Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/67

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FOXLEY. 59 FRAMFIELD. district church of Butterwick, the living of which is a perpet. ear., vol. 47, in the gift of the rector. The We sleyans have a chapel, and there is a parochial school. Admiral Mitford is lord of the manor. FOXLEY, a limit, in the pars, of Blakesley, Pattishall, and Litchborough, hand. ofTowcester, co. Northampton, 3 miles N.W. of Towcester. This is a meet for Lord Southampton's hounds. FOXLEY, a par. in the hund. of Eynsford, co. Nor- folk, 2 miles S. of Foulsham, and 7 N.E. of East Dere- ham, its post town. The North Elmham station on the Dereham and Wells branch of the Great Eastern rail- way is 3 miles W. of the village, which is pleasantly situated on an eminence adjoining the Norwich and Fakenham road. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 380. The church, dedicated to St. Thomas, is a fine structure, with a handsome tower crowned with pinnacles. There is a parochial school partly endowed. A good parsonage house was erected in 1842. FOXLEY, 'a par. in the hund. of Malmesbury, co. Wilts, 3 miles 8.W of Malmesbury, its post town, and 10 N.W. of Chippenham. It is situated near the old Roman highway, Akeman Street, and appears to take its name from the Foxo family, who had possession of it after the Ayliffes. The par. is bounded on the N. by a branch of the river Avon. The surface is flat, and the Boil of inferior quality. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Gloucester and Bristol, val. 261. The church is an ancient structure, and contains some very old monumf'Bts. Lord Holland is lord of the manor, and takes from this place the title of Baron Holland of Foxley. There are traces of a Roman camp near the spot where the Roman road crosses the Avon. FOXT, a tnshp. in the par. of Ipstones, hund. of Totmouslow, co. Stafford, 4 miles N.E. of Cheadle. There is a chapel-of-ease. FOXTON, a par. in the hund. of Thriplow, co. Cam- bridge, 6 miles N.E. of Royston, its post town, and 7 8. of Cambridge. It is situated near the river Cam, and is a railway station on the Great Eastern line. This village was once of considerable importance, but the market has for many years been discontinued. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Ely, val. 79, in the patron, of the Bishop of Peterborough. The church is a structure of the 15th century, dedicated to St. Lawrence. The parochial charities, arising from lands, yield about 12 per annum. Captain Bendyshe is lord of the manor. Barrington Hall is the principal residence. A fair is hold on Easter Monday. FOXTON, a par. in the hund. of Gartree, co. Leices- ter, 3 miles N.W. of Market Harborough, its post town, and 13 S.E. of Leicester. The Union canal runs through the parish on the W. The surface slopes gently from th<! margin of a brook, which frequently overflows its banks, inundating the lower grounds. The soil is a mixture of black loam, clay, and gravel. Limestone is quarried, and burnt for manure. The living is a vie. * in the dioc. of Peterborough, val. 128, in the patron. of the lord chancellor. The church, situated on an ' -nee much higher than the village, is dedicated -!. Andrew, and contains several old monuments. The parochial charities produce nearly 20 per annum. The Baptists have a chapel. Sir John Palmer is lord of anor. FOXTON AND SHOTTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Sedgefield, N.E. div. of Stockton ward, co. palatine of Durham, 3 miles 8. of Sedgefield, and 9 W. of Stocktpn- npon-Tees. The Clarence railway passes in the vicinity. FOX UP, a hmlt. in the chplry. of Halton Gill, West co. York, 9 miles N.E. of Settle. FOY, a par. partly in the hund. of Wormelow, and in the upper div. of the hund. of Greytree, co. turd, 3 miles N. of Ross, its post town, and 11 S.E. 1. The Fawley station on the Gloucester and ford branch of the Great Western railway is about 2 miles to the N. of the village. The par. includes the i. of Eaton Trcgocs, and is pleasantly situated on the banks of the river Wye, which is here navigable. