Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/197

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HANNEY, WEST. 189 HANWOOD, GREAT. considerable, and most of tho inhabitants are engaged in a _' i i culture. Tho Wantage Road station of the Great Western railway is about three-quarters of a mile from the village. HANNEY, WEST, WITH LYFORD, a par. in the hund. of Wantage, co. Berks, 4 miles N.E. of Wantage, and 7 S.W. of Abingdon. The Great Western railway passes in the vicinity, and has a station at Wantage Road, about 2 miles from the village. Tho par. which is situated on the banks of the river Ock, comprises the tnshp. of East Hanney, and the chplry. of Lyford. The oil is fertile, and land chiefly arable. The living is a yic.* in the dioc. of Oxford, val. with the cur.* of Lyford annexed, 205, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury. Tho church, dedicated to St. James, is a Norman structure, with a square embattled tower con- taining seven bells. In the chancel are several ancient brasses, chiefly belonging to the Ashcombe family. The earliest is one of a priest, bearing date 1370. The cha- rities produce 420 per annum, including the endowment of Ashcombe's almshouses. There is a National school for boys and girls, recently erected. HANNINGFIELD, EAST, a par. in the hund. of Chelmsford, co. Essex, G miles S.E. of Chelmsford, its post town, and 10 N.E. of Ingatestone station. The surface is flat, and was formerly thickly wooded, but is now almost entirely cleared, and converted into arable land. The soil is clay, but well drained and cultivated. The living is a root.* in tho dioc. of Rochester, val. 117. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is a small edifice, vitli a tower and steeple containing three bells, and some of the windows have coats of arms. There is a National school. Lord Petre is lord of the manor. HANNINGFIELD, SOUTH, a par. in the hund. of Chelmsford, eo. Essex, 1 mile S. of East Hanningfield, and 7 miles S.E. of Chelmsford. The village is small, and wholly agricultural. The tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of 360. Tho living is a rcct. in the dioc. of Rochester, annexed to that of West Hanningfield. Tho church, dedicated to St. Peter, is a small edifice, with a tower surmounted by a shingled spire. The Essex Union hounds are kennelled hero. HANNINGFIELD, WEST, a par. as above, 2 miles W. of East Hanningfield. The village is situated in a well wooded country. The living is a rcct. * in the dioc. of Rochester, val. with that of South Hanningfield annexed, 935. The church, dedicated to SS. Mary and Edward, is an ancient edifice, with an octangular tower surmounted by a wooden spire. It contains several ancient brasses. HANNINGTON, a par. in tho hund. of Ilighworlh, co. Wilts, 2milesN.W. of High worth, its post town, and 7 N.E. of the Swindon railway station. The village, which is small, is situated near the river Thames, which has its source about 5 miles from Crickdale. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in agriculture. Hannington bridge, over the Thames, connects this parish with that of Kemps- ford in Gloucestershire. Tho living is a vie. in the dioc. of Gloucester and Bristol, val. 131. Tho church, dedi- cated to SS. Peter and Paul, is a neat structure, with .square tower containing five bolls. In the interior are several monuments to tho Freko family. There is a 1 l-of-easo at Hannington Wick, with an endowment of 10 per annum, part of tho produce of land bequeathed by Lady Norton. The charities produce about 50 per annum, applied to the repairs of the church and high- i, to the apprenticing of children, and to the relief of tho poor. There is a free school, supported by Lady jurat, and a parochial school. IIAXMNCTON, a par. in the hund. of Chutelcy, Kingsclere and N. divs. of tho co. Hants, 4 miles from tin* ( tverton, and 8 from tho Basingstoko railway stations, 10 from Newbury, its post town. Tho living is a in the dioc. of Winchester, val. 110, in tho n. of the bishop. The church, dedicated to All small plain structure. There is a National !. On (,'ottiirjt'm's Hill is a harrow N. of the 11AXM.V ;TuN a j.