Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/924

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014 ERETOAL. !i, Queen's County, prov. of 1 land, town. .Mary 1 1 < post g durfuco in very hilly, the highest ground feet above sea-fcvi-1. The living is u ! in the dioc. of Ossory, val. 530, in the patron. nt tin 1 ciMv.n. Thr rlmrrli was built in 18'24 by means loan from the late Board of First Fruits. i an- tw.i K-iman Catholic chapels united to that of _;h, and several day schools. Here is a police EltLAS, a tnshp. in the par. of Grcsford, hund. of Hr.imti'ld. 00, lienbbh. North Wales. KKMI'.KIlHiK. N-,- EKMINOTON, co. 1' Eli.MK, ST., ;i par. in the hund. of West Powder, n-iiwall, H i! "I Truro, its post town. It includes the hmlt. of Trespan, and part of that of linn. It formerly belonged to the Killigrews, vim had a seat here. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. I Kxei.-r. val. t:i7>. Tho church is a modern stone .structure, built on the site of the old ono. It is dedi- cated to St. Ermo, and contains some monuments with quaint inscriptions. Tho parochial charities produce about 8 per annum. There arc some ancient British burial-places in the neighbourhood. ERMINE, or KIIM VN. STKEKT.n British highway ; went from I'cvcnscy, near Beachy Head, by Wadhurst, Tunbridgo Wells, and Holwood Hill, to London ; thence to Enfield, Royston (where Icknield Street crosses), Godmanchestcr, Cantor, Costerton (near which a cross- branch went by Thorpe, Southwell, and Doncast ford on liyknield Street), Ancastcr, Lincoln, and Winterton, across 1 1 umber, to Brough, Market Weiifh- ton, Stamford, Easingwold, and Northallerton, to i' ;l t- terick, on Kykni- hero called Watling Street. ERMINGTl IN. a jar. in the hund. of Ermington, co. Devon, 1 mil' N.W. of Modbury, and 2 miles 8. of the Cornwood-road station on the South Devon railway. It is situated on the river Ermo, and contains the hmlt. of Ermbridge. It was formerly a market town and seat of the woollen cloth trade, but of lato it has much declined. Limestone is found, and there are saw-mills. Tho living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Exeter, val. with the cur. of Kingston annexed, 356, in the patron, of the crown and .1. It. Cholwick, Esq. Tho church is an ancient structure, chiefly remarkable for its handsome granite arches and leaning spire. It is dedicated to St. . . mid contains monuments of the Strechleys. Honaois the principal mUooMi Fairs are hold on the 2nd February and 23rd June. M I M . TO N I H N 1 > It KD, one of the twenty sub- 'li isions of Devonshire, situated in the southern part of the co., and bounded on the N. by the hund. of I v the hund. of Stanborough, on the S. by the Kn^lish Channel, and on the W. by the hund. 1 Kod borough. It contains the pars, of Aveton-Gifford, Bigbury, Cornwood, Ermington, Har- ford, Holbcton, Kingston, Modbury, Newton-F. Hingmoro, and Ugborongh, comprising an area of ab..ut KUNK. a river ami two lakes in co. Fermanagh, l'i-'iv. of Ulster, Ireland. The river rises in Ixmgh liigh, and takes a north >urseoi'72 ' passing through Lough Oughter. co. Cavan, I so to Donegal Bay. It is navigable for a draught of 12 feet us far as Bally shannon, where is a fine salmon leap of 20 feet. On nearing t boundary U river expands into Upper Lough . ono of the finest lakes in Ireland; its greatest length is 1 J mill s, its greatest width 4J miles, and its 'i varies between 10 and 30 feet, The river again resumes its character for about 10 miles, when it opens out into Lower Jx>ugh Erne, forming a strait b< these two magnificent lakes. Tho gre; , of the Lower Ixragh is 20 miles, and its greatest width its depth varies bet wi en loot., j.!