Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/1033

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Prm- Cum:- 1":..."‘. 5‘3 : 8.21:1 rum-- Com:- 1c... 161: Shepion Montague, p Samaria! 2,424 433 :90 Mddlx. 646 29 20 Sheraton, II. .. Durham 2,256 139 549 .. Ken: 5,500 1.25:4 66 SI-erbome. 11m Dorset 6.461 5.798 275 Shorelnm, 11w, [1. . bussex 170 3,351 so Sherbol'no. tn. Dorset. 5,523 216 511011113111 111m, :11. p. s. Sussex 32,622 86 Sherbomo. Glooces. 4,660 684 341 Shorehnm, 6111, 1).... .. Sir-ex 1,810 262 86 Sherborno, St. .10 , p. . .. Ennis 8,886 616 116 She , 111s. . Nortlnnb. 1,201 412 661 Sherbome. West or Monk. 9-" Huh 8,842 549 116 ......... .. Wilu 435 19 310 Sherbonrne, p. .. .. 1.110 161 403 963 62 Sherbnrn, ms. 1,803 8,380 646 612 99 Sherburn, p. .. 4,630 144 626 1,180 665 Sherburn, p.-tn.f.. 11,896 3,944 514 532 221 Shercock, p. 8,221 3,086 79 151 6,396 1,603 39 18 161 842 62 243 301 163 1,180 342 101 519 40 2.236 693 116 148 129 3.326 404 286 484 236 6.639 966 361 Martin, 1).... 1369 236 9,425 1,391 626 . p. ........ .. 293 918 24 Shottle and Poster-n, tns.. 446 2,356 1,289 231 Shotton, ms. .. 648 1,911 464 86 Shanon, ms 469 1,800 144 944 Sholts, 1,180 839 163 otwi 469 1,280 181 260 Shouldhsm, 241 4,280 1,603 262 Shoulde Th 241 950 166 252 Shmwardine, p. 369 4,162 609 296 Shmwley, p. .. 336 6,114 6,914 811 nnwsnvm‘, . . , 360 1,106 1,115 466 St. George, ECL-d. 2,681 360 2,621 611 302 St. Giles, ecl.-d. 615 360 , 931 110 St. Michael, ec1.- 3,681 360 Shields, North, tns.f 1,018 9,595 663 Shrewton, p. 110 $2 Shields, South, ms. .. 496 6,913 660 Shrivenham, [1 2,258 122 Smunsfiovwn tn. . 650 Shronell, p 162 31. Hilde, «1.41 12,133 550 Shroplmm. p 510 941 St. Stephen, och-d. 6,252 660 Shrotou, p 620 210 Trinity, ecl.-d. 16,801 660 Shrule, p . 2,394 Shiflhal,p. .. 11,441 6,923 361 Shnlle, p . 2,450 Shifi'nel tn. 2,046 361 Shrule, p.. Queen‘s 983 126 Shllbottle, [1 1,104 1,261 669 Shuckburgh, Lower, p. Warwick 870 152 407 Shildon, ms. 662 2,941 642 Shuckburgh, Upper, 11. Warwick 910 60 401 Shildon, eel. 4,458 642 Slings-Camps p. Camb. 2,332 361 188 Shfllingford, . .. 391 64 231 S1: ingum, bran, p. Glouces. 353 154 914 Shilling Oke 0rd, 11 609 269 Shustoko, p. .. Warqu 3.844 668 396 shiningnone, p. _ 2,223 609 289 Shule, p ....... . . Devon 2,138 610 219 Shillington, p 5.030 1,188 131 Shutford, East, on Oxon ‘ 6,0 1 2a 163 Shillon, 11. 1,595 298 161 Shutford, West, tns.. Oxon 1360 163 Shillon, 1.015 481 899 Shullanger, h. .. .. Nor-111m . 394 165 8111 3,541 1,241 Shuttington p. .. Warwi 980 194 216 Shimpltng, 11.... 180 219 239 Shuttleworlh, St. John, ecl.