Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/810

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DUAYCOTK. 800 DRAYTON BA8SKT. DKAYi ( >TK, a limit, in the par. "I I '. utrton-upon- . KiiL'l'V div. nf tip 1 hund. nl Kniu'htl"W, in the DRAYCOT MOOK, a limit, in OM par. of I/>ng- worth, hund. of Uck, in the co. of Berks, 6 mil' s V. ot DRAYCOTT, a lib. and tnshp. in the par. of V. hund. of MorlcNton, in the co. of Derby, 6 in. Derby, its post town. Draycott is situatod on the river ]>iTvent, and is a station <m the Midland Cnuntirs rail- way. The Wcsleyims have a chapel, and thcro is a parochial school for both sexes. The Karl of Harrington is lord of the manor. liKAYCOTT, a hmlt. in the par. of Ickford, hund. of Ewclme, in the co. of Oxford, 4 miles W. ofThamc. UKAYCOTT, a hmlt. in the pars, of Cheddar and Stoko Rodney, in the co. of Somerset, 4 miles S.E. of Axl.ridge, and 6 N.W. of A DRAYCOTT, a hmlt. in the par. of Limington, hund. of Stone, in the co. of Somerset, 1 mile S Hchester. DRAYCOTT, a hmlt. in the par. of Blockley, upper div. of the hund. of Oswaldslow, in the co. of Win 3 miles S.E. of Chipping-Oampden, and 3J N.W. of Morcton-in-the-Marsh. It is a meeting-place for the Beaufort hounds. Draycott House is the principal residence. DRAYCOTT FOLIATT, a tythg. in the par. of Wil- cott, in tho co. of Wilts, 8 miles E. of Devizes. hKAYroTT F01JATT, a par. in tho hund. of Kingsliridge, in the co. of Wilts, 4J miles S.E. of Swin- don. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 165, in the patron, of A. Goddard, Esq. Tho church has long been destroyed, and the inhabitants attend that of tho adjoining palish. Bishop Buckeridge, who wrote against BeUarmine, was a native. DRAYCOTT-IN-THE-CLAY, a tnshp. in tho par. of Hanbury, N. div. of the hund. of Offlow, in the co. of Stafford, 6 miles S.E. of Uttoxeter, 1 mile N.W. of Hanbury, iU post town, and 2 miles 8. of Sudbury station. It is situated near the river Dove, and contain* the tnshps. of Moreton and Stubby Lane. The Wes- leyans have a chapel, and there is a school for both sexes, which is also licensed for Divine service. DRAYCOTT-IN-THE-MOORS, a par. in tho 8. div. of tho hund. of Totmonslow, in the co. of Stafford, 2 miles S.W. of Cheadle, its post town, and half a mile N. of Cresswell station. It is situated on the river lily th, and contains tho hmlU. of Cresswcll and Totmonslow, which last was once a place of importance, and gives name to tho hundred. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Lich- field, val. 452, in the patron, of Sir E. Vavasour, IS.u-t., who is lord of tho manor. The church, dedicated to St. Margaret, is an ancient structure, with turret and five bells, and contains monuments and altar-tombs to the Driycot family. There is a pyramidal stone in the churchyard, supposed to mark tho grave of a Danish hero. The charities amount to 4 per annum, l is a National school for both sexes. DRAYCOTT-MOORE, a hmlt. in tho par. of Long- worth, hund. of Ock, in the co. of Berks, 7-} miles V K. of (treat Farringdon. DRAYTON, a par. in tho hund. of Ock, in the co. of Berks, 2 miles S.W. of Abingdon, ita post town. Tho Berks and Wilts canal and the Great Western railway pass near it. A fire took place hero in 1780, which destroyed upwards of thirty houses. Tho living is a cur. annexed to tho vie. of Abingdon, in tho dioc. of Oxford. Tho church, dedicated to St. Peter, is a small Gothic structure, with a square embattled tower. The charities amount to 37 per annum. The Baptists and Wesleyans have each a chapel. Lewis [Joyd Esq., is DRAYTON, a tythg. in the