Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/1020

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100 ABBTRAUI‘ OF THE CENSUS PM". County. m: 531:; PMUI. County. Markham, South, p. Notu 2,681 277 ,441 Nether-bury, p. . Donut Muesumlmex.m. x. t P. /. mum). 7,423 Nether!) , m. . Cumb. Huston. p. .. . Lewu. 1,628 860 427 Nether— u, p. . . Devon Muewn, p. . York 2,220 891 525 Nathan-bong, . York Muewell 1101,34! emu, ocL-a. Mddlx. . .. 919 187 Nethertlwrpe, St. Staph, ant-d. York Mulford, p. . Suflolk 1,574 885 227 Netherton. Ina. ......... Mu111u1, v.- Perth 2,001 Nelherton 81. Andrew, Worca. Myddl‘ul, p. Cum-r. 11,914 1,118 587 None-w p. x Canny. 6,905 992 569 Nettlebed, p.... Oxon Lune. 2,740 425 484 Neulecombo, p. Somerset Mama 12,614 1,808 509 NetLlelmn, p. L 14de 3,846 579 Nettle-lad, p. Kent Cornwall 5,002 2,218 as Nettle-cud, p. Sum)“: Monm. 1,782 580 Nealewu, p. lncoln 14011111. 15,938 6,877 1580 Newman, p. flu Cork 4,119 1&81 Nevaudnn. p. Fae: Cnrlow ,460 1,632 Never-n, v.-p. Pamb. York .. 8,063 408 Nxvm, In. Omar. York 1,480 155 527 New Abbey, v - Kirkcud. Killian 5,527 4,353 Newall-wilh- York Kildnre 188 2,0“ Newark. 11b. Lelcee. York 2,466 471 515 Newman-up Km Kent 906 155 64 It. I: P. 10. Suffolk 2,383 580 223 Newark-upon Natl. York 4,330 1,535 523 New-Arlelford p. lie-nu Sommt 2,111 2,278 828 York Lelcel. 8,806 418 Edinb- “sa Wexl'ord Neim .. 8,827 Durham ,, P. anrn ,485 Northmb. Nennerch . Dem-Flint 2,792 383 610 Weelml. Nnnlcwnde, p. , c ' 4,603 503 we Hannah- Nlmlglyn, p- . Denbigll 5,600 820 612 Derby Nunlman, p. leenck 1,922 1,764 Worcee. Nnnlmel, p. Badnor 16,387 1,458 605 , Chflhire Nnnunnr, h. Marion. 6,108 309 618 Newbold-upon' V“: wmc“ Nuntwiclr, 1n.-p. Cheahlre 8,155 6,768 458 Newbold Pusey, p. Warwick Nanlyglo, ecl.-d. .. Monm. 4,450 5761: Newbold Verdon, p. LeiceI. Naplon-on-me-Hlll, p. Warwick 4,140 978 407 Newborough, p... Norlhmp Nerbenh, ...... .. Pemb. 6,084 2,546 590 Newborouglr, tun. Mord 21111111211111, In. P. 211 Pemb. 1,209 590 Newborough, 81. Fe Angleney Nuborough, p. Lelcel. 2,557 1,156 411 Newbonle, p. Northrup. Nnrburgh, p. Norfolk 8,545 887 248 Newbotfle, 1m. Du: Nerford, p.... Norfolk 2,896 128 248 NeWboum, p. Bulillk Narragllmare, p. Kildue 12,270 1,912 Newbridge, tn. 2.]. Klldare Nueby, v.-p. . Northrup. 3, 311 170 Newbro . p. Nonhmb. Nash. p. . Mann. 8, 264 580 Newbur , p. Fife Nash. . Pemb. 1,012 171 591 Newaunen, 1n. File 144.111, . . Buck: 1,430 462 152 Newburn, v.-p. Northmb. Nuuington. p. , Northrup. 