Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/926

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ERTHIG. 916 >LT. chapter. Tho church is about fi. - old. It is dedicated to St. Krth, mid contains several monuments 1 and brasses. The > haritii . including a small .'unit 10 per aniiiuii. Tin .-- ipi-1, and tin M is a Natninal s< hool for In tin- neighbourhood are some remains of cros '"p. I lilt;, or ERDDIO, a tnshp. in the par. of i ford, huiid. of Broiiitii M, OO. DenliiL'h, - mil' - S.W. i.f Wi. xham. It is situated on OflVs Dyke. Krtliii; Hall is the principal residence, and contains the Seabright collection "t W< Mi manuscripts. There are some remains of a camp. KKYAN, ST., a par. in the hand, of Pydcr, co. < wall, fi miles N.W. of St. Colomb-Major, its post town. It contains the hmlts. of Churchtown and Pcnrosc. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Exeter, val. 405. The church U a neat edifice dedicated to St. Ervan. There are places of worship for Bryanites and V. A .ins, and a parochial school at Pcnrose. A cattle lair is held on the -J'.ith May. I.KVII.l.S, or I.r.Kill.a tythg. in the par. ofllamble- don, co. Hunts, mil< i Bishop's Valtham. ERWAU.o, a tnshp. in the par. of Llangollen, co. j'h, a short distance from IJangollen. U'Ali'P iN, a par. in the hund. of Sumford, co. Suf- folk, .'i mill llaiwich. and '.' S.K. of Ipswich. It is situated "a tin N. bank of the navigable river, and was formerly a mark' in the possession ol family. It afterwards passed to the Drurys and Parkers, whose seat was i stiuctme iii tin- Kli. :yle of architectui .unhouse. Tho living is a i in the dioc. of Norwnh. val. with the reel, of V stone annexed, 484. Tho church is ah cl< turc, dedicated ry. It has recently been restored, and contains monuments of tho Davellcs, or Daveillers, and of the Calthorpe and Parker families. Tho register commences in 1558. The charities are Parker's almshouses, built about the middle of tho last century, and a property for the poor producing about 7 per annum. John Berncrs, Esq., is lord of the ii There is a National school. l.KWASH, or I UK WASH, a river rising near Alfre- ton, co. Derby, a feeder of the Trent. The Erwash canal wag cut in 1777, and runs close to the river from the Cromford canal to the river Trent, opposite the river SMI ERWICK.a hmlt. in the hund. of Wonford, co. Devon, not far from Exeter. KliWIIi, or ERW001), avil. in the par. of Cricka- darn, co. Brecon, 9 miles W. of Hay. It is situated on the banks of the river W . I l;YH< U. Mi:, ii chplrv. in the par. of Oilling, wap. of East Gilling, North Riding co. York, 2 miles E. of Dalton station on the North-Kastern railway, and 4 S.E. of Darlington. It is situated on the river Tees, and commands an extensive prospect. Several plantations have been recently made. The living is a perpet cur. in the dioc. of Bipon, val. 49, in the patron, oi

inir. The church is dedicated to St. Maiy.

