Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/799

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MARYBOROUGH, EAST. 791 MARYKIRK. MARYBOROUGH, EAST, a bar. in Queen's County, prov. of Leinster, Ireland. It is environed by Port- nehinch, Stradbally, Cullinagh, and West Maryborough. It is nearly 6 J miles in length, and the same in breadth. This bar. contains the pars, of Borris, Straboe, and parts of Clouenagh, Dysartenos, Tossy, Kilcohnanbane, and Kiltralo, with the town of Maryborough. MARYBOROUGH, WEST, a bar. in Queen's County, prov. of Leinster, Ireland. Its boundaries are Tinne- hinch, Portnehinch, East Maryborough, Cullinagh, and Upperwoods. It is 10 miles long by 6 broad. This bar. contains the par. of Mountrath, and parts of those of Abbeyleix and Clonenagh. MARYBURGH, a town in the par. of Kilmalie, co. Inverness, Scotland. It is situated on the E. side of Loch Eil, in the immediate vicinity of Fort William. It was named after William III.'s queen, but is now better known as Fort William. It is built on the property of the Gordon family. MARYBURGH, a vil. in the par. of Cleish, co. Kin- ross, Scotland, 5 miles S. of Kinross. MARYCUURCH, ST., a par. in the hund. of Cow- bridge, co. Glamorgan, 2 miles E. by S. of Cowbridge. It is situated near the river Ddaw, which at a short dis- tance falls into the sea at Aberthaw. The land is chiefly in pasture, with a limestone subsoil. Here are remains of a castle, built by Robert de St. Quentin in the 1 1th century, and on the hills to the W. are traces of the great military road. The village is small, and chiefly agricultural. The Cowbridge harriers have a meet here. The living is a rect. united with that of Llandough. The church is a small ancient edifice. The charities produce about 1 10. per annum. MARY-CHURCH, ST., a par. in the hund. of Haytor, co. Devon, 2 miles N.W. of Torquay. The parish is situated on the southern recess of Babbicombe Bay, where the great limestone formation terminates in bold and rocky cliffs. The village is largo, and may be considered a suburb of Torquay. It has greatly increased in population during the last ten years, and now contains many mansions and marine villas, most of which overlook Babbicombe Bay, divided from Torbay by the bold promontory of Tor Point, or, as it is sometimes called, Hope Naze. There is a large ale brewery, the Palk Arms, the royal marble works of John Woodley, several comfortable inns, and a coast- guard station. For the enjoyment of the numerous summer visitors there are bathing-machines, and two pleasure yachts. The town stands on marble rock, of which it is chiefly built ; and in the vicinity are several limestone quarries. In this parish is Bishopstowe, the palace of the Bishop of Exeter, built in 1842, from a , design by Mr. Gribble. It is in the Italian style of architecture, and is surrounded by grounds which rise in front in three terraces, connected by flights of steps. The appropriate tithes have been commuted for a rent- charge of 305, and the vicarial for 205. The living is a vie." in the dioc. of Exeter, val. with the cur. of CoCinswell annexed, 450, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, who are the appropriators. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is an ancient structure, with a tower containing four bells. It has recently i restored and the chancel rebuilt at a cost of 6,000. re is also a new church at Furrough Cross. The Baptists and Wesleyans have chapels. There are Na- lional schools for boys and girls ; also schools at Fur- rough Cross. There are two manors, called Combe- >rd and St. Mary-Church; of the former, Sir rence Palk is lord, and of the latter, R. S. Carey, l.sq. In the vicinity is a largo bone cavern, called Knit's Hole, in which bones of the elephant, hyena, bear, and other extinct animals have been found. MARYCULTER, a par. in the co. Kincardine, hmd. It contains a post-office vil. of its own ii:ime, which is 7 miles N. of Stonehaven. The par. miles long, and measures 2J at its broadest point. Tin; surface is for the most part uneven, and has an area of about 7,600 acres, of which about 4,000 acres are under tillage. The northern boundary of the parish is traced by the river Dee ; and there are mineral springs in the neighbourhood. The par. is in the presb. and synod of Aberdeen. The minister's stipend is 172. The parish church was erected in 1787. Here is a Free church. On the estate of Blairs, in this parish, is a Roman Catholic seminary, attached to which is a chapel "or the district. There are two non-parochial schools. Auchlunies, Heathcote, Kingcaussie, und Maryculter are the principal seats. There are several cairns in the neighbourhood. MARY-DE-FORE, ST., a par. in the bar. of Fore,

o. Westmeath, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 4 miles E.

