Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/139

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OTTERHAMPTON. 127 OTTERY-VENN. living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Exeter, yal. 174. The church, dedicated to St. Dennis, is an ancient stone struc- ture with a tower containing three bells. A Sunday- school is held at the church. G. W. Owen, Esq., is lord of the manor. There is a barrow situated near the road to Stratton. OTTERHAMPTON, a par. in the hund. of Canning- ton, co. Somerset, 6 miles N.W. of Bridgwater, its post town, and 4j from Nether Stowey. The Village, which is of small extent, is situated on the western bank of the river Parret, an arm of the Bristol Channel, and is wholly agricultural. The soil consists of a black clay on a sub- soil of limestone, which is quarried. The tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of 220, and the glebe comprises 18 acres. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, val. 240. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is an ancient atone structure with a square tower containing four bells. A new chancel was built in 1844. The register dates from 1642. There is a Church school. The Independents have a chapel. R. G. Evered, J.I', and Dermtv-fjteutenant, is lord of the manor. OTTERINGTON, NORTH, a par. in the wap. of Allortonshire, North Riding co. York, 3 miles S. of Northallerton, its post town and railway station, and 8 from Thirsk. It is situated on a branch of the river Swale, and contains the tnshps. of Thornton-le-Beans, Thornton-le-Moor, and North Otterington. The line of the Great Northern railway runs through the district. The appropriation belongs to the Dean and Canons of Christ Church, Oxford. The living is a vie.* annexed to that of Thornton-le-Street, in the dioc. of York, val. 130, in the patron, of Christ Church, Oxford. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, is an ancient stone structure, with a low tower containing three bells. The parochial charities produce about 4 per annum. OTTERINGTON, SOUTH, a par. in the wap. of Birdforth, North Riding co. York, 4} miles N.W. of Thirsk, its post town, and 5 S.E. of Northallerton. It is a station on the North-Eastern railway. The village, which is of small extent, is wholly agricultural. The land is nearly evenly divided into arable and pasture. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of York, val. 290. The church, dedicated to St. Andrew, erected on the site of an older one, has a tower containing three bells. OTTERSAY. <SeSTOCKLrNCH-OxTEKSAY,co. Somerset. OTTER'S-POOL, a station on the Warrington section 3f the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire railway. OTTER8TOUN, a loch in co. Fife, Scotland, 3 miles N.E. of Inverkeithing. On its banks, which are well wooded, is the scat called Otterstoun House. OTTERS WICK, a bay on the coast of Sanday Island, Orkney Islands, coast of Scotland. It lies between Tafts Ness and the Reve Rocks. OTTERTON, a par. in the hund. of East Budleigh, co. Devon, 3J miles 8.W. of Sidmouth, its post town, and 3 N.E. of Budleigh Salterton. The village, which is chiefly agricultural, is situated on the coast of the English channel near Otterton-Point, and on the eastern bank of the estuary of the river Otter. There once existed here an alien priory of black monks as a cell to the Abbey of St. Michacl-in-periculo-Maris, in Nor- mandy, which at the suppression was granted to Sion Abbey. The soil is a heavy loam, alternated with sand. Red sandstone is quarried in the cliffs for build- ing purposes. At HederlunJ, in this parish, was formerly H i hupei-of-caso. The vicarage is endowed with all the tithes, except the sheaf tithe, which belongs to the lord of the manor, aifd the glebe contains about 24 acres. , iving is a vie.