Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/88

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Al'l'IN. 78 AITI. and , 'Ucopaliang, and Independents. Tip him' I !> twoen


AIM 'IN, a ]ii"imtainou:H district oil tip ' ! on th" W. 1 t!:i- S.'. thi- N.K., anil r Tip; a I 1 .! mil.-.-. It in< '.11 l'-s f.tir . ilibi, 1 1 was fonil"llv tin 1 il ' >'A]ipin. It nbuumbj in Etriking and grand !'' il. C,i . 'ieil. :iinl loud ore occurs on i lie property of Mi:i' iiiM. Appin, a fino P 1 on tlir shore of Loch I.iui. API'IN. a charming valli-y in the par. of Dull, in tlio which tet. AlTI.KilY. a par. iu ih,> Imiid. < I' S,ik. nhoe, in tin' partly also in tho 1m '. II miles to th" S.W. of Ashliy-il. -la- l In post town. It lies near thf point ut which tho four counties of I Stafford, and Warwirk meet, and not far from tlui

.il. Tin' living is a reel.* in tho

dioc. of 1'. -lerlMiroiigh, val. 75(1, in tho patron, of G. Moore, Esq. The church, which is old, stands in tcrshiro, and is dedicated to I- 1 'It to ono of UP Applehys. There nd'iv.-ed in "IV, an alderman of London. It ha iu 26. Tho school-house was erected aftci- a design by 'Sir ( 'liri.-topher Wri'ii. Applchy Hall principal rcsidcnco. The Athcrstone houmts A1TI.K11Y, a ] in the northern div. of the wap. of Mauler, parts of in til" CD. of I.inoln, miles to til ill. of Kavi n.-thorpc. T.'. h way, Krniini' Street, passes through it. Tho living is a vie. in tlio dioc. of Lincoln, val. 160, in the a. of ( '. Winn. 1 '. 'i., who n sides at Apploty House. i ID St. I'.artholomew. A I'i'I.KI'.Y. : in : ii, and market town in East ward, in the oo. of Wcstmon-land, of which it ' , and '2~(> London, or :("ft mil' s by thf I.'ineasti'r and < nnd tho Ix>ndi>n und North Western railv,.iH It is ploarantlv situated on the banks of tho i which almost surrounds it. Tlio town Hi s in two pun.. ' I lit almost wholly in 1! part which lies in thn latter two pars. i .Hides

!ig tnshps.

'.', in Ikngaio and IjaiiMl"i

road, abm

.1 a place of lufiicient ir. i.'annlph lie in tho possession of ' r the '. in ,,,;. ,,f iti then . '. ' ' . i- ' . . ' It wax rnii- ilv, it TK.-ntativ s Mill ii.'l.l ki n and the t,.vn burnt, by VVilli 111-' t : of will, h it [I ami the gn , it fell, with '

vas an occasion of g: which is a neat an . has one bi lilt on the .id" of a hill, and several sa^^H it at right angles. At 1 of St. Lawn^^H le-i of the 1 and ai 1 by an a] : |^H , a handsome market-house near tlM 'i, (in tho site of tl ; it was rebuilt, in tho The town-hall, an IMP i

. in J

.re commodious buildin lure i nice . I dished a ! -room ill 1 - lies ai-o occasionally held. A stone. cros< Htalld:- formerly a chai>cl at tho west end i ! A mili lilt in 1857. Applt-by is a ]... Its first chart' i and after scv It is governed by ; 'irgcsscs, and etlp bears on tho reverse the figure of St. Lawrence iron over the fire, with 1 with an inscri, tho reign of Kdwaid I. the 1 iiers to parliament, until tho passing of Act, yi 1832, when it assizes are held I. Appleby and Kendal in turn. ( 'unity Court district. Tho woollen inai ig, brewing, and malting, are i but not on a large scale. Tho livings aro vi dioc. of Carli-le; that of S' in the the Dean that i i I. X'17."i, in il. The church of S'. l.avi"ip e, which is an building, partly restored i:i marl-'. 's to the f nii"U. I her ni"tlp r, the Countess land. 'miller rim t. Job of win 'ir. in thn gift of tin- i 1. Tin ] ni-li church of Si .M is an e

IK-IS b'doii ' year 141 - ut fnnit in l.">7 l.i in In d UK ii I I'.- '! II, I" iiL'hoil'.e. Oil I' Wilii:nii Car antiipiaiy. was one" master. Them is nided and end' I'ln' building, which is unilar, and im ludes a small mounts to ' ' building, i. d d in 1M I by sul'-' i ipiion. I H the ]>i it was rebuilt by lie Karl of '1 ; the