Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/205

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HARLINGTON. 197 IIAKNHAM, WEST. liiul charities produce 70 per annum, of which 12 goes to Lord ( Lssulstone's school, Harlington Lodge is the principal scat. HARLINGTON, a par. in the hund. of Manshead, co. Bedford, 6 miles S.W. of Woburn. Soddington is its post town. The village is small, and wholly agricultural. The tithes were commuted for land and a corn-rent under an Enclosure Act in 1808. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Ely, vul. 143. The church, which is dedicated to St. Mary, has a square embattled tower. The cha- ritirs produce about 9 per annum. Woodcnd in this parish was formerly a seat of the Astrey family. Har- lington House is the principal residence. HAKLINGTON, a limit, in the par. of Barmbrough, N. div. of the wap. of Straflbrth, West Riding co. York, 6 miles W. of Doncaster. HARLOW, a hund. in the W. div. of the co. Essex, contains the pars, of Great and Little Hallingbury, ll-low, Hatfield Broad Oak, Latton, Matching, Nettes- wcll, Great and Little Parndon, Sheering, and part of K"vdon, comprising 28,660 acres. It gives name to a .'.ry in the archdeac. and dioc. of Rochester. HAKLOW, or HARLOWBURY, a par. in the hund. of llarlow, co. Essex, 6 miles N. of Epping, and 10 N.E. of Cheshunt. It is situated on the southern side of the vale of the navigable river Stort, and is a station on the Cambridge section of the Great Eastern railway. The manor house, called Harlow Bury, is an ancient building, recently modernised. In the grounds arc the remains of a chapel which is said to have belonged to the monks of Bury St. Edmund's. It is covered with ivy, and the N. door has a Norman archway in fine preservation. It is now the property of the Hon. W. North. In 1854 a new inn was built near the railway station. The inhabitants were formerly engaged in the woollen trade, and in the potteries, both of which are now extinct. The village, which is considerable, was once a market town. Petty sessions are occasionally held at the police station, which has been newly erected. About 2 miles to the S. of the village is the hamlet of Potter Street. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Rochester, val. 383, in the patron, of the trustees. The church, dedicated to St. Mary mid All Saints, is situated on elevated ground. It is an ancient cruciform structure, the two transepts of which were formerly two chapels, one dedicated to St. Thomas, the other to St. Petronilla. One of them has been almost entirely rebuilt, and the other much improved, by J. Perry Watlington, Ksq., M.P., of Moor Hall, who ilso erected schoolrooms capable of accommodating 300 children, within a short distance of the church. In addition to the parish church, there are two modern district churches, dedicated to St. John and St. Mary Magdalene, the livings of which are perpct. curs. The charities produce 155 per annum, exclusive of Reeves' and other almshouses. The free school, founded by John Barnard and G. Fuubert, is a neat commodious building, situated at the S. end of the village, and capable of accommodating 200 children. There are also several other good schools in the pariah. A little to the W. of the church of St. John a new college for the education of the sons of gentlemen has been erected. It is a plain building, ornamented with various coloured bricks. The i its have two ch-ipels hero. Fairs are held on the ( J tli and 10th September, and the 28th and 29th November. HARLOW HILL, a tnshp. in the par. of Ovingham, E div. of Tindalo ward, co. Northumberland, 3 miles N. of Prudhoe railway station, and 10 W. of Newcastle-on- Tync. It is situated near the Roman wall on the line of tin: great military road. The soil is clayey. The Duke ,,t Northumberland is scle landowner. 11 AUI.Si 'OTT, a tnshp. in the pars, of St. Alkmond . Mary, co. Salop, 2 miles N. of Shrewsbury. IIAKLSKY, MAST, a par. in the wap. of Birdforth, North Uiding , ,,. York, 2 miles S.E. of Welbury sta- tion, and 7 N.E. of Northullerton, its post town. The

