Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/819

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DRUMCAK. soy DRUHCREEHY. in 1809. There is a Methodist meeting-house ; a Roman Catholic chapel, which is united to that of Gorbully ; iind a Sunday and live day schools. Here are alins- louses for twelve poor men and twelve women, a legacy if the late Mrs. Katharine Walsh. J. Power, Esq., ilso bequeathed 3,000 for charitable purposes to this aarish. The residences are Ballydrishane, Rosemount, ind some others. Turf is plentiful, and building stone s extensively quarried. DRUMCAR, a par. in the bar. of Ardee, in the co. of Louth, prov. ol' Lcinster, Ireland, 2 miles N.E. of Dun- .TT, its post town. It is situated on the river Glyde, nd contains the vil. of Annagasson. The living is a it. in the dioc. of Armagh, val. 250, in the patron, of he primate. The church is an interesting ruin. In the toman Catholic arrangement the parish forms part of he union of Dysart. There are two schools, one sup- n.rted by the M'Clintocks, and another by Mr. Thomp- on. Petty sessions arc occasionally held hero. An I alleged to have existed in the early part of the .iiitli century. The river, which here becomes confluent ith the Dec, is well stocked with salmon. Drumcar the seat of the M'C'lintock family. UCL1FF, a par. in the bar. of Islands, in the o. of Clare, prov. of Munster, Ireland. It is situated n the river Fergus, and contains Ennis, its post town. lie Miiface is broken and hilly, and the soil variable. 'he living is a rect. and vie. in the dioc. of Killaloe, ul. with two others, 575, in the patron, of the bishop. hureh is in ruins. The present one is at Ennia. re three Roman Catholic chapela within the ur public, and several private schools. Nume- s surround the neighbourhood, the principal of Stamerpark. Near the church stands a round feet high, with door and windows. There is a iineral spring at Inch. 1 1 It I 'MCLIFFE, a par. in the bar. of Carbury, in the co. f Sligo, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 5 miles (English) ' , W. of Sligo. It is bounded on the N. by the lofty moun- lin Ben Bulben, on the E. by the co. of Leitrim, on the . by the bay of Sligo, and on the W. by the Atlantic The bay of Drurncliffe, an inlet of the bay of ligo, intersects the parish. The surface of the parochial is generally hilly, and without much bog. The is a vie. in the dioc. of Elphin, of the gross il. of 350 a year, and in the patron, of the bishop. lie church was rebuilt in the year 1811, by money lised off the parish by vestry cess. It is a fine struc- . Ji a very liandsome tower. In the parish there j tvo other churches, being chapels of ease for the 1 districts of Lissadell and Bosses, and a licensed worship for the district of Kilsella. There are - i a Methodist meeting-house, and two Roman Catholic lapels. There are five good scriptural day-schools, pported by Sir Robert Gore Booth, and the Right Hon. >hn Wynne, with assistance for two of them from the ondon Ladies' Hibernian School Society, and the

>ard of Erasmus Smith's Schools. There are also three

riday- schools, and three day schools, under the >h National Board of Education. Petty sessions are

ld at Teeson, about 2J miles from Drumcliffe, every

Wednesday. There are four post-offices in the it Drumcliffe, Ballinful, Carney, and Rosses, I sub-offices to Sligo. This place was formerly the .e of a considerable town, and the seat of an abbey, iperior was a mitred abbot, having very exten- j urisdiction. Near the church is an ancient cross, carving on which is extremely beautiful. There is 1 ions stone obelisk, and the remains of an ancient wer. At a little distance are a Danish fort, a

ileeh, and several vestiges of ancient fortifications.

