Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/755

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WANDELL. 743 WANSFORD. eludes the hmlts. of Hawpit and Nythe. Wanborough was formerly called Wodensbury. The manor came from the St. Amanda, after the Conquest, to the Lovells. The living ia a vie.* in the dioc. of Gloucester and Bristol, val. 375, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Winchester. The church is dedicated to St. An- drew. The parochial charities produce about 12 per annum. There is a National school for both sexes. The Wesleyans have a chapel. Ambrose Goddard, Esq., and the President and Fellows of Magdalen College, are lords of the manor. WANDELL, an ancient par. in the upper ward of co. Lanark, Scotland, now joined to Lamingtoune. WANDESLEY, a limit, in the par. of Annesley, co. Notts; 8 miles N.W. of Nottingham, in Sherwood Forest, near Newstead Abbey. WANDLE, a stream of co. Surrey, rises near Croydon, and joins the Thames at Wandsworth. WANDSWORTH, a par., town, and suburban district of the metropolis, in the W. div. of Brixton hund., co. Surrey, 3J miles from Vauxhall Bridge, and 5 S.W. of St. Paul's Cathedral. It has stations on the South- western, London and Brighton, and London, Chatham, and Dover railways. It ia situated on tho road from London to Kingston, at the confluence of the river Wandlo with the Thames, from which circumstance it derives its name. It is mentioned in Domesday book, and rose into importance on the settlement of tho Dutch and French Protestants here in the reign of Louis XIV., tho former of whom introduced the pin manufacture, and tho latter that of hata. The par. has been divided into tho two ecclesiastical livings of All Saints and St. Ann, and includes the hmlt. of Garrett, where the mock elec- tion of tho Mayor of Garvatt, or Garrett, was formerly celebrated, and tho ecclesiastical district of Summers Town. The population in 1861 was 13,346. Tho principal public buildings are the county court-house, recently erected in South-street ; the county lunatic asylum, built in 1842 ; the bridge, rebuilt in 1757 ; the savings-bank ; police-court of the V division ; St. Peter's Hospital, or Fishmongers' almshouses, at East Hill, built in 1850, at a cost of 25,000; the Patriotic Asylum, for female orphans of soldiers, situated on the common, and tho Boys' Home, iu High-street, for tho training of 100 destitute children. There are extensive paper-mills on the Wandle, built by Mr. M'Murray, three corn-mills, two distilleries, a brewery, scarlet dye, oil, white-lead, and vinegar works, hat factories, and a factory for bolting cloths being the only one in the kingdom. The county court is held monthly, on the second Thursday in each month. The Poor-law Union comprises six parishes, within the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court, and V divi- sion of tho metropolitan police. Tho livings of All Saints and St. Ann are both vies. * in the dioc. of Win- chester, val. 360 and 800 respectively. The church of All Saints was rebuilt in 1780, with tho exception of tho tower, which is old. It contains a brass of 1420 and the tomb of Alderman Smith, or " Dog Smith," a great benefactor of the town. The church of St. Ann was built in 1826, at a cost of 14,600. There is also tho district church of Summers Town, just completed, tho living of which is a perpet. cur., val. 120. The register dates from 1603. There are chapels belonging to various denominations, a parochial library, National, Sunday, and other schools. The Society of Friends have a ceme- tery in this pariah. The parochial charities produce about 500 per annum, including 170, tho rent of the church estate. A fair was lately held on Whit-Monday Mid two following days for the sale of cattle and horses. WANGFORD, a hund. in co. Suffolk, contains the }><tra. of Bursham, Boccles, Bungay Holy Trinity and St. Mary, North Cove, Ellongh, South Elmham All Saints, South Elmham St. Cross, South Elmham St. James, South Elmham St. Margaret, South Elmham St. Michael, South Elmham St. Nicholas, South Elmham St. Peter, Flixton, Homersfield, Ilketshall