of Castlepollard, and 63 from Dublin. It is of consi- derable extent, and includes part of Lough Bane. The iving is a cur. united with Rathgraff. There are two Roman Catholic chapels, and several schools. MARYHILL, a quoad sacra par. in the quoad civilia mrony par. of Glasgow, in the co. Lanark, Scotland. ll has stations on the Glasgow and Hilngavie branch of ,he Edinburgh and Glasgow railway, and on the Glas-

  • ow, Helensburgh, and Loch-Lomond railway. The

village is situated on the road between Drymen and jtlasgow, and is 3 miles from the latter. In the neigh- bourhood are print works, bleach-fields, a ship-builder's yard, an iron-foundry, and a spinning-mill. The village s lighted with gas, and was recently created a burgh. The par. was constituted in 1850, and is in the presb. of Glasgow, in the patron, of the Managers, &c. Besides the quoad sacra church, there is an United Presbyterian church, Free church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and also several schools. MARY-HILL, ST., a par. in the hund. of Ogmore, co. Glamorgan, 3 miles E. of Bridgend. It is situated in a fertile district upon the banks of the river Ogmore, abounding in salmon. About 3 miles to the W. the river is crossed by two bridges. It contains tho limit, of Rythin. Tho living is a vie. in the dioc. of Llandaff, val. 100. The church is a small structure, dedicated to St. Mary. There are National and other schools. The charities produce about 5 per annum. MARY-IN-ARDEN, ST., a par. partly in the hund. of Gartree, co. Leicester, and partly in the hund. of Rothwell, co. Northampton, 1 mile E. of Market Har- borough. It is situated on the Union canal, near the bridge on the river Welland, and may be considered a suburb of Market Harborough. The living is a perpet. cur. in the patron, of the Dean and Canons of Christ Church, Oxford. In 1613 the rites of baptism, mar- riage, &c., were transferred from the ancient church of St. Mary-in-Arden to the church of St. Dionysius, at Market Harborough, but the burial-ground is still used. MARY-IN-THE-CASTLE, ST., a par. partly in the hund. of Baldslow, rape of Hastings, but chiefly within the cinque port of Hastings, co. Sussex. It comprises the north-western quarter of the town of Hastings, in- cluding St. George' s-street, Pelham Parade, and Crescent, Wellington-square, &c. The living is a porpet. cur. [For further particulars tee HASTINGS.] MARY-IN-THE-MARSH, a chplry. in the par. of Newton, hund. of Wisbeach, Isle of Ely, co. Cambridge, 3 miles S.W. of Wisbeach. MARYKIRK, or ABERLUTHNOTT, a par. in the co. Kincardine, Scotland, 3 miles S.W. of Laurence- kirk, by the Scottish North-Eastern railway, on which it is a station. It is situated on the N. bank of the North Esk, at the extremity of the How or Hollow of the Mearns, and includes the vils. of Luthermuir and Marykirk. It is bounded by Garvock and St. Cyrus on tho E., Laurcncekirk on the N., and Fettercairn on the W. It is 4 miles in length by between 3 'and 4 in breadth, and has an area of 9,600 acres. Tho surface is level, and tho soil, though various, is chiefly fertile, and well cultivated. Sandstone abounds and is extensively quarried, and in some parts various kinds of trap occur. Tho par. is in the presb. of Fordoun and synod of Angus and Mearns. The minister's stipend is 246. The par, church is a modern structure. In the district there are the following places of worship: a Free