Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/724

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RGII. 714 i UCBAR. MN(;sr.UK<;iI, a par. in Hi. nmnlandof Shot- lid. l! is

p. Ill tln> 1 , tin' hninl. of Totnc.nslow, in the co.


OUOH, a .hplry. in tin par. of the CO. Of with the tush]), of Moiling. CUPAR, a dist, - otlund, 17 lio pars, of i ny, Logio, Dair- Kile, .Mmii- inail, Moon Colleane, Auchtormuchty, Simlhmifilo, Kettle, l-'alk- aud Arngosk. It is bounded on the N. by tin; Firth 'id includes .wards, lliat part nf tlic county which is drained by den. CUPA IJ-A N( JUS, orCOUPAR-AKGUS, a par. in the district and cos. of Forfdr and Eastern IVitli, Scotland. 1 1 is Minuted in the centre of Strathmore, and extends 6 iVom N.10. t" S.W., with a breadth of from H milo to 2$ miles. Tin river I ski bounds it on the N.W. It includes the vils. of Balbrogio, Wasliington, and Long- leys. The population, of which about iivc-sixtlis are in 'i shire, has remained stationary for many yean past. The low-lying lands are clay, but the upper gravel. The lands bordering on the Isla are protected from its frequent inundations by embankments. This par. is in the prcsb. of Meiglc, and in the patron, of the crown. The stipend of the minister averages 200. The parish chui ch. i . Imilt in 1860, is a handsome structure. There -os of worsliip besides the Established church, viz. United Presbyterian, Free, Episcopalian, I tml Secession, and Evangelical Union. The town .|iar-Angus stands on the road from Perth to Aber- deen, 5 miles S.S.E. of Blairgowric, and l.'l N Perth. The larger part of the town, situated on the right bunk of a tributary of the Isk, is in the county of Perth, and that on the left bank in Forfar. The manufacture of coarse linen fabrics, and a tannery, give employment to tin; inhabitants. Here is a station of the Scottish Midland railway. In the neighbourhood is the site of a lionian camp, supposed to biivo been formed by Agricola, in the centre of which Malcolm IV. founded an abbey for i inn monks in 1164. James VI. converted the lands of this monastery into a lordship in 1C06, which wag afterwards held by Lord Balmerino, who was attainted in 171.). Thursday is market day. Fairs are held in Ma lulv, and November. PAR- FIFE, a pn.'in the district of Cupar, in the co. 01 land. It is situated in the centre of the Co., and is boun . u/ie. Mnnimuil, Cults, Ceres, Kcmliack, Hair-ie, and Kilnmny. It contains the royal burgh of ('upar-l-'ife, and the vils. of Glaidney and Sprin^ii-ld. It extends about 5 miles in length by the Two-thirds of the parish are si' on th- .which Rows through it. Sand- stone and greenstone are quarried, and the wen ' mploymcnt to many of the hit.-uits. T ipar and Springfield on ' dinbnrtfli, Perth, and Dundee section of the North The principal manrioni ire Kii- ". ol the town, Springfield . Wemyss-hall, 1 House. On the I-:. isCarslogie House, long the seat of tin- ' ':] and '1 miles to the southward, on Turvit Hill, Scots of S"otstarvit, wli.. ntly in league with the i n>r mntiril . The Mote Hill, mi the X. nf tic- burgh, tradition as the plnce where the iury of Fife held his courts in aie The . ! Hill, n 1 Kill, its modem nanin, is on :.'. lithe S. to the N. ; t : nance i by 11 m the top, and '

I. in. N iv of the Mount" (Lord

I .yon, kin ir-nt -arms), win. tinTC. in i ntury, "IIU . wu wrote the satires which 1 to "hi-intr Reformation, On Tarvit Hill wu - anny .Mary of (liii ity with tin Congregation, w h" ultimately led to tin- is! . Thi | I In- (hutch is u large building, erected in 1785 on the site built in 1416. the spire of which i.s still charge is collegiate, the first minister i of ;!00, with manse and glebe, the ; second Established ch built about 30 years ago; and still more r and manse for the villa- ii Id, which to be en United chilli h, an Kp: church, and a Hup: The Madras Aca M'holasii , siv male female teacher, and founded by bequest of Dr. I'.ell, on the Madras system, is under the management of Dr. Hell's trustees. Two burgh schools had exi-' since the time of Charles I., which were i seded by an academy, now in it turn sup; Madras Academy. The town of ( burgh and the capital of 1 in the ! of the parish, on the N. of the Kden, lit mi of St. Andrew's, and HJ. N.N.I-:, of IMinlmi-h. royal burgh, 87i houses, inhabited l. u pnpn!.T 5,086 in IS.jl, showing a decrease i. The principal streets are i-iin-strei t, iiiniiKiL' !;. and "., and C running N. and S. Tin town-house, surmounted cupola and belfry, sUr t Ci and St. Catherine-street. Opposite the town-ho the new corn exchange, a holding 1,000 persons, with a lot: .some Thi.' county building, with its very handsome adorned with pi n, is The l>:r i '.dinhiirtfh 1 railway has a stati n Inn. The well-built house.-., inhabited 1 < of bankim,' establishnicnts. T> Bpinnin^'-mills in the neiL;hb trade is done in the weaving of coarse linens. useful work.-, of superior typography, . its printing establish': British Linen,, ' of Scotland, ( 'ommereial, ai: tlic librai . institu; and philhannonic soeii lies, boides and religious in- lished here : the Fifr*liirt ./ ..u the same day. Tie of tin- hui-fjli was granted v consists oi leiiny, ('rail, I'iti 'S of Kile. exhibited on the Castle-hill. --Th market held on Th'u md I turul p- held on ti month, and fairs for hiiinu in Auj; N..V... ' ri'Ai; OBAKGE, a vil. in the par. of

land, .is n.

('Uri-:i;NIIAM. n tylhir. in the par. ol i I'l'STON, a hill in tie '.onr, alii'iit isn i.'et hii;h, with a flac-staffon !lllt ( UKIiAN. a louuh. in tie managh, Ireland, S.V. i.f .M idgo. a tnihp. in tin- par. of Hak. -.veil, hund. of =