-ir. in lh<- linn 1. of Orlingbury, .. ii. co. Northampton, 6J miles N.W. of Wellingborough, and 8 N. of Northampton, its post town. The pariah is wholly agricultural, and the inhabitants are chiefly employed on the farms. The surface is generally elevated, the soil being in parts a rich loam, and in others a reddish sand. The tithes were commuted for land and money payments under an Enclosure Act in 1802. Tho living is a rect. united with that of Walgrave, in the dioc. of Peterborough. Tho church, dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, is an ancient stone structure, with small square tower. The living was once held by Bishop T. Godwin, father of Bishop F. Godwin, author of " Lives of tho Bishops." There is a National school. HANNINGTON LANCES, a tythg. in the par. of Kingsclerc, co. Hants, 2 miles from Kingsclere. HANSLOPE, a par. in the hund. of Newport, co. Bucks, 6J miles N.W. of Newport Pagnel, its post town, 11 from Northampton, and 4 N. of tho Wolverton station on the London and North-Western railway. The parish, which is of groat extent, is principally agricultural. The village was formerly a market town, and was held by tho Bcauchamps, earls of Warwick. The soil is clayey. Many of tho inhabitants are employed in lace-making, in connection with which manufacture arc schools, where children are taught to work from tho age of five years till eleven or twelve years old, when they arc able to support themselves. Tho living is a vie. and rect.* with the cur. of Castlethorpe annexed, in the dioc. of Oxford, val. 152. in the patron, of the bishop. Tho church, dedicated to St. James, is a handsome structure, with tower surmounted by an octagonal spire and four pin- nacles. Tho parochial charities produce about 179 per annum. There arc places of worship for tho Wesleyans and Baptists, and there is a National school built by W. Watts, Esq., who is lord of tho manor. HANTHORPE, a hmlt. in tho par. of Morton, wap. of Aveland, parts of Kestevcn, co. Lincoln, 2 miles N. of Bourn. Hanthorpe House is the principal residence. HANWELL, a par. in the hund. of Bloxham, co. Oxford, 3 miles N.W. of Banbury, its post town, and 26 from Oxford. It is situated near the Oxford canal. The land is chiefly in pasture and meadow. Hero are some remains of tho castle built in the reign of Henry VII., and noticed by Leland as the ',' gallant house of Hanwcll." It was a quadrangular building, with massive towers at the angles, of which only one, with a portion of the S. front, is at present remaining, converted into a farmhouse. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Oxford, val. .320. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, is an ancient edifice with a fine tower. In the interior arc effigies of tho Copo family. There is a free school for both sexes. The charities produce 1 per annum. Earl Delawarr is lord of the manor. HANWELL, a par. in the hund. of Elthorne, co. Middlesex, 7^ miles from London, and 2 N.W. of Brent- ford. It is a station on tho Great Western railway, which has a viaduct hero over tho Brent of eight arches of 70 feet span each, and 70 feet high to tho top of tho parapet. The parish adjoins the river Brent and tho Grand Junction canal. It is mentioned in Domesday as Hanewctte, and belonged to Westminster Abbey. The land is principally pasture, and tho soil gravelly. Hero is the County Lunatic . Asylum, capable of holding 1,800 patients. The building, which cost 125,000, stands on an eminence, and is surrounded by flower- gardens and walks. There are 53 acres of ground attached to tho institution, most of which is cultivated by the patients. Tho living is a rect. * in the dioc. of London, val. 432, in tho patron, of tho Bishop of London, who is lord of tho manor. Tho church, dedi- cated to St. Mary, is a handsome structure, rebuilt in 1841 at the cost of nearly ^4,000. Hero Jonas Hanway is buried, who founded the Marino Society, and brought umbrellas into use. Tho parochial charities produce 237, of which 125 arc for educational purposes. Tho principal seats are Osterly House, of the Earl of Jersey, Hanwell Park, The Sprig, and Tho Grove. Here is a'n artesian well 300 feet deep. HANWOOD, GKEAT, a par. in tho hund. of Ford, B B