Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/556

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6TOAK. TOCKHAM. is a National school for both sexes. Near the tower of the church are to be seen the stone coffins mentioned above. STOAK. See STOKE, co. Chester. STOAT, a hmlt. in the par. of Tidenham, co. Glou- cester, 4 miles N.E. of Chepstow. STOBBS, a vil. in the pars, of Borthwick and Temple, co. Edinburgh, Scotland, 6 miles S._of Dalkeith. It is a station on the North British railway. It is situated on the river South Esk. The chief part of the inhabi- tants are employed in the gunpowder mills, erected in 1794. STOBHILL, a vil. in the tnshp. of Morpeth Castle, en. Northumberland, near Morpeth. STOBHILL, a vil. in the par. of Newbattle and Temple, co. Edinburgh, Scotland, 4 miles S. of Dal- keith. There is a Free Church preaching station. STOBHILL-ENGINE, a vil. in the par. of Cockpen, co. Edinburgh, Scotland, 8 miles S.E. of Edinburgh, in the valley of the South Esk. STOBO, or STOB-HOW, a par. in the co. of Peebles, Scotland. The surface is chiefly hilly, some of the hills rising 1,600 feet above sea-level. The land adjacent to the Tweed and the Lyne is well cultivated, and some of it planted, but the hilla are mostly covered with heath. There are extensive slate quarries, from which the dark blue slate is obtained which covers most of the houses of the new town of Edinburgh. There are two bridges over the Water of Lyne, which is the boundary on the E. between this parish and those of Newlands, Lyne, and Peebles. The village of Stobo is about 5 miles S. W. of Peebles, or 6J by the Symington branch of the Cale- donian railway, which has a station here. The village stands at the confluence of the rivers Lyne and Weston, near Stobo Hopes and Pyked Stane mountains. At Sheriff Muir, an uncultivated heath, is a large round cavity called the Pinkie's Hole, also several Druid stones. The principal seats are Stobo Castle and New Posso. This par. is in the presb. of Peebles, and synod of Lothian and Tweedale. The stipend of the minister is about 158. The parish church is of great antiquity. STOBORO'CJGH, a lib. in the par. of Holy Trinity and borough of Wareham, co. Dorset, half a mile S. of Wareham. STOCK, a par. in the hund. of Chelmsford, co. Essex, 2 miles N.E. of Billericay, and 3 S.E. of Ingatestone. It was formerly a hamlet of Buttsbury. The land, which is fertile, is chiefly arable. Fine clay for brick- making is found in abundance. The Essex Union hounds meet in this parish. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Rochester, val. with that of Eamsdon Bellhouse 658. The church, dedicated to All Saints, contains the recumbent figure of a knight in armour. The Inde- pendents have a chapel. There is a National school, built in 1839. The parochial charities produce about 25 per annum, of which 14 belongs to Tweedy's alms- houses. STOCK, a tythg. in the par. of Calne, co. Wilts. STOCK, a hmlt. in the par. of Bracewell, West Hiding co. York. STOCK AND BRADLEY, a chplry. in the par. of Fladbury, middle div. of Oswaldslow hund., co. Wor- cester, 6 miles S.E. of Droitwich, its post town, and 4 E. of the Droitwich railway station. The living is a cur. annexed to the rect. of Fladbury, in the dioc. of Wor- cester. The church has a tower containing three bells. There is a clothing club. STOCKBRIDGE, a par., post, and market town in the upper div. of Thorngate hund., having separate jurisdiction, but locally in co. Hants, 9 miles N. of .Romsey, and 9 N. W. of Winchester. It is a station on the Andover and Southampton branch of the London and South- Western railway. It is situated on the river Test and the Andover and Redbridge canal, the former being celebrated for its trout fishing. It is a petty ses- sions town, and until disfranchised by the Reform bill returned two members to parliament. The town con- sists of one long street, forming part of the great western road, with the townhall standing nearly in the centre. There were formerly numerous small bridges over the branches of the Test, which intersect the main street, but these have recently been taken down except one, and the whole has been arched over. In this parish are the union poorhouse and a police station, also two extensive training establishments for race horses. The Houghton fishing club is held at the Grosvenor Arms, which is also used by the members of the Bibury racing club, removed hither from Gloucestershire. The pre- paration of parchment and glue afford employment to a few persons, but the chief business is in agricultural produce. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Win- chester, val. 198. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, is an ancient edifice, with a tower containing four bells. There is a parochial school. The Independents have a chapel. The race-stand is situated near Dane- bury-hill camp, under which is the course, recently formed in the adjoining parishes of Wallop and Long- stock. Lord Clarendon is lord of the manor. Market day is on Thursday. A fair for the sale of lambs is held on 10th July. The "races are in June. STOCKBRIDGE, a hmlt. in the par. of Bentley, West Riding co. York, 2 miles N. of Doncaster. It is situated on the Lancashire and Yorkshire railway. STOCKBURY, a par. in the hund. of Eyhorne, lathe of Aylesford, co. Kent, 4 miles S.E. of Rain- ham, 7 N.E. of Maidstone, and 5 S.W. of Sitting- bourne. It contains the hmlts. of Yelsted, Hill Green, and Bozair. The land is partly in hop-grounds and woodland. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Can- terbury, val. 243, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester. The church, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, contains the tomb of Dr. Thorpe, the editor of the "Registrum Roffense." A great part of the chancel and N. transept having been destroyed by fire in 1836, the whole has been rebuilt. The parochial charities produce about 15 per annum. There is a National school for both sexes. The Dissenters have a chapel. A pleasure fair is held on the 2nd August. STOCK-CROSS, an ecclesiastical district in the par. of Speen, co. Berks, near Newbury. STOCKELD, a hmlt. and tnshp. in the par. of Spot- forth, upper div. of Claro wap., West Riding co. York, 2 miles N.W. of Wetherby. Here is a singularly- formed rock, 65 feet in diameter, and 30 in height. Stockeld Park is the principal residence. STOCKERSTON, a par. in the hund. of Gartree, co. Leicester, 2J miles S.W. of Uppingham, its post town, and 6 N. of Medbourn Bridge railway station. The village, which is small, is situated on the river Eye, which separates it from Rutlandshire. The land is divided betwixt pasture, wood, and arable. The uoil is chiefly clay. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Peter- borough, val. 215. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, has a square tower containing three bells. It has some stained windows. The Hall is the principal residence. J. Walker and G. Bellairs, Esqs., arc lords of tho manor. STOCKETT, a tnshp. in the par. of Ellesmere, co. Salop, 3 miles S. of Ellesmere. It is joined with Ken- wick. STOCK-GAYLAND, or STOKE, a par. in the hund. of Brownshall, Sturminster div. of co. Dorset, 5 miles W. of Sturminster-Newton, its post town, and 4 S. of Stallbridge. The parish is bounded on the N. by tho river Caundle, and is intersected in the S. by tho Lidden. The land is chiefly in pasture. There was once a chantry at Watton Court. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Sarum, val. 194. The church, situated in the Park, is an ancient structure, and contains the effigy of a Knight Templar. The parochial charities pro- duce about 10 per annum. There aro day and Sunday schools, supported by the Rev. H. F. Yeatman, LL.13., who is lord of the manor. Stockton House is the prin- cipal residence. STOCKHAM, a tnshp. in the par. of Runcom, hund. of Bucklow, co. Chester, 3 miles N.E. ot i'rod- fiham.