-d. Lane. .. 2,889 469 Shlmpling, p 2,698 600 212 Tipperary 909 122 Shinclifl‘o. 1115. 1,808 1,644 545 Northmp. 2,048 384 £09 Shlncliflb, ecL-d. 1.620 646 Kent 1,836 411 12 Shineton, p. 946 115 359 88101) 1,090 69 354 Shinfleld, p. 4.614 1,196 128 011011 196 183 Shingny, p 164 128 140 Essex 6,394 2,123 201 shinghun. p. 936 62 248 Lincoln 6,480 1,291 426 Shim-one, 1). 4,869 1,356 Leices. 3,811 480 418 Shipborne, 1). 1,906 416 66 Nuns 880 142 443 Shlpd 4,660 1,644 242 SquIk 2,861 489 226 'pham, 1 520 824 York 1,030 292 4926 Shiplake, p. 2.692 .621. 166 Devon 6,821 1,682 280 Shipley, ms. ... 668 488 Salop 1,271 80 366 Shlpley, tns. 1,991 110 559 Kent 975 40 Shipley, [1... 1,698 12 81 Cheshire 2,141 433 463 Shlpley, tns. 1,140 1,100 429 Glouces. 1,950 414 340 Shipley-wlth-Heston, ec1. 6,113 499 Side, p. Glouces. 614 66 340 Shipmeedow, p .... .. 630 334 226 Sidutrnnd, 1) Norfolk 660 146 231 Shipslon,p ....... .. 1,122 186 864 Sidleaham, p Sussex 4,109 980 91 Slipston-on-Stour, 11. 1,196 1,180 406 Hunts 4,410 149 119 Shipton, ms. .. ... 411 616 Devon 1,600 8,354 280 Shlpton, tns. . 1,840 440 492a Devon .. 2,572 280 Shlpton Bellinger, p 2,516 210 118 York 6,319 818 622 Shipton-ou-Chmll 11. 1,220 131 180 York 3,369 251 684 Sliipton George, 11. . 1,626 412 218 1151115 1,881 480 116 Shipton M03091 9 . 2,298 401 389 Leices. 2,190 1,612 416 Shlpton 011116, p. . 1.050 266 341 ' 2,182 341 106 Shipton Sollnrsw... . Glouces. 1,160 60 341 York 14,991 25,286 505 Shipwn-under- ychwood, p . 0x011 11,662 8,163 162 York 1,426 1,164 606 Shlrhum, 1|: ................... .. 2,411 292 166 Durham 1,988 289 541 Shirebroo , Trinity, ecL-d ... 242 481 Lincoln 2,606 ,'231 420 Shire Hall Yard. p. 806 222 Ybrk 6,908 2,682 4D ehnmpton, lg... 131 330 Beds -2.180 113 181 Shire-Newton, p. 8,644 888 616 Dome: 1.261 306 31 Shir-ahead, St. Poul ecL-d. 891 484 York 2.610 118 684 Shirlsnd, p Derby 2,942 1,426 446 York 8,894 266 1588 Shirley, Derby 3,660 696 441 Lena. 1,146 294 4116 Shirley, gt. , Hunts 4,941 106 Steffen! 4,613 810 Shirley, St. Jamel, eel Worees. 1,062 402 Tlppenry 310 Shirley, St. John. eel . 642 46 Nonhmp. 2.110 1,166 166 Shillingmn, tns . York 3,409 2.022 1108 Damn 4,114 1,260 293 Shobdon, p... . Hereford 3,331 603 ’61 5810p 41 366 Slmbmoks, p . Devon 8.836 860 292 Derby 666 461 miocklaeh. . Cheshire 2,691 414 611 Simouburn, p. Northmb. 13,312 1,042 666 Shoebury, 01111.11. . Essex 2,131 193 201 Simonstoue ms. 1.11M. 326 418 Shoebury, South, 11. . Essex 6.160 1,602 201 Simonswooa, Ins. Lone. 2.862 461 464 Shnlden 9.... . Kent 1,986 401 11 . . Bucks 1,330 662 163 sxwpnnb, [1. 1,039 so 901 m 121 152