Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/1017

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com. ris. list am: am. can». :3: Win: 1,400 2,929 231 Mlddlesocugh, h. Comb. 2,010 Wilts ... 1,210 287 Middleatone, tn». Durham 819 Che-him 2,438 658 484 Middlethorpe tn». Yolk 001 Let-Wu. 2,150 212 391 Middleton, p. 815 Kent 2,310 836 85 Middleton, p Norfolk 8,029 Denbigh 835 813 Middleton, p. Sussex 8 Warwwk 8,010 898 Middleton, p. Warwick 8.540 Durham 8,024. 4,048 641a Middleton, p York 3,340 Dubhn 191 801 Middleton, p. Yoik 25.460 Somerset 1,693 1,418 819 Middleton, p. Cork 6,112 urrey 1,608 89 Middleton, tn. :. Cork 811 Cornwall 8,928 610 806 Middleton, tna. Derby Essex 8,851 306 206 Middleton, ma. 0. 1,229 Essex 4,416 944 206 Middleton, tna. Northmp. Kent 2,816 762 83 Middleton, tns. Northmb. .. Surrey 2,536 848 44 Middleton, ms Weatml. 7,503 Sussex 110 19 91 Middleton, tns York 2,783 Cornwall 1,125 884 807 Middleton, tns. York 1,791 . 2,218 281 689 Middleton Cheng, p Nonhmp. 1,180 Brecon 21,218 800 800 Middleton-with- ordley, p. Sufiolk 1,420 Glamor. 1,398 143 681 Middleton, St. George, p. 2.050 Merthyr, Mawr, p. Glamor. 2, 114 688 Middleton-on-the-l-lill. 1?. 2,921 Merthyr-Tydvil, p. Glamor. 11,144 49,194 682 Middleton, Holy'i‘riniry,ecl.-d. Derby MEBTEYE-TYDVIL,tn.P.w Glamor. 83,875 682 Middleton. St- Leo P- Lfllm- “.903 Merton, p. Devon 8,138 298 Middleton, St. Leon , to. f. Lanc. Merton, 1). Norfolk 1,362 194 241 Middleton-upon-Leven, tiis. York 1,129 Merton, p. Oxon 1,990 204 159 Middleton-Manor, p ..... .. Northrup. 1,190 Merton, p. Berwick 8,538 729 Middleton, St. Mary ooh-d. York Merton, v.-p. Surrey 1,780 1,822 48 Middleton, North 8: 'outh,tns. Northmh. Meahaw, p Devon 1,751 250 294 Middleton, North 8: South, tna. Nortliinb. Messing p Essex 2,549 818 208 Midtlleton-Quernhow, tns. York 735 Mesaln Lincoln 8,130 1,382 433 Middleton-Scrivcn, p ..... .. Salop 788 Metfiel , p . Sufl‘olk 2,182 803 219 Midnlleton-witlI-Smerril, tns . Derby Methoringham, p Lincoln 4,590 1,682 428 Middleton, Sony, [1 ..... .. . Oxon 1,884 Methill andKir Fife 622 1. Middleton-in-Teesdale, p. s. . Durham 40,250 Methley, p... York 8,240 2,412 804;; Middleton, Trinity, cob-d. . Salop Methlick, p. . Aberdeen 2,151 Middleton-Ty”, p.‘_ York 8,108 Methven, 1). Perth 2,347 Middletown, tns. Montg. 73 Methv v. Perth 950 Middletown, tn. w. a. . Ann 11

. Norfolk 13,192 1,509 249 . Suflolk Lg 337 228 Middletonp...

