Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/859

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DUKOK. 84!) 5TON. i to St. Andrew, is an ancient edifice, lower. It contains a curiously carved Saxon font, and tombs of the Yongcs. The register commences in James Harris, the author of " Hermes," formerly occupied the rectory. The Wesleyans have a chapel. There is a National school at Xetton. In the neigh- bourhood is a large earth-work called Ogbury Camp, and several burrows. Durnford House and Little Durn- ford House are the principal residences. The Earl of /sfiury is lord of the manor of Great Dumford ; Sir Edmund Antrobus, of the manor of Xormanton ; John Bwayne, Esq., of Xetton ; John Davis, Esq., of Salterton and Xewlown ; and Edmund Hinxinan, Esq., of Little Dun: DUKOR, a yiKft4 lacra par. in the par. of Appin and ie, in the co. of Argyle, Scotland, 8 miles W.S.W. .cucoe. It is situated on Duror Water, which falls into L'jeh Linnhe. The par. is in the presb. of Lorn. The minister's stipend is 120, in the patron, of the crown. DURKIXuTOX, a jar. in the hund. of Brightford, Hie of Bramber, in the co. of Sussex, 2 miles N.W. of Worthmir. It contains the hmlt. of Coate. The church .cay. DURRIXGTOX, a par. in the hund. of Amesbury, in Bw oo. of Wilts, 2 miles X.W. of Amesbury, its post Kirn, and 10 X. of Salisbury. It is situated on the river Avvii. The living is a perpct. cur. in the dioc. of llisbury, val. 100, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Winchester. The church, dedicated to All modern structure, built on the site of the old 1 which the Xorman arcade has been preserved. Tli'. register commences in 1591. The Independents have a chapel, and there is a parochial school. In the neighbourhood are remains of a British town called J)itrriinttj'i Walk, or Long Walls, and several barrows. DURRIS, a par. in the co. of Kincardine, Scotland, 7 miles X.W. of Stonehaven. It is situated on the river Dee, under the Grampians. The parish is traversed by ud from Aberdeen to Banchory, and is near the

o railway. At Cairnmonearn the land rises 1,020

bet above sea-level. The par, is in the presb. and synod '.rdeen. The minister's stipend is 158, in the Ktron. of A. Mactier, Esq., of Durris House. The village tains the parish church, a Free church, and a non- hool. On Castle Hill are the remains of an .: .:nt fortification, and at Red Beard is a chalybeate spring. Three annual cattle fairs are held here. BURROW, a par., post and market town, partly in the bar. of Galmoy, in the co. of KUlkenny, and partly in the bar. of Clannallagh, in Queen's County, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 12 miles S.E. of Maryborough. It is situated on tho road from Athy to Cashel. The surface has some md and bog. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of

y, val. 330, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter

Canice Cathedral. The church was erected in 1793. Roman Catholic chapel is an elegant building, and ted to that of Aughmacart. The Wesleyans have a use, and there are Xational and Sunday schools. The town, which is pleasantly situated on the river