i:all, and wholly agricultural. Large beds of

ml ironstone arc known to exist, but arc not worked. This parish contains -Mount-Grace, where are the ruins of a priory for Carthusian monks, founded in VOL. II. 1396 by the Duke of Surrey, and dedicated to the Virgin. Near these ruins, on an eminence, are the remains of a Lady chapel, founded in 1515. The living is a pcrpet. cur.* in the dioc. of York, val. 02. The church is a small stone structure, very ancient, with a campanile and two bells. There are several small charities. The register commences in 1693. Harlsey Hall is the prin- cipal residence. HARLSEY, WEST, a tnshp. in the par. of Osmo- therley, North Riding co. York, 4 miles N.E. of North- allerton. It is joined with East Harlsey. Here are the ruins of Harlsey Castle, founded by Judge Strangeways. The Earl of Harewood is owner of the land. HARLTHORPE, a tnshp. in the par. of Bubwith, Holme-Beacon div. of the wap. of llarthill, East Hiding co. York, 6 miles N. of Howden. HARMBY, a tnshp. and vil. in the par. of Spenni- thorne, wap. of West Hang, North Hiding co. York, lj mile E. of Leyburn, and j from Spcnnithorne. The village, which is small, is situated on the northern accli- vity of Wensleydale. Hero is a chapel for the Wes- leyans, built in 1855. Lord Bolton is chief landowner and lord of the manor. An Enclosure Act was obtained in 1775, when the tithes were commuted for land. HARMON, ST., a par. in the hund. of Rhayader, co. Radnor, 4 miles N.E. of Rhayadsr. It is situated on a branch of the river Wye, and contains the limits, of C'lase, Kennarth, and Rliuwrriad. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of St. David's, val. 161. The church is dedicated to St. Gannon. HARMONDSWORTH. or HAMSWORTH, a par. in the hund. of Elthorne, co. Middlesex, 4 miles N.E. of Staines, and 5 W. of Hounslow. The village is situated near the river Colne and Great Western railway. It contains Septston and part of Longford, with Heath Row Camp. It is the llercinodcsicorde of Domesday, and was anciently a possession of Rouen Abbey. After the Reformation it was given by Edward VI. to the Pagets. Tho parish, which is very Hat, contains many orchards and market-gardens. The living is a vie.* with that of West Drayton annexed, in the dioc. of London, joint val. 530. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, was built at an early period. It contains a Norman doorway, stalls, and piscina. There is a National school for boys and girls. The charities produce 1 o9 per annum. HARMSTON, a par. in the wap. of Uoothby-Graffo, parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln, 6 miles S. of Lincoln, its post town. The village, which is small, is situated on an eminence commanding an extensive view over the lands watered by the navigable rivers Brant and Wit- ham, which skirt the parish on the W. Limestone is quarried. The Lincoln and Sleaford road passes by the eastern extremity of the parish. The tithes were com- muted for land and a money payment under an Enclosure Act obtained in 1759. Tho living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. 108. Tho church, dedicated to All Saints, is a fine structure with tower, containing eight bells. It was entirely rebuilt, except the tower, in 1717, by Sir George Thorold, Bart., who was Lord Mayor of London in 1720. Of his family there are many hand- some monuments in the church. The parochial charities produce about 18 per annum. The Wesleyans have a chapel, and there are National schools for both sexes. Harmston Hall is the residence of B. II. Thorold, Esq., who is lord of the manor. HARNHAM, a tnshp. in the par. of Bolam, N.E. div. of Tindale ward, co. Northumberland, 1| miles S. W. of Bolam. There is an old tower, the seat of the Babing- tons, situated on a precipice. HARNHAM, EAST, a tythg. in the par. of Britford, hund. of Cawden, co. Wilts, 1 mile S. of Salisbury. HARNHAM, WEST, a par. in the hund. of Cawden, co. Wilts, 1 mile S.W. of Salisbury, its post town. It is situated near the river Avon, and is a small strag- gling village. The tithes were partly commuted for land and money payments under an Enclosure Act in 1783, and the remainder have been commuted for a rent-charge of 50. The living is a cur. annexed to the vie.* of Coombe Bisect, in the dioc. of Sarum. The c c