>; f.-et. I!,,th loughs 1 with islets, which otter every imaginable description of scenic h> uuty, including niins, mansions, wood, and lawn. There are 90 of these islets in the T'ppcr Lough, and 109 in the Lower. Tho lakes abound in salmon, trout, pi'. and wild fowl frequent the *] es are Innism Killy Gowan, Km. -my, and lievinish. A city is said liy lii: rricd away from this site by the Hooding of the lakes, which lie respectively 1.51 and 1 l!i feet above sea-1. (.'riehton family, of (.,'rum Cas; : from this place. Enniskillon is the principal town on the shores ..: tl Iik. ". liliNK. a small lake in the par. of Annahilt. bar. of Lower Iveagh, co. Down, prov. of Ulster, Ii, land. It . deep, and has an abundance of tn>ut. KltNK. a small river rising in Fon>st, co. Devon, and tailing into lli^bury Bay. It is a hunt for M otter-hounds. BBNBT, ST., a par. united with Landrakp, in the hund. of S.nnh Kast, co. Cornwall, 3 miles W. of Saltash. It ia situated on Lynli i:i;NCI:ii/o, loch in the par. of Crossih Kirkcudbright, Scotland. It contains two small islands, v sea-fowl. EKOCKIF. WATER, a stream in the par. of Hlair Atboll, eo. IVrth, Scotland. It joins KKPINUHAM, a par. in tho hund. of South Ki ham, co. Norfolk, 3 miles N. of Aylsham, and 1.5 N.W. of Norwich. Hanworth is its post town, ll near tho river Bure. This was the seat of the Ei-pii, family, one of whom was at Agineourt. Tip- is a rect. in the dioc. of Norwich, annexed to the i of Blickling. Tho church is a handsome stru with a square tower. It is dedicated . and contains a brass of Sir John Erpingham (1370). register commences in 1559. KltriNOHAM lirMiKKli, in ,.-. Norfolk, is di- vidi d into North and South. Tin- lirst - of Aldborough, Autinghain. luim- Norwood, Biirningham-Wiir RegU, Bessingham, Ci-"'. r--i. . ham, Gresham, Gunton, Hanworth, K ton, Jinn. South Kepps, Koughton, Runton, Sheninijbairi. strand, Suihcld, Sustead, Thorpe- Ma Truningham, and Trench. Tho South < ]>ani. of Alliy. Ayl.-h.ilu, l',ar.iM--th-'l]i. . P.aniii' ham 1'arva, *. sl-P. rkbain, J!. !aiiL;h. I Bramj .St. M.n . i thorpc, Cawston, c i-liall, Corpus! v, Kipin^ham (with Blickling), Hautbois-Magrfli an. I liam.Hcydon, Inirworth, Inuin^land,, Mai. t"ii, .Marsham.Oulton.Oxnead (with Sk. Soottow, SI. swaiiton-A' - .ints Thwmite, Tartington, Wickmere (with tcrton), and W"lt.i tun. Th. two hunds. coin: KKKACK LOCH, eo. Perth, Scotland. Itissid in ( lli-n K; KK lIEI.Ij, a limit, in tho bar. of Clandonagh, Qr, Count- I mi!.- V. of liathdow I l;i;l< KSTANK I'.IJAK, a hill near the meeting of the COS. I.i' -.d Diimtries, Smtlan.; is 1,118 feet in height. A huge dell, enclosed by four hills, bears the name of the "Marquis of Annand P.. '(-stand," it having b.-en used by t! : rn of tho border t Edinburgh t" lim t th. hill. I'.KKK K WATEIt. a .stream, co. "Inverness, Sco!. falling into the I-'., .side ol 1. .. h Ness. K I;i;l(! AI., a jiar. in the bar. of ('oloruinc.c., I.. .nd-.n- derry. In land, 8 miles N.W. of Kilreagb. It contains (iarvagh, its post town. It is situated near the river Bann on the Agivey, a tributary to that i The surface is mountainous and boggy. In 589 St. a monastery here, which was destroyed by tho Danes in the 9th century. Many of the inha- bitants are weavers. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Derry, val. t'il, in the patron, of the bishop. The church was built in 1697. Th"re arc two Roman