ut 5 miles W. of Drumcliffe is Lissadell Manor

he seat of Sir Robert Gore Booth, Bart. ; and

ut 2 miles farther, close to the seashore, are the ruins "Ardtarmou Castle, the ancient residence of the Gore roth family. Of the few other gentlemen's seats in the irish, the principal are Dunally House, the seat of the Sir William Parke ; Cregg House, the residence of Wheatley, Esq. ; the vicarage, and Lissadell parson- ItT.. t. L age a very beautiful house, built by Sir Robert Gore Booth for the accommodation of the perpet. cur. of the church and district of Lissadell. The greater part of tho beautiful valley and lake of Glencar is in the parish of Drumcliffe. DRUMCLOG, a farm in the par. of Avondale, in the co. of Lanark, Scotland. At this locality, about 2 miles E. of London Hill, a small body of Covenanters, gathered together under their minister, Hamilton, defeated Gra- ham of Claverhouse on Sunday, 1st June, 1679. Only four of the Covenanters fell, while some twenty of the dragoons were slain. DRUMCLOGHER, a vil. in the tar. of Glenquin, in the co. of Limerick, prov. of Munster, Ireland. It is situated near Abbeyfeale. DRUMCOLUMB, a par. in the bar. of Tircrill, in the co. of Sligo, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 5 miles S. of Ballymote. Boyle is its post town. It is situated on the road from that town to Sligo, and near the river Arrow. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Elphin, val. with Boyle, 288, in tho patron, of the bishop. In the Roman Catholic arrangement the parish is included in tho union of Riverstown. Here is a public day school. There are church ruins standing in an ancient burial- place, which are alleged to be the remains of a monastery founded by St. Columb. DRUMCONDRA, or DRUMCONRATH, a par. and post town in the bar. of Lower Slane, in the co. of Meath, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 4 miles N.E. of Nobber. It is situated on the road from Dublin to Londonderry. The surface is hilly, with a good soil. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Meath, val. 394, in the patron, of the crown. Tho church was built in 17GS. The Roman Catholic chapel is united to that of Ardagh. Here are three day schools, a police station, and dispensary, within the Ardee Poor-law Union. Near Lough Bellahoe is the scene of O'Neal's defeat by Lord-Deputy Grey in 1539. The rout of the Irish on this occasion was so complete that it proved the death-blow to the rising of the north against the Reformation. Tho chief residences are Aclare House, Newstone, Ballyhoe, Aclare Lodge, Barnville, and Drumbride. DRUMCONDRA, a postal vil. in the par. of Clon- turk, bar. of Coolock, in the co. of Dublin, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 1 mile N. of Dublin. It is situated on tho river Tola, near Annesley Bridge, and is a fashion- able suburb of Dublin. Here stands the parish church, with a monument to Marmaduke Coghill. The anti- quarian, Francis Grose, was interred in an adjacent burial-ground. Here is a dispensary, chapel, school, widow's retreat, penitentiary, and missionary college. Drumcondra House, the ancient family seat of the De Bathes, is now tho residence of Sir H. Coghill, Bart. Marino is the seat of Earl Charlemont. DRUMCREE, a par. in the bar. of West O'Neuland, in the co. of Armagh, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, contain- ing tho post town of Portadown. It is situated on the river Bann. The surface is flat and cold. It is traversed by the road from Belfast to Armagh, and by the Ulster railway. The soil in some parts is excellent. The living is a rect. in tho dioc. of Armagh, val. 1,068, in the patron, of the primate. The church is of ancient foundation. Here are a Roman Catholic chapel, three Methodist meeting-houses, three or four endowed schools, one connected with the National Board, and five Sunday schools. There are remains of a mansion at Battentag- gart, of the Boltons, temp. James I. A curious old bell was discovered recently in the church. DRUMCREE, a postal vil. in the par. of Kilcumney, bar. of Delvin, in tho co. of Westmeath, prov. of Leiu- ster, Ireland, 4 miles N.W. of Castletown-Delvin. It is situated on the road from Dublin to Granard. Here are the parish church and a dispensary. Drumcree House is the residence of the proprietor of the manor. DRUMCREEHY, a par. in the bar. of Burren, in the co. of Clare, prov. of Munster, Irelaud, 10 miles N.W. of Corofin. Ballyvaughan is its post town. It also, contains the vils. of Ballyconree, Loughrask, and .' L