Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/916

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K.MLAi.H. 006 KMP1NCIIAM. tip- site <if nun Iniilt ubout the same tinn- a:< the primy, and which fur a long time was in mil. present is in the early Ki of archil and is dedi'-ated to tin- Viiirm Mary. There an , 'lirrutivi Mi ' I here is a National 1 for txith H-XCS, also a school supported by the Swedenborgians. A .spring in tin- township still tin' n Vell, the saint to whom the priory was, d. KMLACH, or 1MI.ACII, a pir. in the bar. of I Kells, co. Meath, prov. o: Ireland, .'i miles N.K- i-t Kell-. it" post town. It i- n the riveis Borora and Ulackwater, and has a lair soil, with a tiaet of bog. The living is a reel, in the dioc. of Meath, val. with Xewtown, i':j.'i!>, in the jmlron. of the crown and bishop. KMI.AiiHFAI), or KM KYFAI), a par. in th- bar. of Corran, eo. Sligo, prov. of Ci.ntianuhl, Inland. It is situated on the road from Boyle to Coolanor, ;.nd con- tains its post town, Bally mote. The is s-intly hilly, and the soil tertile. The Awiiimon- llows through tlio parish. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Achonry, val. with four others, 56'.', in tin patron. of the bishop. The church is a handsome building in the c.uly KnL'lish style, erected at Hallymoto at the expense of tho Karl of Orkney, the Bishop of Kiilala, OOOJMT, Esq.. and a loan from the, late Hoard of First Fruits. There art Roman Catholic cha]>elg here, and at Kilmorgan, Tumore, and Druinrut. There are Pmbyterian and Methodist meeting-bouses in tlie parish, and seven day schools, three assisted by t! tional Board, and one by the lioman Catholic cleray. J-jirlsfield and Temple House are the principal residences. An al.hey is alii ged to have been founded hen- by St. Coliimb. Tin-re are ruins of a castle, built in l.'iuii by Jiichard de Burgh, second Karl of I'lster; also remains if an old church, and of a lodge of the KnighU Tampion. KMI.KV. or KI.MI.KY, a par. in the lowcrdiv. of the wap. of Agbrigp, West Hiding co. York, 7 miles N. of lluddersfield, and 8 S.W. of Vaki Held, its post town. It is situated on a tributary of the river IVarne, and in< hides the limits, of Cumborworth-Half and Skclman- thi.rpo. The village is pleasantly situated on tin- declivity of a hill, and a considerable number of tho inhabitant! arc employed in weaving and in tl. The living is a rid. in the dioc. of Hipon, val. 1'-'-'. Tin: church is a stone edifice, with square em- battled tower, and is dedicated to St. Michael. The r commences in 1600. The parochial c). produce about 24 per annum, 2 of which a: purposes. The Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists and It- : mm -I - ill -, aa !. : m h .t pi toe of w.uship. There is an endowed British school. The old family seat of the Ketons has been demolished, and the park divided into farms. The Karl of Scarborough is 1m d of anil m.trkel town, and nominal city, inth- williain. co I i Ireland, 8 miles W. of Tipp. i|ii:ility, and the road fi-.. m i narlc- ville p.i-s. s thrini;'h ti. Tlie living i .1 rio, in the dim-, of Kmly, val. i'l:!'.', in the patron, of thebisho]i. .thedral sen-es as tin- pari-h church. I' mlding in tin- later Knglish style, en ,-ted i:, ,-nt "i t!iei':iih- -I: fund. There are I i;,.man Catholic .-h.i| M -l and two hedge-schools. The town,

. n.-w but ii niei. ,,/, .,,,,! ,,,.

, ot Ptiplcmy. |- tl"li. The s.-e of Kmly is said t" have lie, n founded by St. Ai,b,-, vh-j aNo f,.undi-i| an abbey in tin- nil century, and from wl ded the kings of Munstcr. Ii, !'--'- incorjiornti -1 :t'n ( ' ishi I. an i in I 33 ; tl-. w twow, n- nnite.1 to Watcrford an-! I 16 parish. -. 1:1 ( hur.-hc i, SI Boman Catholic chapclH, and 'holic die . !. Near the church is a rough Ailt.-.wh - numbers of the peasantry tin . homage to these An ami ,| j u ,),,, , are held on tin- :M.-t .Ma and '.'Jud Septcmlicr. K.MLV. a small limit. ' .1, ii miles S. ,,t II- harn. It is situat- d in the vicinity tf ih.- lii ii's Vatcr. 1..MI.VFA1). .s,, I:MI.AOHI.D, en. Siigo. i:.MI,V(il;|-:XNAN,a ]ur. iii the bais.ot Clanwilliam and Coshli ry and Limerick, pn.v. ,,f Minister, Inland, -1 n Kihnallock. Th- nilly good. The living isa susp, nd. d int. in the dioc. ,it' l.inieiick. 'J : Lte church, which stood, hen-, was pulled down in l' : ll. K.MIA.N. a hmlt. in tin- par. of Kcnarth, Inn KKet, eo. Carmaithi-n. ll , m the N.V. ..f tin- county, near the rh-r Ti-ify. and includes New- llmiyn and Al-i i title of viscount from this p EIQITNGTON, a j,ar. in tin- bund, of Lewkn,,i. -worth is i; town. Tie !eol,anil ii is no village, only a lew laimh- Jl.lVC been collini .* in the dim. of OM is an ancient structm i to St. Nicholas, -,,,.! has a singular pantUelogram-aha] ^isib: !rom the outside. Tin n areafen charities. KM MI ) TI.ANU, a hmlt. in the par. of Frodingham, East I, Vork, 6 mill - s 1. .,t iiatcd in the vicinity uf the liver Hull. KMNKTH.a par. in ; the bund. , 00. Nortolk, 2 , 1,, its post town, and about 1 mil, S.W. on thu(rrca: ay. Tin close to the village. The land is nearly equally distri- biited hi-twi en arable and pastun-. The living i.s a vie.* in the dioc. ,,f Kly, val. i:j"ii, n bishoji. Tin; church is an ami- large square tower. It is dcdicati d to > contains an altar tmnb with the r , ,nml Thomas Howard, his wife, and < hiid. c-hariti, s. The Vol.-yans, Jtefninn-d 1'riinit each a i i, Esq., is lord of the manor. KMO, a iith. jii.-- tor, Ireland, _' n of Jlallymme. The mansion is MI a bram h I' imott family. In the neighbourhood are n inn earthworks. KM i ' r.l;K, . ) -al vil. in thejiar. ofCoi bar. of Portnahineh, (,' Ireland, r, ,( Maiyln road from Dublin to I.inn in I;, and - stiltion. lOnio Paik, Im n.ei y called 1 lawsoj, 1 the si of PorlarliiiHton. Withii. lurch. KMI'Kl;, , i 'l.Ml'KK, a limit, in the par. ol K in-vin, bar. of M N.V. of Mmlin-.n'. II. n lormerly b-].-n;;in^ to the Hall i|uen; i,:t. EMPINOHAM, a |iar. iii the bund, ot liiitland.O miles i-;. ot I lakh. e its post town. It is situated on the river (i place i , and was formerly a ma: though now only a small village. The manor wa - ntly by the Normaiu ille and l>a-s. -ley fami- Io ill,- Hi alb, ot, -. ! held monthly. Th, land i< clii, |i a, Tho living is a ii . * in tin 400, in the patron, of the bisliop. The church, (1 ate.l to St. I 1 , |. r, is an , '1 !i, in! has Normal- v, anil ho windows hear ti;e ! lists have il school with a sin