* in the dioc. of Exeter, val. 312. church, dedicated to St. Michael, is an ancient structure, with a tower at the eastern end containing livchclla. The interior of the church contains memorials of the Duke family. The parochial charities produce about 5 10*. per annum. There is an endowed school for both sexes. The trustees of the late Lord Itolle are lords of UK, Humor mid chief landowners. Fairs are hold -ilay and October llth. ( ITTKKY ST. MARY, a par., market town and hund. in itself, in the co. of Devon, a miles S.W, of Honiton, 12 E. of Exeter, and 165 from London. It has a station 2J miles from the town, on the London and South Western railway, from whence a branch line is being constructed through the town to Sidmouth and Salterton. The town is situated in a valley on the eastern bank of the river Otter, from whence it derives its name. The manor was granted by King Edward the Confessor to the chapter of Rouen, in Normandy, from whom it passed by sale, in the reign of King Edward III., to Bishop Grandison, who founded the collegiate church. At the confis- cation of Church lands, at Ihe Reformation, Henry VIII. gave the manor to the Earl of Hertford, and it is still charged with an annual rent-charge to the Hard- wicko family. The town is irregularly laid out, but there are many well-built houses and shops. The soil is sandy, upon a subsoil of gravel. The population in 1851 was 2,534 with 524 inhabited houses, which in 1861 had decreased to 2,429 with 542 inhabited houses. The manufacture of Honiton lace is carried on in many of the cottages by the women and children ; and there is an extensive silk factory, chiefly for the manufacture of shoe ribbons and handkerchiefs of excellent quality. The woollen trade formerly flourished in the town ; but it has now entirely disappeared. Certain officers of tho manor are chosen annually at the court-leet of the lord ; and the town has of late years been put under a local board of health, whereby the salubrity of the place has been greatly improved, through drainage and an abundant water supply. It is also lighted with gas, and a convenient townhall has been recently erected, where petty sessions are held alternately with Sidmouth. Tho King's school was founded by Henry VIII. in 1545, and endowed with 10 per annum, which has been subse- quently increased to about 30 from various sources. Tho greattithes, of the value of nearly 1,000 perannum, wcro granted by the king to tho Dean and Canons of Wind- sor, and the small tithes vested in a Church corpora- tion, which accounts for the inadequate income of tho vie.,* which only amounts to 160 per annum, partly contributed by tho Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Tho parish church, dedicated to St. Mary, was built by Bishop Grandison in 1335 on tho site of a church con- secrated by Bishop Bronscombe in 1260. An additional aisle was built about 1520 by Cicely Countess of Staf- ford, on the N.W. side, in tho perpendicular style, with fan-tracery. The whole edifice was restored in 1851 at the cost of above 4,000, under the care of Mr. Buttcrfield. The following district churches have been erected since 1840 viz. St. John's, Tipton ; SS. Philip and James's, Escot ; St. Michael's, West Hill ; and St. James's, Alpington, with parsonage houses and schools attached to them. The three first are perpet. curs., varying in value from 60 to 80 per annum. John Coleridge was once vicar of tho parish and master of the King's school, and his son, Samuel Taylor Colo- ridge, the poet, was born in the school house. There are National and Sunday schools, besides a boarding and day schools ; and also two blocks of almshouses, under the management of a body of feoffees, who dis- tribute their trust funds, to the amount of nearly 800 per annum, for tho relief of deserving poor who arc not in tho receipt of parish pay. Sir Walter Raleigh is said to have inhabited a house in Mill-street, of which no traces remain. Tho Right Hon. Sir J. T. Coleridge, Knt., resides at Heath's Court, and Sir Thomas Hare at a mansion, of the Tudor era, called Cadhay. The market day is on Thursday, and a great market is held on tno first Thursday in February and December. Fairs are held on the first Tuesday after Shrove Tuesday, tho first Tuesday after Whitsun week, and tho 15th August, if on a Tuesday, if not, on the Tuesday following. OTTERY-VENN, a par. in the hund. of East Bud- leigh, co. Devon, 3 miles S.W. of Ottery St. Mary, its post town, and 4 N.W. of Sidmouth. Tho village, which is of small extent, is situated on tho wcsti rn bank of tho river Otter, and is wholly agricultural. The living is a rect. annexed to the vie. of llarpford, in tho dioc. of Exeter. Tho church, dedicated to St. Gregory, has a tower containing three Veils. K.<i:n, I. ,