St. Andrew, Ilketshall St. John, Ilketshall St. Margaret, Ilketshall St. Lawrence, Jlettingham, Redisham, Kingsfield, Shad- ingfield, Shipmeadow, Sotterley, Weston, Willingham, Worlingham, and part of Henstead ; comprising an area of 35,540 acres. WANGFORD, a par. and post town in the hund. of BIything, co. Suffolk, 4 miles N.W. of Southwold, and 5 N.E. of Halesworth. The village is situated on a branch of the river Blythe, on the road from London to Yarmouth. The par. includes the hrnlt. of Honham. Here was formerly a Cluniac priory, a cell to Thetford, founded by Doudo Asini, or by Eudo Dapifer, in the middle of the 12th century, and which at the suppression had a revenue valued at 30 9. 5d. Traces of tho build- ings are still to be seen on the S. side of the church. The principal residence is Henham Hall. The living ia a perpet. cur. with that of Henham annexed, in tho dioe. of Norwich, val. 79. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, contains some monuments of the Stradbroko family. The register dates from 1660. The parochial charities produce about 5 per annum. There are Na- tional and day schools for both sexes, and a Sunday- school. The Independents and Primitive Methodists have each a chapel. The Earl of Stradbroko is lord of the manor. WANGFORD, a par. in tho hund. of Lackford, co. Suffolk, 2J miles S.W. of Brandon Ferry, its post town, and 7 N.E. of Mildenhall. Tho parish is traversed by tho road from London to Lynn, by way of Mildenhall. Tho land is partly in rabbit-warrens. Tho living is a rect. annexed to that of Brandon, in the dioo. of Ely. Tho church is dedicated to St. Denis. The principal resi- dence is Wangford Hall. WANLIP, a par. in the hund. of West Goscote, co. Leicester, 4J miles N. of Leicester, its post town, 3 S.E. of Mountsorrel, and 1J mile from the Syston railway station. The village is situated on the river Soar, hero crossed by a bridge, and forming part of the Moltou- Mowbray navigation. The Roman Fosse Way passed through the parish, near which pavements, urns, and other antiquities have been discovered. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Peterborough, val. 336. Tho church, dedicated to St. Nicholas, was built in the reign of Richard II. The interior contains a brass to Sir T. Walsh. The parochial charities produce about o per annum. There is a National school, erected by Lady Palmer in 1839. Sir G. J. Palmer, Bart., is lord of the manor. WANLOCKHEAD, a town in tho par. of Sanquhar, district of Nithsdale, co. Dumfries, Scotland, 8 miles N.E. of Sanquhar, and 1J mile S. of Leadhills. It ia situated at tho head of the river Wanlock, on a hill rising 1,380 feet above sea-level. It contains several lead-mines, belonging to the Duke of Buccleuch, which annually yield about 9,200 bars of lead, and 4,500 of silver. Several minerals, as rock cork, blue copper ore, calamine, and nickel ochre, with many spars, are found. A new church has been recently built by tho Duke of Buccleuch, in lieu of the chapel erected in 1755. There are Free churches at Wanlockhead and Leadhills. Tho miners have the xise of a library. WANNERTON, a hmlt. in the par. of Kidderminster- Foreign, co. Worcester, adjoining Kidderminster. WANSBECK, a river of co. Northumberland, rises near Bellingham, and falls into tho North Sea at North Soaton. WANSFORD, a par. and post town in the lib. of Nassaburgh, co. Northampton, 8 miles N.W. of Peter- borough, and 6 S.E. of Stamford. It is a station on the North- Western railway. The village is situated on tho great N. road from London to York, at the 13-arched bridge over the river Nene, which separates this parish from that of Stibbington, in the county of Huntingdon. It was formerly a chapelry to Thornhaugh. The living is a perpet. cur. annexed to the rect. of Thornhaugh, in the dioc. of Peterborough. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. There is a village school with a small endow- ment. WANSFORD, a tnshp. in the par. of Nafferton, wap. of Dickering, East Riding co. York, 3 miles S.E. of Great Driffield, its post town. Tho village is situated