1 --i"i , i hmlt. in the co. Dumfries, Scotland, 2 miles N. of Lochmaben. It is situated on the rivers Ae and I'.Si I l!:t>, i tnhp. in the par. of Llanynys, CO. oil. - N.W. of Kuthin. I.I'.-IIAM. AliiiVI-. nd I'.I.LOW, tnshps. in tho par. ot i'.romfield, co I>. near the town of Wrexham. They are situated on Offa's 1 > k. ' 'OMB, a par-chia! , hplry. in the N.W. div. of tho ward of Darlington, co. palatine of Durham, 1} mile W. of Bishop-Auckland, its post town, and 12 mil.-s S.W. of Durham. It is i . .ir the river Wear. The r '-'. tl ' ' Ldmouhin I railway is about half a mile from the village. This is a coixl district, ami most of the people are . in],' . 1 in the ilso a maimlaetory for firo-l.rick. The Ii -ing U a perpet. cur. in tho dioc. .'.I, val 'JUI, in the patron, of tho bishop. Tho church U un ancient edifice. The Weslcyans and 1'riniiihe Mi thodists have i uhapel, and there are two National schools. I >i i >T, a hmlt. in t i hund. of < Ut. i y St. Mary, eo. Devon, 2 miles N.W. of (lit' ry St. Maiy, and 12N.1 r. It i i-i- . the rirer OUar. Tho living is a perpet. cur. in the dioi-. of Kxi-ter, val. t i:si Kit K, a par. in the wap. of Ouse, Kast Killing co. York, 6 milc.t S.E. of York, its post town. It in situated on the high road from York to Selby, and includes tho tnshp. of Iii-i^ht'in. The village is one of the most picturesque in tho county, and the cottages, which are of recent date, are surrounded by ta gardens. The living is a rc<-t.* in tho dioc. of York, val. 530. The church is a handsome stone stru recently erected on the site of an old one. It is dedicated !. St. Helen. There is a day school for the children of the parish. Escrick Park, a handsome seat, i.- tin I.KJ- jnity ami residence of Lord V. >. ho is lord of the manor and owner of the whole of the soil. KSCiiU, a tnshp. united with <.';ist!.'. in the par. of Llanwn. _-. oo M n! L ' nn iv, G miles N.W. of Newtown. ES(i(lli-CNVCK( B .11. in the tnshp. of ! uiL'a.l'.ek. .1 >i, 1.I.1M I.I,, a tnsli],. in ii co. Denbigh, -1 miles S.I-;, oil I'.SII, or ASH. a chpliy. in the jmr. of liindi W. div. of the wai.l ',! i ham, 3 mile* S.E. of I Winchester, and ) N.W. oi Durham, its post town. The illav . in. 'ii of 44 acres. The living is a p i ; i e.n i- Durham, val. 190, in the patron, of the I;., In,], < : M.m- chester. The church is a stone M > a hand- Home . window. It i to St. Muhnel. Tlie Komaii Catholics have a chapel and school, and a little to the E. is the Roman Catholic college of Usliaw. There is a parochial school. Sir Charles Smythe, liart., is lord of tho manor. KSIIAJI, a hmlt. in tin par. ..| Syleham, hund. of Hoxnc, co. Suffolk, 5 milos N.E. of Eye. It near the river Wa . KSHK!;, a par. in the second div. of tin- hund, of Elmbridge, co. Surrey, 4 miles S.W. of Kingston, 4 N.E. of Chobham, and 15 from London. It is sit on tho old Portsmouth road, and the river l on tho W. of the parish. The South- Wostam r. has a station here. A luundid in tip. i.f Henry II., ui Wolsey resided at 1 1'laei I into disgrace. In tho neighbour there is a well still bearing his name. Clarcmont is a hand- some mansion, built by Lord Clive, now the property of the King of the Belgians, and in tin . t the membersof theOrl. ans tainily.'l ! i ac- n tn the tin :ly resided hero. The first brass-works in England wore established hero in the 17th century. The living is a revt. in tho dioc. of Winchester, val. 118. Tin church is a m stone structure in the early Knglish stylo. It is ileil; to Our Saviour. The old church, not now usi worship, contains monuments ot Mi-s I'm tor and family, and several mural tablets and marble figures. Tho register commences in 1682. Tho pa; ritios produce about 40 per annum. The Society of I-'ricnds have a meeting-house, and there is a National school for both sexes, an infant M h....l, and a Sunday-school, with a small endowment. The Kine; of the Belgians is lord of the manor. All that n. of the palace of is the old gateway, flanked with towers. A fair is held on tho 4th r for horses. l.SHOLT, a tnshp. in the jiar. of Otley, upper div. of the wap. of Skyraek, 'i st Riding co. York, 4 miles S.W. of Otley, and .', N. of Hradford. It is situated on the river Airc, and tho Liverpool and Leeds canal pnnoi it. A nunnery was founded here by Simon de Ward in tho middle of tho 12th century. At the Disso- lution its revenue was returned at 19. Tho village it pleasantly situated mi the N. side of the Aire ; it contain* .ill, scribblins; ami fullinc mill, and a corn-