1, 713 174 Newburn, p. Fife Nateby, ma. . Leno. 2,030 835 m Newnunr. p- 11- Berk- anely Scores, p. . Hnnu 1,004 271 116 Newbyxh, v. Aberdeen Nately, Up, p. . Hun 1,018 99 116 Nerves-He, p. Limerick Nathlulr, at, p . Cork 1,034 379 Newcufle, p. Down Na l1ton, p. Suflolk 854 155 218 News-sue, p. Dublin Nan , ln-—p . Dublin 2,626 480 Newer-He, p. Nnunlon. . Glouca. 8,106 585 842 Newcastle, p. ate . Nnumon . Worcu. 1,025 157 800 Revenue, Glamor- Nn'mn, p. ....... .. . Heath 8,345 4,964 Newcutle- In]!an Carma-r. Nnvnn, In. to. . Heath 111 4,187 Newcastle. St- ohn. Salon Nurenby . . . Lincoln 2,110 1,170 428 Newculle, Llltle, Pemb. Naventock, p. x 4,329 928 194 Newcastle, Lower. p. Wicklow Nuwnrlh, tm... Cumb. 557 588 N:wcunn-u11n.—LYM2. P- 5mm)” 1,250 353 529 N ,, l: P. m. r. Buford 941 1,061 212 lwoAnu-ol- YNE, Ln. 3 763 195 11. 1:. t. a } nimb- 1,575 833 5411 Newcastle, Um Wrcklow 1,121 6,784 584 fiew cum, h giorfolk ewclmpel, p. ................ .. p M. I: P. 15. .......... .. 631° “8‘ New Chapel, St. Junel, 501- 81ang Neath, Neda, Upper, ,_ bu - Cum-r. Neatlshead, p. .......... .. . Norfolk' 1,905 280 Newchurch, p. . Hank Nechelll, St. Clement, ocl.-d. Warwick 5,675 895 Newchurch, p. . Kent Necton, p. . Norfolk 8,748 948 24.8 Newchurch, p. Badnor Neddlmm p- . 'l‘lp erury 2,385 450 Newehurch, p Monm. Negglng, p. . Bu ulk 837 171 218 Newcllur Laue. Ne 1mm, p. . Norfolk 1,127 395 11110 Newchurch Kenyon. p. Leno. Neodlum Marketfll. . Suffolk 1,877 230 Newdlguu, p. . Surrey Neen flange, p. . Salop 8,779 452 855 Newenden. p. Kent Neon Souk-.1)- . Salon 1.119 m m Newent tn.-p.. Gloucol. Neenton, p. . Ella 1,140 110 855 Newflel , me. . Durham Nell-ton, p. . Be re. 2,662 11,018 Newhull, In. Cheshire Nellnton, tn. . Benfrew 1,882 Newbnll, eel -d Derby Nellllrop, um .... .. . axon 5,081 m Newhflfll. m-D- 5'1"“ Nempneltp'l‘hrnbwall, p . Somerset 1.772 259 825 Newmlln, v.-p.. Aberdeen Nen . p. ....... .. . Tipperary 8,882 7,172 ck. p.. Sum Nenagh, tn. th. , Tlppe 179 6,884 Newingmn, p. Kent Nemhea’l, ch. . Cumb. 2,038 564 Newlngton, . Oxon Nenllmrn, p. . Berwick 8,478 461 Newlan go? (Marcel. Nenl‘e, 51., p.411. . Huuu 4.7150 3,311 118 Newlngwn-by- Kent Nam: 81.. v.-p. . Cornwnll 18,887 1,584 808 Newingum, 8t. Surrey Nerflula. 1m. ....... .. . Flint 2,230 m 610 Newinmon, No 0x011 Ne: eld-wlth-Lnngber, an. . York 2,161 133 439 Nemnewn. South. p- 0101! Neil, 1m. Che-lure 8,435 846 4604 Newingmn, Bloke, p. Mddlx. Nail. Greet, p. 841 5.278 578 852 Newlend, . Gloucol. Neatlng, p. 3110 and ... 2,588 Newlnud, York New)". - Chelhlro 15,298 4,049 4604 Newlnmu, p. Peeblel Neeton, are“, Ina. f. Che-hire 2,568 1,764 4604 Newlyn, Cornwall Nether-Von, p. Wilt. ,1 201 Newlyn, 1. Peter, eoL-d. Cornwall