Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/616

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LINLITHGOW. 608 LINSLADE. Bridge, co. Linlithgow, Scotland. It is a station on the Edinburgh and Glasgow railway. It is 6 miles long, and about the same at its broadest part. It contains about 9,000 acres. The chief streams are the river Avon, the Main Burn, and the Nethermill Burn. There is a loch named after the burgh ; also a mineral spring at Carrubber, and several copious springs in the neigh- bourhood. The surface is hilly but fertile. The princi- pal eminences are, the Riccarton hills, Cocklerue (500 feet high) and Binney Craig. Coal is found but not worked. There are limestone quarries, and silver was anciently worked here and smelted at a place not far from the town, and still bearing the name of Silvermill. The par. is the seat of a presb. in the synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, in the patron, of the crown. The minister's stipend is 362. The parish church is an ancient Gothic structure, repaired in 1813. There are two United Presbyterian, one Free Church, and an Independent place of worship. There is a burgh school, several private schools, and a charity school for girls. On Boroughmore, a little E. of the town, Edward I. encamped previous to his defeating the Scots under Wallace at Falkirk. It was in this parish that the battle was fought between the Earl of Arran and the Earl of Lennox during the minority of James V. On Cocklerue Ilill are vestiges of a military station ; and on Boroughmore a large number of Roman coins havo been discovered. The parish is intersected by the Edinburgh and Glasgow railway, the Slamannan railway, and the Union canal. The present par. comprehends the ancient par. of Binning. LIXLITHGOW, a post and market town, and royal burgh, in the par. and co. of Linlithgow, Scotland, 18 miles W. of Edinburgh, and 3 S. of Borrowstounuess. It is a railway station on the Edinburgh and Glasgow line. The town was an early seat of the Scottish kings from David II., who called it Linticlu. It was occupied in 129S, previous to the battle of Falkirk, by Edward I., who was here in 1301, and again in 1305, and whose castle being taken by Bruce (through stratagem) was demolished, but rebuilt by the English, who held it in 1331 from Baliol. It was burnt in Mil, and again in 1421, and was the dower of several Stuart queens. On the 7th December, 1542, Mary, afterwards Queen of Scots, was born at the castle here. In 1545 a parlia- ment and in 1552 a synod were held in the town, where, in 1570, the Eegent Moray was shot by Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh. In 1580 it was taken by the English, and a parliament was held hero in 1585, and again in 1646, when the plague was at Edinburgh. It was garrisoned by Cromwell, and afterwards witnessed, in 1662, the burning of the "Solemn League and Covenant." The Duke of York visited it in 1679, and at the Union it declined. It was occupied in 1745 by the royalists, who burnt the palace. Queen Victoria and the late Prince Consort visited it in 1842. The town is situated near Linlithgow Loch, and chiefly consists of a single street running E. and V., with lanes and alleys running off at right angles on both sides. The houses for the most part have an ancient and decayed, yet substantial appearance, and on the whole may be said yet to retain some marks of its ancient grandeur when it was the residence of kings. The ancient town house, erected in 1688, was destroyed by fire in 1847, but the present one was shortly after built, and contains a council chamber, justice of peace, and bailio court rooms, &e. The county buildings, situated at the rear of the town house, has a plain exterior, but the hall is a fine apartment, and con- tains portraits of General Earl of Ilopetoun and Sir Alexander Hope. Immediately opposite the town house is a fountain of singular appearance, erected in 1807 in imitation of the cross-well constructed in 1620. There are several other public wells throughout the town, this being the only way the inhabitants are supplied with water. The parish church, dedicated to St. Michael, is situated contiguous to the palace ruins. It is in the Gothic style of architecture, and has a tower and steeple. It is supposed to have been founded by David I., and was partly destroyed by fire in 1424. Its chancel roof wai erected by Bishop Crichton, when vicar, and there are tombs of the Livingstones, earls of Linlithgow, in St Catherine's aisle, where the supposed apparition o St. John appeared to James IV. to warn him of hii approaching fate at Flodden Field, as related by Lindsay the historian, and introduced by Scott into his poem o " Mai-mien." Besides the parish church, the town haa two United Presbyterian churches, one Free church, and an Independent chapel. The palace is situated on a point or terrace of Loch Liulithgow, on the site of a Roman station, and is a fair quadrangular four story pile with corner turrets, rebuilt by James IV. and VI. The court contains some good carvings, and the ban- queting room is 94 feet by 30. There is also the room where Queen Mary was born, the parliament hall, and a ruined well. The soldiers of Cromwell are said to have introduced into this town the art of preparing leather, and tanning, currying, and shocmaking, which are to this day deemed the staples of the place. The, Union canal passes near the^town, where it has a basin ; and an aqueduct here conducts its water over the liver Avon. The town was first chartered by David I., or Robert II., and under the late Act is governed by a provost, four bailies, a dean of guild, and twenty-seven councillors, with a revenue of 688. It unites with Falkirk, Airdrie, Hamilton, and Lanark, in sending one member to Parliament. It is well lighted with gas, and has offices of the Western and Commercial banks, in- surance agencies, eight incorporated trades, publio library, and several religious and provident societies. The ancient practice of riding marches is still observed hero in the month of June. The population of the parliamentary burgh in 1851 was 4,213, and in 1861, 3,843. Friday is market day. Fairs are held on tho Friday after the second Tuesday in January, on tho 25th February, on the third Friday in April, on the second Thursday in June, on the 2nd August, and on the first Friday in November. LINLITHGOW-BRIDGE, a vil., partly in tho par. and co. of Linlithgow, and partly in the par. of Muir- avonside, co. Stirling, Scotland, 1 mile W. of Linlith- gow, of which it is a suburb. It is situated on the river Avon, and is a meet for the Liulithgow and Stirling- shire hounds. L1NMOUTH, a tnshp. in the par. of Woodhorn, E. div. of Morpeth ward, co. Northumberland, 7j miles N.E. of Morpeth. It is situated on the river Lino, which hero discharges itself into the sea. In 1S22 a whale came on shore at this place measuring 61 feet in length and 37 in circumference. It produced 9 tons and 158 gallons of oil, which were claimed by the admiral! as adroit of the crown. In the neighbourhood aros< sand hills 40 feet high. LINMOUTH, or LYNMOUTH, a small port under the cliffs at the river Lyn's mouth, on the Bristol Channel. LINNIIE, a loch between Appin and Morvern, co. Argyle, Scotland. It is 20 miles long by eight wide at tho mouth, but narrows at the top towards lochs Eiland Leven. LINON, a tributary of the Allua, co. Anglesea. LINOP WITH INGRAM, a tnshp. in the par. Ingram, N. div. of Coqueldale ward, co. Northumber- land, 8 miles S. W ; of Wooler. In this tnshp. is Linop Spout, or Roughtiu Linn, a cataract with a fall ot 4! feet. In the vicinity are the remains of an British town, and a short distance to the X.W. an: the Cardlaw Cairns, sepulchral monuments of the earliest inhabitants of the island. LINSHEELES, or LINSHIELDS, a tnshp. in the par. of Holystone, W. div. of Coquetdale ward, co. Northumberland, 5 miles W. of Holystone, and 1 1 V of Rathbury. It is situated at the confluence of the Redlees Burn,%nd on the S. side of the river dxjuc't. It is famed for its breed of Cheviot sheep. The soil is various in quality. LINSLADE, or LINCHLADE, a par. in the hund. of Cottesloe, co. Bucks, 2 miles N.W. of 1. T-