Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/862

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DYfi under the now Act is governed by a provost . 'ly resembles a Flemish town. It comprises thnc piin , con- t-iinii. 'nit substantial lious. >, and a council- house, with a t f two iy and SMI. >d ..; 'J-Jus, h.ith patron, of Earl Rosslyn. There are also a ] h, three Free churches, a chapcl-of-wu- 1'rosbyterian church, .. : ]x>s- Boeses good coal-fields, which have be. .->.: also ironstone, limestone. ;.n, I tr. . -t..i, Th. chief manufactures an i ticks; hut are also two power-loom linen factories, a mill for spinning Max, and a stoneware . cou- .hlu in tho 16th century, but has greatly .1. It has an extensive dockyard and a new wet dock, with a patent slip for repairs. Near the harbour is a called the Fort, said to have been fortified by ( 'romw. 11. Part of tho old wall of the chapel of x ' Denis, still remains, and has been long used as u smithy. On a 1 ifty rock in the parish are the ruin-. . i K ivenscraig (Jastle, celebrated by Sir Walter Scott in the " Lav of tho Last Minstrel." A mile from tho town stands a largo memorial stone, said to mark tho place where a battle was fought with the Danes ; and a little farther lies the furm of Carberry, when: the K-.mans had a station. The chief landowners are the Earls of Rosslyn, and Rothcs, Oswald of Dunnikcr, and Prentice of Stra- thoro. Dysart gives the title of i ail to the Tollemaches of Buckminster Park. Fairs are held on tho 6th third Tuesday in June, fourth Wednesday in August, and on the 8th November, but are now nearly obs J ' YSAKT, a par. in the bar. of Fassadinin in the co. of Kilkenny, prov. of Lcinstcr, Ireland, 1 mile S. of comer. Leighlui Bridge is its post town. It is situated on the river Jiinin. Tho living is a vie. in the dioc. of Ossory, val. 75, in the patron, of the choral of tst. Canicc. There are three Roman Catholic chapels in the parish, which are united to those of Bally- . .d Lisnafunchin, and six day schools. 1) YSAKT, a par. in tho bar. of Ferrard, in tho co. of Ixmth, prov. of Leinstcr. In-'aml. 1 mil.- K ..f 1>. its post town. The soil is good, with a small proportion of bog. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Armau'h, val. with Hunluer, i:t74, in the patn.ii. of tho crown. Some ruins of tho old church remain. Tho Roman He chapel is united to those of High Lane and Wyanstown. There ia a day school, l^itK supported by the National Hoard. HYrsAKT, a par. in the bars, of Moycashel and .radcrnon, Moycashel, and Rathcunrath, in !' of Westmeath. prov. of Leiiister, Ireland, 6 miles S.'NV. of .Mullingar, ita post town. This parish occupies the S. and 'W. side* of Lough Ennel. Th. nsists of a good soil, with large tracts of bog. The living is n rect. in the dioc. of Mcath, val. with Chun Mown, iu tho patron, of the crown and bishop all. 1 1 Roman Catholic chapel is united to 1: .ragh. is a day school and a police station. An abbey is supposed to have been founded here by St. Colnian. Ii belonging to the parish was fo> by thy Irish in 1(141, but was ultimately r, .In. , 1 by the ish. There arc ruins of the ancient church huiial- ground, and of i once tho Heat of tin- Nugent family. Jail her seat here. Line - elone is very abundant. I'Y>Ai;r. a par, in Ireland, 8 miles S.S. K. It lies near the river Suck. Th. portion of Lough Culle.n. Tic lim:' is a ic. in the with Tessa r:..;h, till, in th. Impel,, stone is <|uarri> d. Maiy- in (i -n's I ' mile* 8.W. of Stradl... dioc. of Elpl. f '.!.. bi- P i SARTr, Ii and U.. ::. . , jwn, on tho road from them o to Manp-lp'inpii'jrh. Tho 2 HY- Mirface is M-ry billy. The living i a vie. in tie .1: lx.-ighlin,al. l'l.~>7, in th.- pat '[ h. chin p-b. which stands 01 hilN, was built about 171-'. an. I his i repair. Tie was the ancient seat of Permod McMim ,.., .-h, King of il'.Mores, who built . ! r beilli; the sci I|e i.f mill English in 1 SAO, when are traces of u ; founded by Angus, Abiiot of Clonenagh. A fair i h. M ,.ii Whit-.M a tl.e 1'Jth < llYSAKTl.Ai.l.KX. a par. in the bar. o| i in tin. :y, prvv. oi . In land, 'J S.E. of Abbey leix. It im'.:i town "I I. naliill. The 6iu: i hilly, with some b. ._', and versed by the Owenbeg river. The . id vie. iii the dioc. of Ix'ighltn, val. iii.jd, in tho patron, of Knrl Stanhope. The church, which Itallinukill. is a handsome buil.l- I in H-JI There are two Roman Catholic chapels (unit, i day schools. Good building stone is ip-'ia Church rums are seen at Dysart and Ki). -i .nan. 1 h r. is a , h.iiyh.-atc s]M at II. -, ... .,j. DYSABTMOON, n par. i: f Ida, in the co. of Kilkenny, prov. of '< Innistioge; New Ross is il- It i> sit on the river Nore, and has a hill living is ft vie. in the dioc. of Ossory,' val. with Rosbcrcon, of Bessonet, l'.-i 'I Catholic chapel is united to those ..t :. and Lcsterlin. There are three schools. DYSKKT. .SwiUsoDr.sEi r, I. DYSKUT. . . DY8ERT O'DI V, a pai b Inchiquin, in the co. of Clare, prov. of .M land. 3 miles S.E. of Corrofin, its poet t-.v. on tin- river Fergus. Tho M; .nd m-.iin- tainous, and subject to theo Minor streams and loughs. The living is a vie. in the di Killaloc, val. with Kiln.-iboy. i:i'J, in t: t tin) bishop. There are a Roman ('at! day schools. Then are two ] court is occasionally hi Id. This parish 1 .1 to the sept Dea, and was di and Rimn. T'hcr.) are ruins of churches said t" i-uilt during tlu- lini, ,,t Ti,, remains of n round lower, with traces ol wii doors. A stone cross, bearing a Monalagh, may also bo BCI n. Th. mn - of 1) Castle. of tin O'Deas, are particularly I'YSKKT, a |.ar. in the bars. icoitnor, in tiie co. ol K iiy. ].]..'.. ..; Mu> 1, :i mil. .s S.W. of I.i '..', 1. 'its post town, situated en the river J'.rick. 'I i good soil, sii v. ith bog and mo,.r. The 1 . in the di..c. .-I Aii'.- with .n the patron, of Tie. MOII, ruins of the church and burial-ground. In the Roman Catholi, irtly inclml. d in the Lixnaw and partly in th. -lion. lien r nro the ]>i rish. I', a par. in tin- bar. of Tru^hanarmy, in tho prov. of Min id, '1 mib-s s- ". .ml, its post town, on the from th.-ncv to Killarncy. The surface is hilly, lxig:;y, ai The living is a n . t. in th- ., al. with Killenti n the pat run. ol 11 lleilpcrt, ind six oth liun-h is in ruins. I . hedge schools. In the Roman < '.ithol i in the Killenti. nia u I.imi st,,ne is plentiful. HYSKKT, or ( 'A KKIi .U.N . a par. in the b., i, in the co. i.f [jimerick, ].n.. ,.f JIunMt<>r, Inland, :i miles S K. .1 A'lare. It li,--, ..TI the livtT d has a good noil. The living is a i