Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/1009

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Pu". County. SSE: PLACI. Como- 3:14:11! Lonton. p. Lincoln 4,193 830 421 ' 2.321 583 251 Lontnthen, p. Forfnr 393 " 5,142 795 251 Leny, p. ...... .. Westmth. 3,190 399 Butland 2,020 613 420 Imchel-and-thnie, p. Abenleen 1,173 ' 2,761 440 250 Loominster, tn.-p. Hereford 9,290 5,653 351 , Devon 56,333 2,815 290 LEOIINBTRB, u. A: :2 Hereford . . 4,630 351 name, p, Sufiblk 1,780 443 199 Leonard, 81., 1). Devon 172 1.576 281 Lit‘lllngton, p. Beds 2,520 845 181 Leonard, 81., p. York 1,490 2,221 526 Lidsing, Kent 479 30 54 Leonard, SL,[1. Berks 211 1,030 125 Lidstone ll. Oxon .. 162 162 Leonsn‘l, 81., [1 Essex 1,492 204 Lit‘l'and henna. p. .. Pen-For. 8,049 24.105 Leonard, 5L, p. Kept 882 2,871 73 Lin’ord, or Clunleigh, p. Donegal 12,364 3,797 Leonard, 81., p. Lewes 441 417 Lifl'ord and Slrnbzurc, tn. 1101103111 4,911 Leonard, 8L, p. .. Snlo 500 3,044 356 Liftnn, p. ............... ._ Devon 5,932 1,441 290 Leonard. $1., Enstcllenp, p Md Ix. 1-5 111 19 Lightclin‘e, st.1\Inttllcw,ecl York 2,341 498 Leonard, Sh, Footer-lane, p.. Mddlx. 2-5 297 19 Lightllornc, p. “'arwick 2,007 391 407 1400118111,],11. ...... .. Bucks 97 189 151 Ligno, v. Lannrk 333 loonsrd’s, St., tn.-p. . Sussex 991 1,693 16 Lilbourne, p. Nonlunp. 1,920 292 401 Imus-M’s, 51.. p- Flfe 1,008 513 Lilburn, Enst, tnn. Nonhmb. 863 85 562 Leonard’s. SL. Stanley p.. Glouccs. 1,070 101 329 Lilbum, “1151, 111 . Norlllmb. 1,335 215 562 Loppingbon, 1113. York 1,163 132 626 Lilford, p. . Nurthmp. 1,940 179 174 Leplon m4. .. York 1,051 3,273 497 Lillcslmll. n. . Sulup 6.140 8.746 36“ Lerwic p. Orin—Shet- - 3,031 Lilley, p. . Herts 1,822 480 141 Lerwick, tn. Shetland 3,061 Lillieslenf, p.. Roxburgll 6,707 772 , p. Nortlunb. 2,624. 1,202 559 Lining-s Alnbo, tnn. York 1,530 196 1515 Leslie, Inn-p. Fife 5,028 4,332 Lillingntone Dllyll‘", p. Bucks 2,223 198 154 Leslie, p. ADGIfiEeIl 577 Lillingstonc Lovell, 11. Oxon 1,290 185 154 Lunar 41,533 0,266 Lillinglon. p. . \Vnrwick 1,321 480 403 Lesnewth, p. . Cornwall 2,023 114 300 Lillington, p. . Dorset 1,507 163 276 Leuinglmm, [1 Norfolk -' 175 2:10 Lilstock, p. Somerset 1,100 71 3124 Louudden, Rnxburgh 447 Lilwull, tns. . Hereford 346 603 Leswnl p. “'iglonn 13,018 2,701 Limber Mngnn, 11. Lincoln 5,180 514. 432 Letcllworth. p. Herl: 1,027 68 1-11 Litubury—wull-Bisco Bulls 355 184 Leloombe-Basset , Berks 1,200 253 1:34 Limcl1ou~e, 11. Mddlm 265 27,161 2411 Letoolnbe-Regio, p. Berks 3,720 1,014 121 Limelmuse, st. .11 )Idle. .. 9,531 2411 Letllnm, v. Fifu 316 Limekilns, v. Fife 528 Lelhnm, v. 1-‘urfsr .. 1,231 Ll\1H1(10K, c. 12.3. Limerick 2,075 44,476 Lelllendy and Kmloch, p Perth 542 Limingion, 11. _ Smnemct 1,602 341 319 Letheriughnm, p. .. Suffolk 1,134 203 22,1 Lim [ii-1.11:», 11. _ Norfolk 1,075 227 2:11 Letlleringlett, p. Norfolk 35:5 32:1 2:“ Linipstield,1n . Surrey 3,1104 1.216 45 Loth and Narnr, p. Forfnr 440 Linbriggs, tns Nortlnnb. 9,500 69 563 Letterkenny. tn. f. Done-gal 66 2,195 Linby, p. . Notts 1.190 257 438 Letterlunn, p. .... .. King’s 8,430 720 Linch, p. Sussex 1,220 111 03 uttermmwnrd, p. Doncgal 20.259 2,491 Linclnuere, p Sussex 2,101 283 93 Letterston, p. P211111. 2,216 51 _ 2 LINCOLN, C. 11. 81 P. f. Lincoln 20,999 428 Lemon, p Hereford 1,1510 22’. :19 Lindclh-with-\Vnrton. 