, as sup) tho battle of Agincourt ; but the facts of his .1. uh and sepulture are uncertain. It is, therefore, not unlikely tliat tho rude cross in Corwen churchyard may mark his real sepulchre. A high point called Sychnant, aboo^l 3 miles from Corwen, shaded by trees and coi a view of nearly 40 square miles, is pointed out as tin site of Glyndwr's famous seat. Colonel, of Rhug, possesses Glyndwr's dagger, ic. ; and that geralj harriers meet h and Friday, and there are fairs on the 1'Jth .I 24th May, 14th July, 17th October, and 20th Decci; CORYATTS. 6' Cam GAT, Donet. CORYTON, a par. in the hund. of Lifton, in the co. of Devon, 6 miles N. of Tavistock, and 9 from l.aun- ceston. Lew Trenchard is its post i Ii i- -' .,:.d on the river Lyd. The living is a reet. in the dioc. oflj Exeter, val. 208, in the natron, of Sir L. Newman, i Tho church, dedicated to St. Andrew, is a - edifice. There are National schools. The chin amount to 20. Coryton House, formerly the seat fljB tho Kelly family, who held tho manor, : urn- oonM. ^BY, a par. in the hund. of (iuthl.ixton, in tho oo. of Leicester, 2 miles N. of the Brought station on the Midland C l.uttcrworth. It contains a portion Littlethorpe, and is watered by u branch of the river Soar. Tho inhabitants are employed in agricultur. in stocking weaving. The living is a vie m th. of Peterborough, val. 138, in the pat .mag Pares, Esq., who is lord of tho manor. The church, Mi' hael, is an ancient structure in the Gothic style of architecture. It contains some n glass windows. The charities amount i num. 'i.Mli, a limit, in the par. ot Didl,i,,.,k, in the CO. of Gloucester, 2 miles N.K. of Winch. COSCRADIA, a district in the co. of prov. of Mnn.I'i, Ireland. It was nn pality, and lies on the sea-coast, with tho ba ind Youghal on either Cd- ul. in the par. of Sedrjey, in tl. of Stafford, 1 mile 8. of Bilston. It i -A ith lieepi ii on the I ll IIII: is a d, val. 138, in the pa: of Lord Waul. The inhabitants an n the

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