Donegnl 21,021 4,166 Midaliam, lg. ecl.-d . Berks . Cornwall 1,344 1.914 soc Midgholm. pm Cumb- Cornwall 2,632 1,227 808 Mid ley, tns York 2,110 York 2,323 2,866 610 Mi um Meyllteyrn, p. . Carnar. 1,519 619 Michael, Isl. Man 1,814 Michael, t., p. . Derby 1,519 446 Michael, St., p. Glouces. 500 8, 838 Michael, at, p. . Hem 190 2,808 144 Michael, 8L, 1). . Pemb. 1,811 1,501 691 Michael, S ., p. . Glouces. 4,922 829 Michael, 51., p.... . Limerick 20,922 Michael, St, Caerliayeo, p. Cornwall 810 118 808 Michael, BL, Cambridge, p. Cami). 878 181 Milbourne. 111!- Michael, 81., Chwch-Eakiey,p. Hereford 4,581 448 848 Milbrookitm. . Home 8,848 Michael, BL, Gt. Bo hton, p. Cheahire 9 922 459 Mith ' burn-Grange,m. Nortliinb. Michael, 8t., Lichtlel , p. .... .. Staflord 11,906 6,112 811 Miiby. tns. ............... .. . York _‘ Michael, St, PenkiViI, p. . 194 301 Milcomb, ms. ecl.-d. Oxon 1,350 Michael, 51., -on-Wyre. p 4,509 434 Milden p. Sui'l'olk 1,339 i Michaelchurcli-on-Arrow p Badnor 1,930 188 003 MildenimU,§ Wilts 4 0‘26 Michael's, EL, 1). Cork 1,993 886 Mildenhall, t. Andrew, p. Sufl'ulk 18,110 Michael's. 8L, p. Dnblin 8 1,189 Mildenhall High Town, tn. Sufl'ulk . Michael's, SL, 1). Wexford 66 Mildmay Park. echvd. .. Mddix. Michael's, St., 01 , Weldon! 2,143 Mile-End, St. Michael, [1 Essex; Michael‘s, BL, Lewes, p. Buuex 1,018 84 Mile-End New Town, 11 Mildlx. 42 Michael's, 8L, Lincoln, Lincoln 1,298 428 Mile-End Old Town 11. Mddlx. 881 Michael's, St., Milo-En , Essex 880 204 Mileham, p. Norfolk 2,861 Michael’s, BL, Oxford, p. .. Oxon m1 168 Mileamarli, v.. Fife Michael‘s, 8L, Southsm on, 1). Rants 1,992 106 Miles Planing, Lane. . .. Michael's, 8L, Stamlor p. Lincoln 1,806 421 Milford. p. ......... .. Ennis 6,288 Michael's. St, Winchesur, p. Rants we MILFORD, tn. P. t. . Perm). Michael's Mount, 8L, 1). .. .. Cornwall 10 182 811 Milford. tn. Cork 21 Michael-tono-on-Avon, p Glamor. 5,035 8,184 684 Milford, och-d. . Derby Michaelstono-loPtt, .. Glamor. 190 7 681 Milford, tn. . Donegal 11 Michaelatone-super- y, p. Glamor. 299 49 681 Milford, tg. . Wilts 1,838 Michadstone-y-Vedw, p. m0 Milford, St Jo , ac . . Surrey Michaelltow, p. .. m Milford, Sou tna. .. York 2,240 Michan'l, 8L, 1). Milford 8th., 1. Mary, ac .-d. York Michelmer-h, p. 1171 Milan v. . .. Emu -- Michfleld, p. .. no Miiibroo'k, Beds 1,460 Mickleby ms. 531 Mill ' , . Mddlx. Mickletleid, m. 6041: Miliington, p York 2.750 Mickleham, p. 43 Millin , Cheshire 1 Mieklehnrst, 11.. Millom, b- 335“? Mickleover, p. Millport, in. .. 1. 311's Mickleton, p.. summon, In. M. . Carl: 66 Mickleton, Ins... Milltown, tn. . Dublin Mickie-MM, m . we mum. tn. .. Ker-1 59 Mickley, tna. 686 MilltoIrn-Malba ,tn .. Clan 82 Mickiey. St. John, ocL-d. . m Milnaihort, v. .. .. Kimo- Midoalder, p. .. Milngavie, v. .. .. Stirling ... Mlddle. p- .. an Milnsbrldge, St. Luke, eol. . York Middlebie. p Milnthorpe, och-d .. ddlelnm, tn. . .. m 1,026 Middlehnm, B' . ‘ 8411 1,210 Middlesbrongh, 11...... .. York 19,41 ma 3-90 mamllovelrfln. u York 1.01