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Hereford, val. 515. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a stone structure with square tower, partly covered with ivy. It has fine windows of stained glass. The charities comprise an endowment of 8 to Abrahall's almshousea, and about 5 for the poor of the parish. There are some remains of a castle. Lord Ashburton is lord of the manor. Perrystone House is the principal residence. FOYERS, a small river of co. Inverness, Scotland. It rises in the mountains of Monaghhea, and after a course of 11 miles, falls into Loch Ness, having in its course formed two noble cascades, one of 20 feet. FOYLE LOUGH and RIVER. The former, lying between the cos. of Donegal and Londonderry, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, is the estuary of the river Foyle, and is 15 miles long by 10 across at its widest part. Its form is triangular. On its northern shore stand Clare Castle, Muff, Carrowkeel, Summerhill, and Moville ; on its eastern shore Ballykelly, Newtown-Limavady, Macgilli- can Point, and Culmore Fort, near which point stands the city of Londonderry, at the embouchure of the river Foyle. This river is formed by the confluence of the Finn andMourne, which occurs at Lifford some 16 miles distant from the lough head. Its tributaries are nume- rous, and yield supplies of salmon and other fish. It is crossed by a curious bridge at Londonderry. During the siege of 1689, a boom was thrown across the river, but it proved to be no obstacle to the Dartmouth when she passed up to the relief of Derry. FOYNES, an island in the par. of Shanid, co. Limerick, Ireland, 3 miles N. of Shanagolden, and is surrounded by the Shannon. Mount Trenchard, the seat of Lord Monteagle, is the principal residence. FOYRAN, a par. in the bar. of Fore, co. Westmeath, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 6 miles N. of Castlepollard, its post town. It lies along the S. shore of Lough Sheelin. The soil is good. The living is a cur. in the dioc. of Meath, val. with Itathgraff, 361, in the patron, of the bishop. There is a Roman Catholic chapel at Tullystown, united to the district of Castlepollard. Two daily schools are in the par. Here are vestiges of an old church and castle. Near Fince several battles were fought, and there are some remains of earthworks. FRACKFORD, a hmlt. in the par. of Dunster, co. Somerset. FRADDON, a hmlt. in the hund. of Pyder, co. Corn- wall, 4 miles S. of St. Colomb Major. F RAD LEY, a tnshp. in the par. of Alrewas, N. div. of tho hund. of Ofllow, co. Stafford, 4 miles N.E. of Lichfield. It is situated close to the ancient highway Icknield Street. The Midland railway and Grand Trunk canal pass in the neighbourhood. FRADSWELL, a chplry. and ecclesiastical district in the par. of Colwich, S. div. of the hund. of Pirehill, co. Staflbrd,6 miles S.E. of Stone, its post town, and 8 N.E. of Stafford. The Sandon station, on the North Stafford- shire railway, is nearly 4 miles W. of the village. The living is a perpet. cur.* in the dioc. of Lichfield, val. 120, in the patron, of the bishop. The church, dedi- cated to St. James, contains an old monument of one of the Cromwell family. There is a National school for both sexes. Earl Ferrers is lord of the manor. Frads- well Hall is the principal residence. FRAISTHORPE, a par. in tho wap. of Dickering, East Riding co. York, 3 miles S. of Carnaby, and 4 S. W. of Bridlington, its post town. It .is situated on the coast of Bridlington Bay, and includes the tnshp. of Auburn. The sea having for many years past been making inroads upon the land, the latter township has been reduced to a single farm. The living is a perpet. cur. annexed to the vie. of Carnaby, in the dioc. of York. There are some small charities. Sir George Strickland, Bart., is lord of the manor. FRAMFIELD, a par. in the hund. of Loxfield-Dorset, rape of Pevensey, co. Sussex, mile S.E. of Uckfield, its nearest railway station, and 7 miles N.E. of Lewes. Hurst Green is its post town. It includes the hmlt. of Blackhoys, and several other small places. The Arch- bishop of Canterbury once had a seat here. In the