Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/705

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CROSCOMBE. 695 CROSSGAR. Addison, the poet, was torn hero, and Rawlinson, the antiquary, resided at Crosby-Gill Park. A fine modern mansion hag been erected near the village, on the Lyvennet, by the Dent family, and is named Flass House. Ahorse, sheep, and cattle fair is held at Muuld's Meaburn, 1 mile from the village, on the Monday before Easter. CROSCOMBE, a par. in the luvnd. of Whitstonc, in the co. of Somerset, 2 miles N.W. of Shepton Mallet; and 4 from Wells. It is situated on the river lime. It was formerly a market town, but is now a small agri- cultural village. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, val. 222, in the patron, of Miss Kli/a Wylie. The church is dedicated to St. Mary, near which is an ancient cross. The charities amount to 32 per annum. In the vicinity is Maesbury-Castle camp. A fair is held on the 2oth March. CROSEMERE, a tnshp. in the par. of Ellesmere, in the co. of Salop, 3 miles S.E. of Ellesmere. It is situated near the C'rose Merc, or lake, and is joined to Cock- mtt. CROSLAND, NORTH and SOUTH. See CROSS- iND, co. York. CROSLET, a vil. in the par. of Kilbarchan, in the co. llrni'rew, Scotland, 2 miles S. of Kilbarchan. I '!!< ISLEY HALL, a hmlt. in the tnshp. of Allerton, in the par. of Bradford, West Riding of the co. of York, If miles N.W. df Bradford. The inhabitants are engaged in the collieries and neighbouring factories. CROSS, or NESS, a quoad sacra par. in the par. of as, near the Butt of Lewis, one of the Western Islands, Scotland, 50 miles N.W. of Loch Ewe. _ It forms part of the county of Ross, and is chiefly inhabited by fishermen, who speak Gaelic. CROSS, or ST. CROSS. See WINCHESTER, co. Hants. CROSS, a tythg. in the par. of Portbury, in the co. of ct, 4 miles N.W. of Bristol. CROSS, a vil. in the par. of Axbridge, hund. of Win- tc-i stoke, in the co. of Somerset, 1 rnilu W. of Axbridge. CKOSS, a vil. in the bar. of Moyarta, in the co. of Clare, Ireland, 3 miles W. of Carrigholt. CROSS, a vil. in the bar. of Decies-without-Drum, in the co. of Watcrford, Ireland, 6 miles N. of Youghal. CROSS, a vil. in the par. of Trinity, Jersey, one of -the Channel Islands, 4 miles N.E. of St. Holier. It is MI natod near Bouley Bay, and contaiiispart of " Caesar's Wall." CROSS, a limit, in the par. of Great Torrington, in the co. of Devon, 1 mile S. of Torrington. CROSSABEG, a vil. in the par. of East Shelmaliere, in the co. of Wexford, Ireland, 3 miles N.W. of Wcx- ford. CROSSAKEEL, a vil. in the par. of Kilskyre, bar. of Upper Kells, in the co. of Meath, prov. of Leinster, Ireland. It occupies an elevated position, 5 miles W. of Kells, and 15 N.W. of Trim. There is a police station, and petty sessions are held in the village, which contains the parish church of Kilskyre, and a school. The dispensary is within the Oldcastle Poor-law Union. Fairs are held on the 9th May, 16th Aueust, and 15th December. CROS.SALEENY, a hmlt. in the bar. of Lower Dun- ilalk, in the co. of Lonth, Ireland, 2 miles S. of Car- liri!<ford. CROSS AND BURNESS, an united par. in the island of Sanda, Orkney Islands. Gross comprises the southern, and Harness the north-western peninsula of the island. This par. is in the presb. of North Isles, in the synod of Orkney, and in the patron, of the Earl of Zetland. The stipend of the minister is 210. CROSS-ARTHURLEE, a vil. in the par. of Neilston, in the co. of Renfrew, Scotland, 4 miles S. of Paisley. It is situated among the Lochliboside hills. ( K( ISSBANK, a hmlt. in the district of Knott Lanes, par. of Ashton-nnder-Lync, in the eo. of Lancaster, 1 mile from Ashton-under-Lyne. CROSSBOYNE, a par. in the bar. of Clanmorris, in the co. of Mayo, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 1 mile on the road from Claremorris, its post town, to Ballindine. The North- Western railway has a station at Clare- morris. The soil is generally good, with some bog and limestone. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Tun in, val. 120, in the patron, of the bishop. The church is old, and in 1819 received the addition of a tower and vestry, the cost of which was defraj'ed by the late Board of First Fruits. Hero is a Roman Catholic chapel, united to that of Carraghmore, in the parish of Tagheen ; and two National schools, partly supported by subscription. The principal seats arc C'astlemacgarrett, the residence of Lord Oranmore; Brookhill, Mayfield, The Heath, Farm- hill, and Prospect ; near which last is a medicinal spring. The ruins of old Castlemacgarrett are still remaining. In the vicinity are Druidical remains, and in the church - yard are some curious old monuments. CROSS-BROOK STREET, a hmlt. in the par. of Waltham, in the co. of Herts, 2 miles from Waltham Abbey. CROSS BUTTS, a hmlt. in the par. of Whitby, in the North Riding of the co. of York, 2J miles W. of Whitby. It is situated near the mouth of the river Esk. CROSSBY, a tnshp. in the par. of Canonby Cross, Allerdale ward, in the co. of Cumberland, 2J miles N.E. of Maryport. CROSS CANONBY. See CANONBY-CUOSS, Cumber- land. CROSS CRAKE, a vil. in the par. of Heversham, in the co. of Westmoreland, 2J miles S. of Kendal. The living is a cur. in the dioc. of Carlisle, val. 89, in the patron, of the Vicar of Heversham. CROSSDONEY, a postal vil. in the par. of Kilmore, bar. of Clanmahon, in the co. of Cavan, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 1 mile N.W. of Bellananagh. It is situated on the road from Dublin to Killeshandra, near the river Erne. The dispensary is within the Cavan Poor-law Union. The scenery of the surrounding locality is strik- ingly beautiful, and numerous seats adorn the neigh- bourhood. Fairs are held on the 5th April, 27th May, 20th August, and 17th November. CROSSENS, a hmlt. in the par. of North Mcols, in the co. of Lancaster, 7 miles N.W. of Ormskirk. It is situated at the mouth of the river Ribble. The living is a cur. in the dioc. of Chester. CROSSERLOUGH, or KILDRUMFERTON, a par. in the bars, of Castlerahan, Clanmahon, and Upper Loughtce, in the co. of Cavan, prov. of Ulster, Ireland. It is situated to the N. of Lough Sheelin, and contains the vil. of Kilnaleck. The surface is liiily, and the parish is intersected by the roads from Cavan to Dublin, Castle- Pollard, and Granard. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Kilmore. The church was built in 1812, partly by a loan from the late Board of First Fruits, and partly by parochial assessment. The Roman Catholic chapel is united to that of Drumkilly. The chief residences are Kill House, Kilnacrot, and Drumroragh Lodge. CROSSETT, a hmlt. in the chplry. of Bilsdale-Mid- cable, in the North Riding of the eo. of York, near Helmslee. CROSS-FELL, a mountain pass in the co. of Cumber- land, 8 miles S. W. of Alston. It . is crossed by the Maiden Way, and has a magnificent view over six counties, being near 3,000 feet above the sea-level. The " helm winds" blow for half the year, and are followed by much rain. CROSS-FLATTS, a limit, 'in the par. of Bingley, upper div. of the wap. of Skyrack, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 32 miles S.W. of York. It is situated near the river Aire, and the North Midland railway. There is alse a vil. of this name in the co. of Linlithgow, Scotland. CROSSFORD, a vil. in the par. of Lcsmahagow, in the co. of Lanark, Scotland, 3 miles W. of Lanark, and 32 from Edinburgh. There is another vil. of the same name in the par. of Dunfermline, in the co. of Fife. CROSSGAR, a postal vil. in the par. of Kilmore, bar. of Upper Castlert agh, in the co. of Down, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 4 miles N.W. of Downpatrick. It is situated on the road to Saintfield. Crossgar House and Redemon are the neighbouring seats. Fairs are held on the second Wednesday in each month.