.. is neatly built, consisting of one principal street

a square. It contains the market-house, a malt- . police station, barracks, mills, and a dispensary within the Abbeyleix Poor-law Union. Petty sessions I arc held fortnightly. Though the town is locally situ- I in Queen's County, it is civilly returned as belong- ing to Kilkenny, to which county it was transferred by n Act procured by the Earl of Ormond, in order to fivoid the attacks of the Fitzpatricks. Castle Durrow is he seat of A'iscount Ashbrooke, to whom the place gives he title of baron. Other seats are Dunmore, Moync, &c. There are ruins of castles. Friday is market day. ?airs are Held on the 2nd January," 4th March, 22nd Jay. 21st August, and 20th Xovember. DURROW, a par. partly in the bar. of Moycashel, in he co. of Mcath, and partly in the bar. of Ballycowan, a King's County, Ireland, 3 miles X. of Tullamorc. It ns anciently the site of a monastery, believed to have en founded by St. Cohvmb in 516, and of an Austin VOL. i. Priory, built by the McBrenans, which latter was given by Queen Elizabeth to the Herberts. The living i? a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Meath, val. 76, in the patron, of the Earl of Xorbury, of Durrow Abbey. The church is an ancient structure, containing tombs of the Herberts. In the vicinity are St. Columb's cross and wdL DURRUS, a par. in the bars, of Bantry and We=t Carbcry, in the co. of Cork, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 5 miles S.W. of Bantry. Barrickbue is its post town. It is situated on the S. shore of Bantry Bay. The sur- face is hilly, with a large portion of waste land. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Cork, val. 398, in the patron, of the bishop. The church, which stands near Fourmile-water, was erected in 1792, and subsequently enlarged. There are two Roman Catholic chapels in the parish, which are united, and a Methodist meeting- house. There are several day schools and a Sunday- school. Petty sessions are held here. The principal seat is O'Dono van's Cove. Here are the ruins of Rossmore Castle and of an ancient cross. There are chalybeate waters near Friendly Cove. DURSEY, an island in the par. of Kilnamanagh, bar. of Bere, in the co. of Cork, prov. of Munster, Ireland. It lies between the bays of Kenmare and Bantry, 10 miles W. of Castletown, and belongs to the Earl of Bantry. It was used as a stronghold during the Rebellion, but was reduced by Captain Rostock. A party of French landed he^e in 1790. Near the island are the rocks called the Bull, Cow, and Calf. DURSLEY, a par. and market town in the upper div. of the hund. of Berkeley, in the co. of Gloucester, 14 miles S.W. of Gloucester, and 110 from London. It is a station on the Dursley branch of the Midland railway. It ia situated on the river Cam, under the Cotswold hills, which are here clothed with beech woods. The town derives its name from rficrand ley, signifying " water meadow," from the Broadwell spring in the vicinity. It was one of the five boroughs returning members to parliament in the reign of Edward I., and is still an election town and polling-place for the county. The town is governed by a bailiff and 12 aldermen. It contains the market- house, two banks, fulling-mills, and several breweries. County and manor courts are held, and a board of guardians meet regularly for the Dursley Poor-law Union, which embraces 11 parishes. Woollen cloth used to be manufactured in large quantities, but the trade has much declined. The living is a reet.* with the cur. of Woodmancote annexed, in the dioc. of Glou- cester and Bristol, val. 228, annexed to the archdeac. of Gloucester. The church, dedicated to St. James, is a handsome modern structure. The chapel-of-ease of Wood- mancote is a neat stone edifice. The parochial charities produce nearly 180 per annum, about 25 of which is for Sunday-schools. The Independents and Wesleyans have each a chapel, and there is an endowed as well as a Xational school. Two miles to the X.E. of Dursley, on Xibley Knoll, is a memorial to Tyndale, the martyr, and translator of the Bible. The" Knoll belongs to Lord Fitzhardinge and the freeholders of Xorth Xibley, in which village Tyndale was born. The first stone was laid on the 28th May, 1863, and when completed the memorial will consist of a tower 111 feet high, exclusive of the terminal, which is to be a reflector. The cardinals will be ornamented with sculpture, repre- senting the chief events in Tyndale's life. Inside the entrance door will be a book-tray, upon which a Bible will be chained. A great many fossils have been found in the neighbourhood. Thomas H. S. Sotherton, Esq., is lord of the manor. Thursday and Saturday are market days. Fairs are held on the 6th May and 4th Docember for horses and cattle. DURSTOX, a par. in the hund. of North Petherton, in the co. of Somerset, 5 miles N.E. of Taunton, its post town, and 6 S. of Bridgwater. It is a station on the Bristol and Exeter railway. The priory of Buckland Sororum was founded here about 1167, but was sup- pressed, and the estates given to the Knights Hospitallers. Subsequently there was a priory of Canonesses of St. 5 q