1118. Lane. 581 485 Norfolk 1,274 11 l 243 Lindfield, 11 Sussex 5,776 1,017 83 York 1,090 1:19 4:76 Lindley, t . York 1,499 108 49311 Fife 15,131 1,903 Lindk-y-wit - York 2,210 4.259 497 I Ross-Cm. 430 Lindridge, p. “'urves. 6,252 1,760 385 Levon, 51., p. Cornwall 2,328 411 311 Lindsell, p. . Essex 1.959 385 209 Leven, p. _ York 4,837 990 518 Lindsey. p. . Suffolk 1,246 316 213 Leven, tn. . 1 Fife 2,723 Linehnm, 11. “'ills 3,242 1,034 251 Levens tns. Westml. 3,953 936 575 Linfonl, Grant, p. Bucks 1,737 557 153 Levens‘hulme, tns. Lane. 605 2,011.} 471 Linford. Little, p. Bucks 550 58 153 Lever—Bridge. ecL-tl. Lanc- 2,814 468 Linganna, tns. York 500 783 497 Lever-Darcy, tns. Lam. 540 2,011 465 Lingen, 11. .. llcrefin‘d 2,283 287 603 Lever, Great, 1113. Lane. 770 72:1 463 Ling-field, p, Sun-e 0,010 2,202 82 Lever Little, tns. Lane. 1,020 3,890 408 Lingwuod, )1. . Nnrfo k 661 509 1 7 Levcr1ngton, p. Cmnh. 7,571 2,143 193 Link, 81. Matthi \Vurces. 1,670 386 Leverton, .... .. I Lincoln 7,100 770 425 Linkenllult, p. H.1nts 1,014 88 118 Leverton. 01111. p- . Noun 1,050 329 4:15 Linkinhun1e,]\. Cornwall 7,894 2,551 303 Leverton, South, p. . Notts 2,530 491 4:15 Linley, p. 9 62s 94 358 Levingtun, p. . Suflblk 1,098 223 223 Linlithgow, p. . 11,003 5,784 Levima p. . York 2,962 143 5:10 L1NL1'1‘HGOW,111. 11.}: . 3,693 Lew, 11. ..... .. . Oxon 182 161 ,, P. Linlitll. . 3,843 Lewunick, p. . I Cornwall 4,000 685 301 Linlithgow-Bridge, r. . Lini.-Stir. .. vazs, m. P. t. . Sussex 9.716 84 Linsheolea, tus. Nonlimb. . 89 563 'ullsm, v.-p . ' Kent 5,789 22,808 3:; Linslnde, p. .. Bucks 1.530 1.511 183 Lewknor, . . Bucks-0x. 2,088 833 156 Linstend, p. .. Kont 1,806 1,029 67 Lewknor gphil], ll. . Bucks-0x. 2.002 2:15 150 Linsteud Msgna, [1. 511110114 1,304 115 225 Lewtrenclmrd p. . Devon 2,8113 ' " 290 Linstend Pan's, p. . Suffolk 554 221 225 Lexden, p. . Essex ... 1,513 201 Linstock, tns. C_umb. 1,133 205 508 Lexhsln, East, p. . Norfolk 1,190 226 242 Lintliorpc, tns. iork 702 5416 Laxlism, West, 1). . Norfolk 1,155 152 242 Linthwuite, tns. York 809 4,300 497 Ieltington, p. . Nomi 3,610 613 441 Linton, tn.-p. til Cnmb. 3,775 1,833 188 Leybourn, p. f. . Kent 1,510 289 55 Linton, tns. Derby 365 375 b 1.113. . York 2,401 886 536 Linton, p. .. Hereford 2,775 15 835 Limo. 19,091 13,684 491 Linton, p. Kent 1.383 813 5B ... 1,42 481 Linton, p. lurk 13,142 1,911 489 02 215 59 Linton, v.-p. Peeble- 23. I21 1.534 2,241 4,794 194 Linton, p. .. anburgh 6,427 608 3,241 3,907 483 Linton, tnn. ..n. York 1,214 166 4928 ... 2,390 194 Linton, Kirk, p. .. Cumb. 7,800 1.749 567 00 815 801 Linton-npon-Ouse, tns. York , ' 253 521 451 2,520 Linton, Wed, tns. Cumh. 565 567 . 1,469 191 245 11111111111011, p. Forfar 898 . ... 1,402 Linwood, v. 1.514 Libberton, p. . 8,319 330 Linwood, p. 201 432 Liborlon, p. . . Edinb. 6,611 3.501 Lisbunny, 1). 4,303 529 LIOHFIELD, c. u. A: hf. . smtfbrd ... 6,893 371 Lillmrn, to. t. Ant.-Down 1.503 Lichfleld, 8t. Chad, p. . Stlfl'ord 2,080 2,145 377 Liscsnor, v. Clare 24 897 Licmield, Christchurch, ooL-d. aurora 72:1 871 Lisourd, . Cheshire 4.236 5,625 «306 Lichfleld, St. Michael, p. . . sumird 11,006 5,112 377 Lilcsrroll. p.-tn Cork 4.028 1.278 ' . Weumtll. 8,888 1,283 Liscnrtnn, p. Mum 1' 203 Gslwny 4,469 452 Lucien-ry. 11. Cork 4.305 349 “'oroel. .. 1,381 m Liseolmnn, p. WEED“ 3,433 309 Tipper-3r, 14 ' nan, p, Waterf. 5,110 1,333 Gnlwn 9,333 2,189 Lia ld, p. Cork 8.164 501 mu . 2,415 40:1 p. Con-wall 8.129 0.601 803