par. of Bnrton-Stacey, in the co. of Southampton, 4 miles S.E. of Andover. it i.s situated on the river Anton. Drayton Lodge is tho principal resilience. l>KAYTOX,a tnnhp. in tho par. of Bringhurst, hund. of Gartree, in the co. of Leicester, 1 mile X . E. of the Med- bourne Road station on tho London and North-Wi railway, and 9A miles N.W. of Kockingham, iU town. It i -i thi! river Wolland. Tho leyans have a chapel. There aro some rcmaiiiB of ancient chapel. The Earl of Guilford is lord ol George Fox, founder of the Society of Friends, wa bon here in N, a par. in the hund. of Taverham, in thi -orfolk, 4.4 miles X.W. of Norwich, its p and 117 from London. It is situated neai DL At a short distance from th villa Bloodsdale, supposed to hay l"i u the scene of a batt!" in the Saxon tin living is a roct. with that of Helleedon annexed, in th' dioc. of Norwich, val. C'iri, in tie patron, of f : The church is a plain old structure, with squa and thatched roof. It is dedicated to St. Mai:- contains some ancient monuments. Tho regiM^^H mences in 1558. The parochi 14 per annum. The Baptists have a chapel, is a National school for boys and girls. In the n< hood are the ruins of an old mansion called Lodge, and of an ancient cross. DRAYTON, a hmlt. in the par. of Daventry, hund of Fawslev, in the co. of Northampton, half a ofDavnntry. Drayton Grange is th A Roman pavement was discovered here in 17-' DRAYTON, a par. in the hund. of Bloxhain, in U,i cp. of Oxford, 2 miles N.W. of Banbury, ita raiiW^H tion and post town. It formerly belonged to thcj^^H and Grovillcs, but is now possessed by Earl Delal^^H Earl Guilford of Wroxton. Tin parish is extent and hilly, with a light soil. The living ul^^T in tho dioc. of Oxford, val. 316, in the p Delawarr, who is lord of the manor. The church, dedi- cated to St. Peter, is a small plain structure oi century, and has a low tower. It contains m to the Greville family, whoso old seat workhouse. The charities amount to nearly annum. DRAYTON, a par. in the hund. of Do, co. of Oxford, 6 miles S.E. of Alii Wallingford, ita post town. It is Thame, about 2 miles from its confluence wit. Tho soil is chiefly clay and gr.< . silage in .-.mall, and wholly agricultural. Tho living is a the dioc. of Oxford, and in the ;. :.n.:i. < College, Oxford. The church, dedi. is a small plain edifice. The thai i annum. Lord Abingdon is lord of i DKAYTO.N, a pur. in tho hund. of Ahdi.-k, i of Somerset, 2 miles S.W. of tl Bristol and Exeter line, and 8 X I. i llminster TIUD- ton is its post town. It is situated on tie its continence with the 1'urrot, and of Middlenev, Burton-Pynsent, Wick, and Western. Limestone is quarried for building purr* burning into lime. The living is dioc. of Bath and Wells, val. .1117. in : T. Combe, Esq. The church, dedicated to St. < '. is an ancient stone edifice with embattled to fine Norman pop-h. Tho register i Tho charities are of small amount There is a school for bovs and girls, and a Sunday-t- DRAYTON, a tnshp. in the par. of] 1 - of Cuttlestone, in tho co. of Stafford, 1 in: Til. of Pcnkriilge. DRAYTON, a hmlt. in tho rape of Chich. st.-r, in the 10. of Sussex, 2 miles E. of Chichest'i It is a station on the London, Brighton, and South Coast ra> IHJAYTON, a tnshp. in tho par. of Old ' huml. of P.arlichway, in the co. of Warwick, 2 mileiW. 1 1 ford-on- Avon. I>1; A i- TON, a hmlt. in the co. of W-:. ester, 5 mild N . W. of Bromsgrove. DRAYTON BASSKTT, a par. in the S. di hund. of Oftlow, in the co. of Stafford, 3 mile Tiimworth, ita post town, and 1J mile S W. of Wilnc- cote railway station. It is situated in tho valh