Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/627

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TARDEBIGG. 615 TARRANT-HINTON. TARDEBIGG, a par. chiefly in tho upper div. of Hulfshire hund., co. Worcester, but partly in the Alcoster div. of Barlichway hund., co. Warwick, 3 miles S.E. of Bromsgrove, its post town, and 2 S. of the Blackwell railway station. The village is situated on the Worcester and Birmingham canal, and on the Birmingham and Bristol railway. The par. includes the town of Redditch and the hmlts. of Bentley, Pauncefoot, Webheath, and Tutnall. The soil is rich and productive, and the sub- soil abounds in building-stone. The manufacture of needles and fish-hooks is extensively carried on at Red- ditch [which see]. Tho living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Worcester, val. 590. The church, dedicated to St. Bar- tholomew, has monuments of the earls of Plymouth, and of Lady Anna Maria Cookes. It was rebuilt by Act of Parliament in 1776. There are various charities, which are distributed to the poor yearly. Thera are chapels at Ridditch for Roman Catholics, Wesleyans, and Inde- pendents, and National schools for both sexes, supported by the Baroness Windsor, of Hewell Grange, who is lady of the manor. TARF, several trout streams of this name in Scotland : one rises in Loch Whinnion, and joins the Dee near Kirkcudbright ; another rises in the Grampians, and joins the river Tilt near Loch Tilt, in Atholl ; and a third rises in Loch Tarf, co. Inverness, and falls into Loch Ness. TARFSIDE, a hmlt. in the par. of Lochlee, co. Forfar, Scotland, 17 miles N. of Forfar, on the braes of Angus, near tho rivers Lee and Tarf. TARLAND AND MIGV1E, an united par. in the district of Kincardine O'Neil, co. Aberdeen. It extends ia length about 12J miles, with a breadth of 7 3 miles, and is in four detached portions, the most important Containing the vil. of Tarlaud. The general surface of tho parish is hilly, but that portion lying around the village is well cultivated. The soil of the arable lands is of a clayey and loamy nature. The prevailing rock is granite. In the vicinity are ruins of a castle, formerly the seat of tho earls of Marr, and traces of Druidical temples. The village of Tarland, which is a burgh of barony, is about 9 miles N.E. of Ballater, and 31 W. of Aberdeen. It is situated oa the burn of Tarland, near the river Don, and nearly central of the district of Cromar. In 1830, a new course was cut for the burn. In the village are branches respectively of tho Union Bank of Scotland and the Aberdeen Banking Company, also a savings-bank. A sheriff small-debt court is held four times a year. This par. is in tho prcsb. of Kincardine O'Neil, and synod of Aberdeen, and in the patron, of the crown. Tho stipend of the min- ister is about 177. There are two parish churches, one situated at Tarland, and the other at Migvie. There are a Free-church preaching station, and a parochial school. The principal seats are, Skellator, Invorernon, Condacraig, and Edinglassie. Fairs are held on the Wednesday prior to the 5th January, on the last Wed- nesday in February (old style), on the Wednesday before and tho Wednesday after tho 26th May, on the Friday in Juno after St. Sair's, on the Friday alter Old llayne, and on the Tuesday after the 22nd November. TARLETON, a par. in the huud. of Leyland, co. Lancaster, 8 miles N.E. of Ormskirk, and 9| S.W. of Preston. Chorley is its post town. The village is situated on tho river Douglas, near Tarlcton Moss. This parish, formerly a chapelry in the parish of Croston, is separated into three divisions, viz., Tarletpn, Holmes, and Sollom. The soil is loamy and moss, with a subsoil of clay. The living is a rect. *in the dioc. of Manchester, val. 800. The church, dedicated to St. John or St. Mary, was rebuilt in 1719. The parochial charities pro- duce about 37 per annum, of which 29 go to a school. There are a school of industry and an infant school. The parish is skirted by the Leeds and Liverpool canal. Sir T. G. Hesketh, Bart., of Rufford Hall, and G. A. L. Kuck, Esq., of Bank Hall, are lords of the manor. Fairs are held on the 23rd and 24th April. TARMON, or