Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/256

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POETSMOUTH. 244 POTING-WITH-WINSEBINGS. John Wallop in 1743, and the same family still holds it, though under the name of Fellowes, which -was assumed by the late earl in 1853. The London, Brigh- ton, and South Coast, the Mid-Sussex, the London and South- Western, and the London direct railways, all run into Portsmouth, using the same station at Land- port as their terminus. Steamers ply from Portsmouth to the Isle of Wight, Plymouth, Southampton, London, and Dublin. Portsmouth is connected with Gosport by a floating steam-bridge, which crosses the harbour every half hour. Markets are held on Tuesday, Thurs- day, and Saturday. A fair, called the Free Mart, was formerly held from the 10th to the 24th July, in the High-street, but it was abolished in 1848. A regatta is held in J uly or August. POETSOY, a quoad sacra par., seaport, and burgh of baronv in the par. of Fordyce, co. Banff, Scotland, 5 miles W. of Banff, and 171 N. of Edinburgh. It is a station on the Banffshire branch of the Great North of Scotland railway. It is a considerable trading and fishing village, eituato at the bottom of a bay of the same name, on the Moray Frith. It became a burgh of barony under the Grants, and is governed by a bailie. Part of the inhabitants are engaged in the coasting- trade, and there is a manufacture of thread. The village, which has a population of near 2,000, contains a post-office, two commercial branch banks, and several schools. There are quarries of a species of jasper, called Portsoy marble, also of a flesh-coloured granite, which contains a scarce variety of felspar, equal in brilliancy to the Labrador spar. Asbestos, rock cork, soapstone, puddingstone, graphite, lime crystals, and many other minerals are found. The par. is in the presb. of Fordyce and synod of Aberdeen. The minister has a stipend of 120. There is a school, supported by the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge, also two other schools, one of which is partially en- dowed. A regular weekly market is held here. POBTSTEWART, a post-office vil. in the par. of Agherton, within the libs, of Coleraine, co. London- derry, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 4 miles N.N.W. of Coleraine. It is a station on the Belfast and N ortheru Counties railway. It is situated at the mouth of the river Bann, and is a bathing-place and fishing station. The parish church is situated in the village. POKTSWOOD AND HIGHFIELD, a tythg. in the par. of South Stoneham, borough of Southampton, co. Hants, 2 miles N.E. of Southampton, its post town, and of which it is a suburb. It is a station on the London and South-Western railway. It is an in- creasing and flourishing district. There are many villas in the neighbourhood. The living is a perpet. cur. * in the dioc. of Winchester, val. 270, in the patron, of the bishop. Christ Church has a spired tower containing two bells. It was erected in 1847, at an outlay of 4,000, and a further sum of 1,000 was expended in 1856 upon its enlargement. There is a National school for both sexes, erected in 1848, which has since been enlarged. The Independents have a place of worship at Highfield, and the Baptists one at Bevois Hill. POETUMNA, a small post and market town in the par. of Lickmolassey, bar. of Longford, co. Galway, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 39 miles S.E. of Galway, and 112 from Dublin. It is situated near the head of Lough Derg, on the river Shannon. Not many years ago this spot was an assemblage of wretched dwellings, but is now an improving place, containing a church, a Eoman Catholic chapel, a brewery, mills, &c. The corn trade is briskly carried on. There is a chief police station, and petty sessions are held at intervals. There are still some remains of a friary, which was founded here in the 15th century, also ruins of De Burgh's Gustlo, in which a council was held by the Earl of 'Strafford in 1634. The Marquis of Clanricarde is the proprietor of the town through the Mortimer and De Burgh families, who held it by grant of Henry III. Saturday is market day. Fairs are held on 15th February, 6th May, 15th August, 17th October, and loth November. POETUBLIN, a creek on the coast of co. Mayo, Ireland, near Beuwee Head. It is a coastguard station. POBTWOOD, a ward in the par. of Stockport, hund. of Macclesfield and borough of Stockport, co. Chester, 2 miles from Stockport. It is situated on the river Mersey. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Chester, val. 150, in the patron, of the crown and bishop alternately. PORTYAEBOCK, a creek between Wigtown and Luce bays, co. Wigtown, Scotland, near Barrow Head. POSBUEY, a chplry. in the par. and hund. of Cre- diton, co. Devon, 9 miles N.W. of Exeter, and 2 from Creditou. It is situated in a hollow near the river Creedy. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Exeter. The church is dedicated to St. Luke. POSENHALL, an ext. par. place in the borough of Wenlock, co. Salop, 1 mile S.W. of Broseley. POSLINGFORD, a par. in the hund. of Eisbridge, co. Suffolk, 2 miles N.E. of Clare, its post town. The village, which is of small extent, is situated on a branch of the river Stour, and is wholly agricultural. In the neighbourhood are the ruins known as Chipley Abbey, now converted into a farm dwelling. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Ely, val. 100. The church was reseated in 1852, and has been lately restored. The parochial charities produce about 20 per annum. S. Wear, Esq., is lord of the manor. POSTCOMBE, a chplry. in the par. and hund. of Lewknor, co. Oxford, 2 miles S.E. of Tetsworth. POSTEEN, a tnshp. in the par. of Duffield, hund. of Appletree, co. Derby, 4 miles N. of Derby. It is joined with Shottle to form a township. POSTLING, a par. in the hund. of Hayne, lathe of Shepway, co. Kent, 4 miles N.W. of Hythe, its post town, and 2 N.W. of Westeuhanger railway station. The village, which is of small extent, is situated at the foot of the chalk hills, near the South-Eastern railway, and is wholly agricultural. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Canterbury, val. 246, in the patron -of the arch- bishop. The church, dedicated to SS. Mary and Ehade- gund, is an ancient edifice with a spired tower contain- ing three bells. It is situated in a low and swampy spot, and has recently undergone extensive repairs. The living was once held by the father of Basil Kennet, author of " Eoman Antiquities," who was born here in 1674. The East Kent hounds meet at Postling Lees. William Deedes, Esq., of Saltwood, is lord of the manor and principal landowner. POSTLIP, a hmlt. in the par. of Winchcomb, co. Gloucester, 2 miles S.W. of Winchcomb. It is situated under Cleeve Down, in the Cotswolds. POSTON, LO WEE, a tnshp. in the par. of Munslow, co. Salop, 5 miles N.E. of Ludlow. POSTWICK, a par. in the hund. of Blofield, co. Norfolk, 4 miles S.E. of Norwich, its post town, and 2 W. of the Brundall railway station. The village, which is of small extent, is situated in a dale near the river Yare, or Wensum, which is navigable from Nor- wich to Yarmouth. The parish, which is wholly agri- cultural, is intersected by the road to Norwich, and by the line of the Yarmouth railway. There is a consi- derable extent of marsh. The tithes have been com- muted for a rent-charge of 475, and the glebe comprises 46 acres. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 561. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is an ancient structure, with a lofty square tower. The regis- ter dates from 1570. The parochial charities produce about 16 per annum. The Earl of Eosebery is lord of the manor, and, with the exception of the detached marshes near Yarmouth, is owner of all the soil. POTCOTE, a hmlt. in the pars, of Green's Norton and Cold Higham, co. Northampton, 3 miles H.W. of Towcester. POTHEEIDGE, a hmlt. in the par. and hund. of Black Torrington, co. Devon, 2 miles W. of Hather- leigh. It is situated in the vale of the river Torridge, which rises near the Tamar's head. General Monk was born here in 1608. POTING-WITH-WINSEEINGS, a hmlt. in the