Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/864

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EAOLK WOODHOUSE. EARL. and Lower Lakes of Killarnuy, in the bar. of Dunkerrin, co. Kerry, prov. of Munstcr, Ireland. It is a craggy rock of great beauty, situated 4 miles S.W. . i Kil- larney, well wooded, and famous for its echo. Tls 1 is about 1,300 feet. KAiil.r. WiiODHOUSE, an oxt. par. placo in the lower div. of tho wap. of Boothby Oraffo, parts of Kestcvcn, co. Lincoln, 8 miles S.W. of Lincoln. It adjoins the par. of Eagle. EAGLEY-I'.A.NK, a vil. in the chplry. of Little Bolton, co. palatine Lancaster, 1 mile N. of Bolton. EAGROVE, a hmlt. in the par. of Decuman, co. Somerset, near Watchet. KI.KY-LANES, a hmlt in the par. of Stoke- Ooldington, co. Bucks, 4 miles N.W. of Newport- I'agnel. It was formerly a parish, but tho church is now demolished. EARRING, a par. in the South Clay div. of the wap. of Bassetlaw, co. Nottingham, 4 miles S. of Ollerton, and 6 N. of the Southwell station on the Midland Counties railway. Newark is it post town. Hops are cultivated to some extent, the soil being a clayey loam. The village, which is pleasantly situated, contains many neat and well-built houses. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. 480, in the patron, of Earl Manvers and the Earl of Scarborough alternately, who are the joint lords of the manor. The church is an old building in the Gothic style of architecture. MA LAND, a hmlt. in tho par. of Crowle, co. Lincoln, 1 mile 8.E. of the vil. of Crowle. BALING, a par. in the Kensington div. of the bund, of Osaulstone, co. Middlesex, 1 J mile N. of Brentford, 6J miles W. of London by road, or 5J by the Great Western railway. It contains the hmlt of Little Haling and chplry. of Old Brentford, which together contain abovo 10,000 inhabitants. It has recently become a favourite suburb of the metropolis, and contains many handsome villas and well-wooded seats. Tho living is a vie.* in the dioc. of 'London, val. 679, in the patron, of the bishop. The parish church, dedicated to St. Mary, is n plain brick structure, and contains n brass of R. Aunshiim, dated 1490, also monuments of the Gulstons, Serjeant Muynard, the eminent lawyer, Robert Orme, the Indian historian, Oldmixon, the dramatist, Home Tooke, and Mrs. Trimmer. There are nlao two district churches St. George's, Old Brentford, a perpet. cur., vol. 168, in the gift of the vicar; and Christ Church, a pcrpct. cur., in tho patron, of Miss l;. !'. I., win, by whom it was erected. The pn- charities are Lady Capel's school for boys, with an ia endowment of 149; L:nK M'S for nirls, with on income of 14 I ; b lucing altogether about ijijn a y. ar. Tho Independents have a largo chapel, and there are National, British, and infant schools. Within this parish are .- < I some seats, as Gunnersbury Park, belonging to Baron Itulhschild ; Killing Park, once tho residence of Bishop Pearse, where is a rare species of plant, called tho Atiatinu rariutet ; and Castle Bearo Hill. Among those who once were Spencer Porcival, Fielding, Dr. Owen, and lo Couragcr. Tho Bishop of London is l"i(.!;, a hmlt. and tn-hp. with Yan- . Vst ward, co. Westmore- land, 2 miles S.E. of 1'enrith. It is situated on tin nt. There is a charity of 1 per annum to tho poor, and a bequest of 100 for education. Lord l/'iisdalo is lord of tho manor. On tho south, in bank of thoEainont, but within tho limits of tho township, ancient entr. nchmeut railed Kini; Arthur's Round Table, supposed to have been uicd as nr. amphitheatre and tilting ground; ;he N., is anotli> mod Hayburgh, and suppose! t bcon jrymnasii) .rt. I' IIIMIM.K. a -liv. ..f the par. of IVnrith, co. Cumberland, iith. It is situated on the

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i , liV, a tnvhp. in the par. of Thornton-in-Cr.tvi n, Hiding ol V. of Skipton. The North Midland railway has a station here. The village is situated in a valley, and contains a lurge -mill, erected in 1839. The Wcsleyans and . and there is a school with an endowmi [>er annum. KAUmV.TuX, a tn-hp. in the par. of Quatford, hund. of Stottesden, co. Salop, 1 mile S.E. of Bridgnorth. It is situated near the river Severn. Iron works are carried on here. EARDISLAND, par. in the hund. of Stratford, co. Hereford, 5 miles W. of Leominster station on tho Shrewsbury and Hereford line, and 9 to the E. of Kington. IV i abridge is its post town. It is situated on the AITOW, near Waiting Street, which is believed to have passed through the parish. The living is a vie. in tho dioc. of Hereford, val. 198, in the patron, of the 1' of Worcester. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is an ancient stone structure, with a tower. The chanties, including the endowment of the free school, amount t" 51 per annum. James Kinnersley Smythics, Esq., is lord of tho manor of Eardisland ; and tho Rev. William Edward Evans is lord of the manor of Burton, situated in this parish. KAKDISLEY, a par. in the hund. of Huntingdon, co. Hereford, 6 miles S. of Kington, and 14 N.W. of Here- ford. It is situated on the Kington and Brecon tram- road, near the river Wye. It contains the. limits, of Upper Spond, Lower Wclson, and Woodcaves. The parish, which is well wooded, is mountainous toward* the 8., and is interspersed with rich plantations. There is a considerable tract of common. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of II < >, in the p. of W. P. Herrick, Esq., who is lord of the manor. The church, dedicated to Si. M.: stone structure of tho 14th century, with tower and five bells. It contains a stone font of ancient date, richly carved. There is also at Bollingham a, a plain stone structure. Tho charities amount to 10 per annum. The Weslcyan Methodists have a chapel, and th i National school. An oak tree, believed to be largest in this country, stands on Hurstway Common. There are remains of a Roman fortified camp. A t hold on the 15th May for live stock and hiring of sen and one on the 1Mb. ( Ictober for live stock an lip. in the par. < lop, 8 miles .VV. of Shrow-i KAI;I>[.I:Y-I:NI>, a tn>hp. in UP- N. div. of the Imnd. of 1'irehill, CO. Stafford, 1 mi of Audlcy, ami '1 miles S. of Harcca EARESBY, .1 ehplry. in tin- par. of SpiMiy, > .", parts of Lindscy, co. Lincoln, 1.4 mil S'. KA III 'I'll. .1 chplry. in the par. of Blunt i-1. >! II ' n, ci mil' St. Ives, its post t'lwn, and '! S.E. from .Somcrsham. The village is situated on tho navigable river Ous> . the border of the county, and is a placo of c trade. The chapcl-of-ease, dedicated to St. Jaim C The Baptists and . 1, and the Friemls a 'I is a school for boys, founded in 170.; l.y ,I,.hn Sk lowment ol aum. An indu school for | i i-nclowmciii ,,f Cl'i |nr annum. I, vhii h is applied to tho repair of abridge and other public works. To . village is a rectangular encampment called , with bastions at uieh . orncr. i h July. :n. nber, tt'e. 1 HAULS, pi. 'li . i to many i. c'f pi i i which follow. Others will bo i i:UL, or YHAUI.H, a In-hp. in the par. of I 'liv. of the ndale, co. Xorthui land, 1 mile S.W. of 'C..,!.T. The village is 1 small. On hlxmring hill :ly found nn anoirnt sepulchral urn and a Hint knife.