Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/897

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EDWORTH. 887 EGGINTON. Barley, Buckland, Much and Little H:>dham, Great and Little Hormead, Layston, Meesden, Pelham Brent, Pel- ham Furneux, Pelham Stocking, Throe-king, Wakely, and Wyddiall, comprising about 38,000 acres. EDWORTH, a par. in the hund. of Biggleswade, co. Bedford, 3 miles S.E. of Biggleswade, and 5 N.W. of Baldock, its post town. It is situated near the old Roman road. The village is small, and wholly agricultural. The living is a reet. * in the dioc. of Ely, val. 170. The church is a small sfone edifice dedicated to St. George. William Hale, Esq., is lord of the manor. EDZELL, a par. and postal vil. in the district of Forfar, cos. Forfar and Kincardine, Scotland, 5 miles N. of Brechin. It is situated in the neighbourhood of the headwaters of North Esk, and is surrounded bv Strachun, Fettercairn, Strickathro w, and Lochlee. The "East water passes over part of the parish. Its length is 11 miles, its breadth 6. The surface is hilly in the N. and W. quarters, with a large proportion of heath. This par. is in the presb. of Brechin and synod of Angus and Moarns, in the patron, of the crown. The minister has a stipend of 158. The church was built in 1818. There are a Free church and two schools. The Kincardine portion of the parish is called New Dosk, and belongs to the Gladstones of Fasque. All the remaining district is the property of Lord Panmure. The village formerly called Slateford has been greatly improved since 1839. Edzell Castle, a fine ruin, formerly belonged to the Lindsays of Glenesk. Auchmull and Innermask were two other small castles built in the 16th century. At Culindir and Dalbogg are Druidical remains. There is a woollen mill, and linen is ' manufactured. Salmon are taken in the rivers. EFENECHTYD, a par. in the hund. of Ruthin, co. Denbigh, 1 mile S. of Ruthin. It is situated near the river Clwyd. Limestone is obtained. The living is a rcet. in the dioc. of Bangor, val. 200, in the patron, of the bishop. The church is dedicated to St. Michael. Bishop Lloyd for several years held this living. In the neighbourhood are remains of a military camp. EFFIN, a par. in the bar. of Coshlea, co. Limerick, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 3 miles S.W. of Kilmalloch, its post town. It is situated on the road from thence to Charleville. The surface is hilly, but consists of good soil, affording excellent pasturage. The living is a rect. in the dice, of Limerick, val. 254. The nearest church is at Kilmallock, that of Effin being in ruins. The Roman Catholic chapel is united to that of Kilbready- minor. There are two hedge schools. EFFINGHAM, a par. in the hund. of Effingham, co. Surrey, 3 J miles S.W. of Leatherhead. its post town and nearest railway station, and 4 N.W. of Dorking. The parish includes a great variety of soils: in the N. part clay, in the middle gravel, and the S. chalk. The village was anciently much more considerable than at present. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Winchester, val. 226, in the patron, of the lord chancellor. The church is an ancient structure, partly of (lint and partly brick, with a handsome E. window. It is dedicated to St. Lawrence. The register commences in 1565. The Wesleyans have a chapel, and there is a National school. H. M. 1'arratt and M. .Stringer, Esqs., are lords of the manor. The Howards of Grange take the title of earl from this place. Effingliam Hall is the principal residence. EFFINGHAM HUNDRED, one of the 13 sub- divisions of Surrey, situated in the southern part of the co., and bounded on the N. by the hund. of King, E. by the hands, of Wallington and Reigate, S. by the co. of Sussex, and W. by the hunds. of Watton and Elmbridge. It contains the pars, of Great and Little Bookham >and Effingham, comprising an area of about 7,000 acres. EFFORD, a tythg. in the parochial chplry. of Har- bridge, hund. of Christ Church, co. Hants, lj mile N.E. of Ringwood. EGBURY, a tythg. in the par. of Bourne St. Mary, co. Southampton, 3 miles N.W. of Whitchurch. EGDEAN, a par. in the hund. of Rotherbridge, rape of Arundcl, co. Sussex, 2 miles S.E. of Petworth, its post town. The river Kother or Arundel navigation passes to the S. of the parish. The village is very small and wholly agricultural. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Chichester, val. 110. The church is dedicated to St. Bartholomew. Fairs are held on the 1st May and 4th September for horses, cattle, and sheep. EGERTON, a par. in the hund. of Calchill, lathe of Scray, co. Kent, 3 miles S.W. of Charing, and 7 N.W. of Ashford, its post town. The Pluckley station on the South-Eastern railway is about 4 miles 8. of tho village. The principal produce is hops. Near the village is a petrifying spring. Tho living is a perpet. cur.* in tho dioc. of Canterbury, val. 111, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. Tho church is a fine ancient structure, recently restored. It is dedicated to St. James. The register commences in 1684. The charities produce about 2 per annum. The Baptists have a chapel, and there is a National school for both sexes. There is a fair on the 5th August for hardware goods, toys, &e. EGERTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Malpas, higher div. of the hund. of Broxton, co. palatine of Chester, 4 miles N.E. of Malpas. There are ruins of the ancient hall, which was for some time used as a barn. The Wesleyan Methodists have a chapel. Sir Philip Egerton is lord of the manor. EGERTON, a small place in the vicinity of Bolton, co. palatine of Lancaster. EGERTON, HIGHER, a hmlt. in the par. of Litton Cheney, co. Dorset, 4 miles N.E. of Bridport. Under Egertou Hill are the remains of a large Roman camp of an oval form. EGGBOROUGII, a tnshp. in the par. of Kellingtpn, lower div. of the wap. of Osgoldcross, West Riding co. York, 5 miles W. of Suaith. It is situated on tho Goule canal, and incHdes the hmlts. of High and Low Eggborough and Hut Green. There is a mill for bone crushing and one for grinding corn. The Wesleyans have a chapel. A pleasure fair is held on Whit-Monday. EGG-BUCKLAND, a par. in the hund. of Roborough, co. Devon, 3 miles N.E. of Plymouth, its post town. It is situated near the river Plym, and contains the hmlt. of Eastover and part of Knackersknowlo, with the ext. par. place Laria Green. Copper ore has been found, and the slate quarries are extensively worked. The living is a vie. * in tho dioc. of Exeter, val. 500, in the patron, of the lord chancellor. Tho church is an ancient structure partly built with stone from Buekland Abbey. It is dedicated to St. Erasmus. The parochial charities pro- duce about 25 per annum. There is a National school for both sexes. Christopher Tolchard, Esq., is lord of the manor. Widey Court, the principal residence, was, during the civil wars of Charles I., occupied by Prince Maurice as his head-quarters. A fair is held on the second Wednesday in June. EGGERTON, a hund. in the Bridport div. of co. Dorset, contains tho pars, of Askerswell, Hook, Long- bredy, Winterbourne-Abbas, Wraxall, and part of Poor- stock, comprising an area of 9,090 acres. EGGEISFORD, a par. in the hund. of North Tawton, co. Devon, 2 miles S.AV. of Chumleigh, and 7 N. of North Tawton. Wcmbworthy is its post town. The North Devon and Exeter railway has a station at Eggesford. '-The village, which is very small, is situated on the river Taw. Here was formerly an hospital founded by Ibote Reigny. The living is a rect.* in tho dioc. of Exeter, val. 121. The church is an ancient stone structure dedicated to All Saints. There are some small charities, and a free school for both sexes. The Earl of Portsmouth is lord of tho manor. EGGINTON, or EGGINGTON, a par. in the hund. of Morleston, co. Derby, 4 miles N.E. of Burton-on- Trent, its post town. It is situated near the old Roman highway Icknield Street, and within a short distance of the Willington station, on the W. branch of the Mid- land Counties railway. In Domesday Book it is written K/iiiiitiinc, and is there described as having a church, a priest, a mill, and six farmers. The rivers Dove and Trent and the Grand Trunk canal pass through tho parish. The living is a rect. * in the dioc. -of Lichfield, val. 453. The church is an ancient structure with a low