TERMON, a hmlt. in the bar. of Erris, co. Mayo, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 7 miles S.S.W. of Binghamstown. It is situated on Blacksod Bay, near Tarmon Hill, and is a coastguard station with a pier. TARMON, a stream of co. Donegal, Ireland, rises under Crockinnagoe mountains, and falls into Lower Lough Erne. TARNACRE, or TARNICAR, a hmlt. in tho par. of St. Michael-on-Wyre, hund. of Amounderness, co. Lan- caster, 4 miles S.W. of Garstang. It is joined with Upper Rawcliffe to form a township. TARNTIE, an ancient par. of co. Perth, Scotland, now joined to Trinity Cask. TARPORLEY, a par., post, and market town, in tho first div. of Eddisbury hund., co. Chester, 10 miles S.E. of Chester, and 2 N. of Beeston station on the Chester and Crewe railway. It is situated on the old coach road from Chester to London, near the Nantwich canal. The par. includes tho tnshps. of Eaton, Rushton, Tarporley, and Utkinton. It is a polling place for the S. div. of the county. The town, which is old, is well built, and consists chiefly of one winding street about half a mile in length, which is well paved. Two miles S. of the town are the ruins of Beeston Castle, standing on a rock of its own name. Tarporley was formerly governed by a mayor, but since 1348 two constables only are ap- pointed. It is a meet for tho Cheshire hounds. The population of tho parish ia 1861 was 2,577, and of tho town, 1,212. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Ches- ter, val. 704. The church, dedicated to St. Helen, has monuments and effigies, some of which are of great antiquity. The parochial charities produce about 208 per annum. There is a school for both sexes. Tho Wesleyans, Primitive Methodists, and Baptists, have chapels. A literary institution was established in 1851. Sailer's Well House and Portal Lodge are the prin- cipal residences. Market day is on Thursday. Fairs are held on the 1st May, the first Monday after 24th August, and the 1 1th December, for cattle. TARRABY, a tnshp. in the par. of Stanwix, ward of Eskdale, co. Cumberland, 1 mile N.E. of Carlisle. TARRANSAY, an island in the par. of Harris, co. Inverness, Scotland, lj mile from Grodernish. It is situated off the entrance to West Loch-Tarbert. Tho island extends in length 4J miles from E. to W., with an extreme breadth of upwards of 2 miles. It comprises two peninsulated hills, which rise to an altitude of 800 feet above sea-level. Gneiss and granite are the pre- vailing rocks. Its inhabitants are chiefly engaged in. the fisheries. TARRANT CRAWFORD, or PRESTON CRAW- FORD, a par. in the hund. of Badbury, East Shaston div., co. Dorset, 3^ miles S.E. of Blandford, its post town, and 6. N.W. of Wimborne. The village is situated near tho river Stour, which is here joined by the Tar- rant. It had formerly a Cistercian nunnery, founded by Ralph de Kahaines in the reign of Richard I., and rebuilt by Bishop Poor in 1230. It was the burial-placo of Joan, Queen of Scotland, and of Joan, Princess of Wales. Tho living is a don. in the dioc. of Sarum, val. 50. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. F. S. Drax, Esq., is lord of the manor. TARRANT-GUNTILLE, a par. in the hund. of Cranborne, co. Dorset, 6 miles N.E. of Blandford-Forum, its post town. Tho village is situated about a mile from the Great Western road. The par. includes Stubhampton, Gunyille, and Eastbury. The greater part of the sur- face is in downs, common, and coppice wood. The soil is in general light, upon a subsoil of chalk. The living is a rect.* in tho dioc. of Sarum, val. 448, in tho patron, of University College, Oxford. Tho church, dedicated to St. Mary, has recently been restored and enlarged. J. J. Farquharson, Esq., is lord of the manor. Henry VIII. assigned this manor as part of the dowry to his queens Catherine Howard and Catherine Parr. TARRANT-HINTON, a par. in the hund. of Pim- perne, co. Dorset, 4| miles E. of Blandford, its post town. The village is situated at the head of the river Tarrant. Remains of a Roman villa and many ancient coins have been discovered. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Sarum, val. 370. Tho church has a square tower con-